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Rodney (Balls) Grinter

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Posts posted by Rodney (Balls) Grinter

  1. 15 hours ago, Deebauched said:

    I will go back to THAT kick by Lever to Max infront of Geelongs wall of defenders in the last round at the cattery. The ball had to go exactly where it ended up or likely no mark no goal no win.

    The oldest players in the Geelong side knew we were going to win the flag. You could tell by their body language when they mingled with the dees players. Winners respect winners.

    Geelong knew.

    I recently re-watched the last 45mins of that game in Geelong and James Harmes contribution to that win is somewhat underrated and unnoticed.  He didn't do the most silky things, but he was in it everywhere contesting the ball, laying tackles, generally getting involved in the play in positive ways and not giving up when the game looked gone.  He wasn't the only one, but seemed to me to be one of the main culprits, along with guys like Gus, Gawn, ANB, Oliver etc.

    Guys like that can be a pretty important part of the fabric of the team.  It was sad seeing his deminished form this season.  It would have been nice for him to be a one club player, but I wish him all the best at the Bulldogs.

    At least he racked up 100+ with us and hopefully we are still his spiritual home for a potential future father son/daughter.

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  2. On 06/12/2023 at 09:01, Katrina Dee Fan said:

    Blatantly obvious that that's what they were doing, all in the name of ensuring the AFL got their dream of a Collingwood premiership.  

    Yeah, at the same time as putting in their token 'protect the head' effot in an attempt to legally indemnify them down the track.

  3. 5 hours ago, leave it to deever said:

    It's interesting.

    Because as much as I condemn the whole violent episode, I'm secretly hanging out for the revenge game.

    In a completely fair and flattening event of course.

    Just Lots and lots of smothering.

    And maybe sometimes on the ball.


    I feel there is a primevil human motivation for vengeance and violence against Collingwood the next time we play them.  The logical part of my brain says it may not be the right one, but the emotive part definitely feels that way.

    When I do think about it more deeply, what I think would satisfy this lust for blood is to categorically demolish Collingwood on the scoreboard every time we play them for the next decade, leaving their low life supporter group humiliated, depressed and bring home the flag next year in a totally dominant season from start to finish.

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  4. 1 hour ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    I have a son the same age as Clarrie, and I know that Michelle (his mum) was extremely upset with the media pile-on, especially since she had other upheavals with which she was burdened at the time. I spoke to Clarrie exactly how I would’ve spoken to my own son. After all, these boys are people first, footballers second. 

    Totally agree and this is why as I suspected, the exchange was something of a reflection on you as well WCW.

    If only the media would remember the last bit.  So much of the time the seem to be reported on like they are objects, there for our entertainment, the sponsors and media.

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  5. On 29/11/2023 at 10:58, WalkingCivilWar said:

    I actually did tell him exactly that! He appeared outta nowhere (my umbrella means no peripheral vision) and I knee-jerked and yelled out, “CLARRIE!!!” He said “how are ya?” I said, “better now that I’ve seen you here!” Dave, the physio called him to go and as he walked away I yelled out, “We love you Clarry!” He actually responded, “I love you, too.” 😅 Afterwards he came over and we had an awesome chat. It’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him. He told me about his 10 days with Chin and his family. I said, “Kade’s a great kid.” Clarrie says, [censored] oath he is!” That’s so Clarrie.  😁 He reckons he needs to lose five kilos. I said, “where the hell from?” He patted his belly. He ran off with the physio and when he came back to the fence he said, “you’re still here.” I said, “Yep, got a problem with that, fat-guts?” He laughed and said, “you’re a real fan” meaning because of the weather. I said I most definitely am. He pointed to his temple and said, “We remember this.” I mean, we hear things like this from the girls all the time. It’s rare that one of the boys say it.

     I’m back again. We just chatted again. He’s so funny. I said I’d better step back from him lest I take his eye out with my umbrella. Dave said, “geez imagine if that happened!” and we laughed. Clarrie says, “it wouldn’t matter, I’ve got two.” Then I said, “seriously Clarrie, you need to know us supporters love you so much, we’ve got your back, we always have and we always will, and we’ll always love you.” He said, “well someone has to” (love him). Before I could say anything he quickly added, “nah, thanks for that.” 

    Just to add one more to those saying what a great post this is WCW and how it lifted my spirits Re the mighty Red and Blue.

