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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Let's hope that Jackson is right for the team - he can show a little of HIS new-found maturity, too. He is going to be a killer.
  2. I quite like Viney out of the centre as he can be a clog to ball movement. When there is space for him, he'll run and carry before disposal, gaining metres and possible targets ahead. His penetration can be improved this way, I reckon.
  3. Nearly ... in Lockhardt, Harmes and Smith rotating forward; Picket could be managed for a rest.
  4. Imagine the benefits of having Smith rotating into the forward line when we need goals. Yes, he did a good job on Himmelberg last night.
  5. Across his game sets so far, I am really quite pleased with Brown's lead-up nouse; he goes to space quite a distance and presents a good target for the positive carriage of the ball from the backs, the flanks and into the hot zones. Well done last night, Brownie!
  6. That is to protect Goodwin - there is no other reason. The media will wish to expose insights into our thoughts (the spectators and supporters) on his coaching record and its transference to onfield success and skilsets.
  7. Hence, our widespread wish as supporters to rid our team of Goodwin, the current Board, certain players gifted games without acceptable performances, and does the list continue?
  8. This is the tragedy. It hangs over the whole team from recruit to old hand. As I have said before, often: Goodwin has minimised the skill set and the footy careers of so many of our young men in just four years. Those coming into the Club cannot progress to their better abilities and skills because of this handbrake operated by Goodwin for the team to remain mediocre. His game plan, unspecified, unknown, unseen is all that matters to him. Who would have thought that a coach could do this to a team?
  9. This decision-making thing is a coaching responsibility and supervised practice routine. Even our senior players, skilled and experienced, display signs that decisions are often beyond them, hence, the tendency to 'long bomb' or handball to a disaster spot, for example. Imagine a player going into the rooms at half-time in a match after committing several poor decisions and play executions, looking a REAL coach in the eye. It would be ugly. It would also be a step in the direction of insight and learning, as well.
  10. Yes, he did well on Papley and that cannot really be sneezed at - matched him step for step, spoiled, tackled - what more could one ask of a forward mis-placed on the backline by the coach - out of position, out of familiarity, out of kilter. Across the field, it is time for change and common sense - factors not necessarily applied by He Who Knows Best.
  11. I disagree (some matches) that Smith '...is rubbish in the backline...' in consideration of some other backmen we have tried this year. He does muck a few attempts with the ball down there but generally, gets to the ball and does one or two 1%'s if not. I'd rate him a 'serviceable' on occasion, but 'played out of position'. He has only just started having a run with the team this season - so I'd really like to see him down near goals for considerable parts of whatever games he acquires in the near future.
  12. 'Will Goodwin back his usual gameplan or go defensive?' Gee, D-J, what a question. To many of us DL enthusiasts, Goodwin has no gameplan - ever - other than to sit in the coaches box in silence with a bland expression on his face; furthermore, I am not sure if he is sure about 'defensive' because we lose so many games to opportunistic opposition forwards. An ugly game it is likely to be - that's for sure!
  13. Tend to agree - Smith seemed to play reasonably well in a losing team - but there is a need for him to gain a bit more utility at the ball, even though he is not a backman. As for OMac, well, my stance on him is well known. Absolutely useless. The obsession to play him at all is biting back after all these years of tolerating (remotely held) opinion.
  14. Still waiting for the bus, I am also in the queue for not paying membership premiums for 2021. Unless the current Coach goes before the end of the season/year, this long-standing association is over. These decisions are definitely in the hands of the MFC Board and its approach to 'acceptable' governance of the Club, represented by satisfactory - or better - onfield performances of one small footballing department. Goodwin has been the last straw, preceded (just) by the management of the current Board.
  15. Bur wait, RBMB, you forgot the indefinable 'lessons' !!!!!
  16. ....and he (Goodwin) will withdraw during the season...how dare someone or a whole football team criticize my judgment..leaving the MFC rudderless, even more desperate and flat broke. Goodwin needs to fall on his small sword, doing the right thing by tens of thousands of Members and supporters, and several hundred past and present players whose lives he has negatively affected.
  17. These are overdue changes, with rotations in mind. Should have happened weeks ago - before Max's injuries became debilitating and before OMac got a jumper. Amongst some of the others already in the team, I have a little more faith in the likes of Hunt, Baker, Vandenberg, Preuss as rotators, with a good deal of faith in Tomlinson rotations from wing to BPkt. Lever does not perform reliably in a KDP - he needs to be a utility intercept provided he keeps moving when about to kick the pill - not stop and prop for a signalled disposal. Such changes keep the opposition keen across a game; such incoming pace and muscle are wise moves but it took the fans to express this before Goodwin took notice and acted (for a change). Lockwood unlucky; hope Bedford fires and Viney stays out of the way in space.
  18. Just as meaningless as his usual rhetoric and comments. Goodwin stands for a good-winning-wicket, nothing else. He does not have the players firing, he does not have a clue how to get the players working together across the field. Bye, bye, Goodwin; bye, bye, half our list and for those on the list who have been around for a while now, as a longstanding Member, I apologise for this Club association you have endured. The Board of the MFC won't.
  19. I'd reckon that Smith will get some forward time - at least he made the squad. There are some possibilities here - a few swapsies here and there after the starting siren and a few swings of players to take advantage of any options or opportunities as these arise. If we're lucky, a few different moves may well eventuate ... pace and height, run and carry is evident. Keep Viney out of the midfield, he is a utility now with attitude. The Beast must demonstrate mongrel against Freo.
  20. We really should provide greater opportunities and numbers onfield for all of our young 'uns, to give them experience across the rest of the year, resting key, core players outside of team training - rotational, if necessary. Our best 22 is a myth, anyway. We will never have a 'best 22' under Goodwin. Keep them in contact with the game and on their toes by all means; flood the rest of the team with those without much experience.
  21. ...and then the dog comes along and urinates on the tomatoes.
  22. Forgive my gross ignorance. Thank you for straightening out my errant considerations. ?
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