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Face Your Demons

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Everything posted by Face Your Demons

  1. Gee they got that story up on the AFL site quick
  2. Would not want to be the Port coach. Or play for them.
  3. As you said it another thread. You have to earn the right to play in a blockbuster. we have not.
  4. Why have The Bye dropped Sack The Coach. Not tanking are they
  5. Maybe it should be the Grand Final replay each year. Reward for last year.
  6. Yes still have nightmares about it.
  7. I still have nightmares over that Sydney game. You know the one, swans have losts 26 in a row play Melbourne and pump us.
  8. Let him play this week and drop him the week after.
  9. Bring on the Suns, "And I'm not very confident about it"
  10. A win is a win is a win, even if it is by about 80 points less then i hoped.
  11. Whiteboard Wednesday!!! Wonder how they rated us against the Lions. still three quarters to go.
  12. the Sub will become a specialist role, at the moment they play well and are stright into the starting 18 the following week. One club will make the sub a forward who can come on at 3 quarter time kick a few quick goals and win a match. Of course as long as the sub is not needed early to cover an injury.
  13. Feel we can win the next five, almost have to win them. Then need to win 3 out of the next 5 to prove we are going forward. Long way off but looking forward to the Queens b/day game
  14. Right on the money Mr Rhino Richard.
  15. After the way he was booed all day i would have stuck more than a finger up
  16. Every teams going to get smashed at some time guys. As bad as yesterday was (third quarter as bad as it gets) it is going to get a lot better and very soon.
  17. That was one very very sad game of football. And that second quarter really just made the 2nd half all the worst.
  18. This is bad BUT still not as bad as the first game last year. Its only been the one quarter that went pear shaped. Mind you it was one hell of a pear. won 2 quarters lost one by a point and lost the other by, oh [censored] 9 goals
  19. Thank christ the Dawks can't kick stright
  20. I never give up on this team just run it out
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