    I also think it's amazing that given all that's gone on with the media, Clarry would be so open and happy to have an exchange like that with you.  Think it say something about both of you.

    Clarry does seem to be a pretty simple country lad at heart - just open and straight down the line, no BS.  Think he and the club made the right decision to stick by each other.  Can't wait to see what he and the boys can produce this season with him back to his normal self physically and mentally.

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  6. On 29/11/2023 at 13:49, Dee Boys said:

    Rivers and Woey have gone to new levels physically. Really excited to see where Rivers can get to this year, he was a real standout while I was there.

    We all know Rivers is a star, but I'm really excited to see where Woey can go this season as well. 

    Wasn't really expecting him to get a game last year based on the reports comming out of his performances at Casey (i.e. some good stuff, but not setting the World on fire).  But when Woey got his crack at AFL level, he looked the part almost instantly and I thought he did some really classy stuff.

    A bit of AFL body size and strength was perhaps all Woey was lacking last season, so he could really make an impact this year if he can work his way into the side.

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  7. 18 hours ago, Demonland said:

    According to Jason Taylor on the Demonland Podcast he was tried up Forward and in Defence (in addition to the Ruck) during the Under 16 National comp.

    JT obviously keeping a keen eye on the lad.  Does the quality and potential of Kalani partly explain why we haven't recruited more developing ruck depth at the recent draft and trade period?

    If he's anywhere near as good as his old man, he could be a genuine ruck replacement for Max not too long after I'd expect Max to be in a 'retirement window'

    I do fret a bit though and just hope we don't get dudded like we did with Mac Andrew, with a change to accademey and father son rules that makes it difficult or impossible for us to recruit Kalani.

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  8. 18 hours ago, Demonland said:


    So I just wounder how important the seemingly good state of the keeping the past players engauged has been to this?

    From what I understand Rod Ginter and Paul Hopgood? have been very active and really revitalized that group.  Also woundering if family are invited to the events and if not, would that be a good idea?

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  9. 6 hours ago, The heart beats true said:

    You’ve really got to applaud his professionalism and work ethic. Didn’t get his shot until 23, looked good at the level, gets a season ending injury, delisted, does absolutely everything he can to keep at it, and gets another shot.

    I’ll be cheering extra hard for Marty this year. I love these kinds of stories. It’s good for footy.

    100% and full credit to him (and others like Oscar and Corey Wagner).

    That never say die attitude and personal resilience not to drop your bundle when the chips are down post being delisted is the sort of attitude and culture that we want at the club.

    I think this is also sensible in respects to getting a bit thin for mid - key back depth with Hibbo gone, Petty poised to play mainly key forward and some question marks over the availability of Joel Smith.

    Smart move by the club in my book and good luck to Marty second time around in the mighty red and blue.

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  10. His spot on the list could be considered very marginal, purely from the likelihood he'll spend much of it injured, but I'm stoked the club as kept him on.

    Seems like a great character and I think this move is a great way for the club to repay the faith to Jake.   I don't think it should be forgotten, that Melksham was one of the first developed players of quality that sought out a trade to the MFC, at a time we were pretty much rubbish on the field.  In the years that followed, we picked up Hibbo, Lever, Langdon, Tomlinson & May, but perhaps asides from Bernie Vince, Melky was one of the first.

    If he can get back to his 2023 form, that would be a bonus, but I think this shows how far the club has come from the dark era, when guys like James McDonald, Robbo and others were pushed out the door not on their terms.  Similar for guys like T Mac and BBB, how we treat these guys will have a big bearing on how we continue to move forward as a club.

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  11. 55 minutes ago, dees189227 said:

    I just love the fact we have another father son who I hope succeeds.

    Good luck kynan

    That makes 4 at the club now.

    Can't ever remember us having that many at any other time I've been a follower.

    It's kind of 6 if you include Spargs and Bowey, be it son's from other clubs past players.

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  12. 46 minutes ago, Storm Boy said:


    This is a great interview with Koltyn Tholstrup on 6PR in WA. Koltyn spoke very well and wants to play Round 1 2024. Arriving in Melbourne on Saturday and at training on Monday. 

    Sounds like a great country lad.

    And prononced "Tolstrup".  The H is silent according to dad and gramps apparently.

