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Everything posted by biggestred

  1. Yet Essendon now will happily sheet all blame back to just a few people. It wants us all to believe that Stephen Dank is to blame for virtually everything, and that he is a man not to be trusted. Yet as it discredits him at every turn, it trusts him, and demands that everyone else do so too, when he says he didn't give Essendon players WADA-banned drugs.
  2. http://m.afl.com.au/news/2014-07-09/its-all-about-the-essendon-players Damien barrett recycles caro
  3. i think dank has talked to asada in secret. why else would they not have given him a massive fine/etc etc etc
  4. there is definitely a 2-part tele-movie in this. Or just a movie. actually i think they made it already - it was called Trainspotting
  5. Dank has been presented with the appropriate forum to respond to everything - he was given a show cause notice.......time to actually show cause mate.
  6. Essendon players knew what they had been given, claims Dank old dank reckons they knew what they were given and that the ziggy report is rubbish awkward
  7. I think the AFL might be totally jack of essendon too
  8. public opinion is different to media opinion Most of the public are smart enough to know asada are not the bad guy and that the bad guy is the ones who injected their players with god knows what and then tells them and everyone that it was safe.
  9. The Dean Robinson thing is interesting. Presumably if Essendon get up and have the whole investigation declared null and void then he would be able to sue the pants off them for wrongful dismissal... hahahaha gold
  10. Essendon continues to duck for cover Caro. Bang bang bang bang. Those logic bullets are epic.
  11. I don't disagree. At the very least the players should be suing the crap out of them
  12. My open letter to Essendon president Paul Little Hes got it a bit wrong in that ASADA has to prove to a comfortable satisfaction that an athlete took a banned substance but apart from that pretty much says what everyone is thinking
  13. Lance Armstrong was both a fraud and cyclings most high profile drugs victim
  14. David Evans to reappear in Essendon court case ""I keep hearing quite rightly that Essendon are having counselling meetings with the parents and players and reassuring them they are doing everything and reassuring them that their medical advice is that there are no long-term side effects," he said on 3AW. "I don't know how they can say that because on the other hand both ASADA and Essendon are saying we don't have exact knowledge of what was injected in the clear vials." Those vials were organised by Dank. -doc larkins"
  15. Some Unsolicited Advice to the Essendon Football Club: Shut Up!
  16. So anyway, back to essendon injecting their players multiple times with mutiple unknown substances
  17. Disagree. They are doing it for the players, but so the players dont get bans so they can win games. Thats it.
  18. Essendon Bombers say AFL flouted ‘its duty of care’ This is brilliant. The AFL flouted its duty of care. Amazing. Pure champagne comedy.
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