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  13. 1 hour ago, spirit of norm smith said:

    James Jordon comp- end of 2nd round “42” 

    Cal says Melbourne's pick 42 going to St Kilda for a F3 2024 

    If Saints finish say 8th again , that’s about pick 52 after next years father son and academy picks.  Trading down to a future draft 🤔🤣😤🤡❤️😤🤡🤔hmmmmm? 

    I thought offer to Port for F2 2024. They need to get lower in this draft (!!!) 

    Yeah, I also wounder the logic of this move.

    The only thing I can make of it is, that if we weren't going to use it this draft anyway, then perhaps it will have something is more than nothing currency next year in case we have an academy or F/S in play then.

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  14. 13 hours ago, Demonland said:


    Many have written BBB off from making a meaningful contribution to our season next year.  I must admit I've also lowered my expectations somewhat. 

    Clearly the man himself still has the desire and some belief that he can get his body right and get out on the paddock again.  If we can get even a few good games out of him while Petty retuns, that would be a great bonus. 

    It's probably an ideal scenario in some ways for it to be clear to the likes of JvR to have a mentor still around the place, but one he knows shouldn't get in his way and be keeping him out of the side when he's fully ready to be one of the main men.

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  15. 16 hours ago, M_9 said:

    No need to change Sam. LJ =  Liam Jurrah!

    Luke Jackson helped win us the only flag we've ever won in my lifetime, so that puts him in my favorite MFC 22, but agree Jurrah was bloody incredible to watch.

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  16. 2 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    Been watching some 2021 games.

    Thee is no doubt we played with more freedom in 2021. We were extremely unselfish and looked for other players nearly every time. Lots of pats on the back, helping players up when they were on the ground, stepping in when an oppo player was trying to be tough etc

    That care for our team mates and 'selflessness' disappeared in 2023. Maybe the 2021 hub was conducive to playing like that but thats what we have to get back to.


    I can also attest to what a great tonic it is watching games from 2021.  Have re-watched the GF and PF in recent ( @Demonstone) weeks and it is food for soul.

    The 'veil of negativity' that has started to descend back here on Demonland since late 2022 is becoming quite unenjoyable.

    Here is my take on things:

    1.  You only need to look at what has happened to the other teams that were in our GF and PF to some extent to see how realitively good our form has been since 2021.  The Bulldogs have fallen away badly and Geelong certainly wasn't able to backup as being a true compeditor in 2023.

    2.  I actually think our forward line and ball movement was starting to get back to 2021 type level in the back quarter of our 2023 H&A season.  The game against the Tigers when they were making a late charge, but we still had all of Petty, JvR and Melksham up and about our willingness to share and seek good options around goal was back.  Very few teams would have even remained compeditive as we did with the consistent churn through our forward line this year.


    Max and Goody are in my view exceptional leaders.  Their ability to be both positively focused, while still being harf self critics, compeditive and always looking for improvement is exactly what is needed.  Sucess isn't final, failure isn't fatal, it's the corurage to continue that counts is the sort of mantra I think the epitomize well.

    As an asides, I was reading a few days ago how Trent Cotchin and his wife hoasted Dusty Martin for a period following the chopstick assault saga in 2015.  Perhaps this bodes well for Clarry's stay with the Gawn family.


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  17. On 09/11/2023 at 11:08, Jibroni said:

    Imagine if we drafted him 3 years ago, would be such a different player.

    Def one of the best set shots to play for the MFC. 

    Keep well Jack.

    He was pretty good at connecting with targets inside 50 as well.

    As you suggest, I think he had alot of the attributes that could have made him a valuable contributor to our premiership in 2021 if only he wasn't so scarred and had learnt the right habits from the start.

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  18. Have read the article and think it's about time that the media take note and exercise some 'duty of care' of their own when reporting on issues of a personal nature to players.

    Some of the stuff on Clarry and Joel Smith has been ridiculous.  The same story rehashed multiple times over with a different headline just to get a few extra clicks.  It's money for jam for the media outlets, but has a meaningful impact on the people at the centre of it, that they are selfishly profiting at the expense of.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Lord Travis said:

    Reid is from country Victoria and supports Geelong... Guess who will be a Cat in a few years!

    Take note West Coast - this ups the risk factor for you ten fold.  Time to reconsider that trade of picks with the MFC.

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