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Everything posted by titan_uranus

  1. When she was interviewed on the EJ Whitten Legend's game she said Andy had converted her from a Swans supporter to a... Carlton supporter. :angry:
  2. A nice spin on things there Oracle. But even with the majority of those players playing, we failed to fire a shot in Rounds 1 and 2. But I have to agree that in the past 2 years we haven't been able to consistently field our best team, which always prevents success.
  3. From http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...3-19769,00.html I first noticed the connection between Hamish and Melbourne on the footy show a few weeks back. I'm glad we got him on board. Someone with his popularity could really help attract people from younger demographics.
  4. I think that's a good idea Jerry. Hopefully that would make him wake up and realise that if he doesn't do something about his crap form he won't be playing AFL for much longer. For the same reason I reckon he might get dropped this week.
  5. That's what I think. No need to attack a younger player for trying to follow his directions. In fact, I'm not sure how 'selfish' Dunn was. He was probably trying to execute his role in the team. He definitely should have pushed forward to exploit the height difference. But I'm sure he's been tagged by plenty of youngsters who've not done a good job. Horrible umpiring, but it wasn't just him.
  6. Ah, quite obviously I didn't. Sorry Jerry. I wasn't suggesting we should take him.
  7. Well firstly can I say it will be pleasing to see the team on Thursday and see 4 players on the interchange for the first time in months.... Anyway: IN: Petterd, Holland, Wonaeamirri, Green OUT: Newton, Bell, Bartram, Sylvia, If Green not fit then Sylvia stays. Davey's a possibility to get suspended.
  8. Nah mate, there are plenty more problems. 1) Sure, Wheatley can kick long, but that's useless if there aren't any long options or decent marking players there. 2) Sure, CJ can hit targets, but he needs a decent target to kick to. And if that's someone on the boundary line, 20m away, what then does that player do? 3) It's not just us taking kicks, but the way we defend when we kick a behind. We let the ball out way too easily. Either work on a proper zone or a proper manning-up method, because most of the time North (and every other team we've played this year) gets the ball out of defense far too easily.
  9. PJ's a good player, but not a terribly good ruckman. First off, being second to Jamar says something about his ruck ability. Secondly, he doesn't get enough hitouts. However, he definitely makes up for it by hard running, never giving up, and some actually half-decent skills. Like his goal.
  10. 18 (exactly the same age as Maric i.e. same birthday)
  11. I'm really happy with Maric. Looks incredibly sure of himself when he has the ball. Let's just hope injury doesn't get him.
  12. We definitely lacked some spark in the forward line yesterday. I guess it's a reflection on the state of the MFC that we are crying out for a first-year, 10-game rookie listed 19 year old to return to the team.
  13. I thought the umpiring yesterday was really, really bad. Some decisions, made by all three umpires, were just crap. The 50 metre penalty paid against Bartram early on was not a 50 metre penalty IMO. Moreover, later in the game there were a couple of times when I thought, based on that 50, that we could have been given one (Firrito pushed Miller after his mark, someone else got tackled after marking). There was a situation that I and many of those around me thought was a clear holding the ball (against Corey Jones, 3rd quarter I think) that wasn't paid. I'm not for a moment suggesting that this was the reason, or even a reason, for our loss. I am just commenting on an aspect of football. Anyway I think I've ranted on enough here.
  14. Well duh: Brent Prismall can't get a game at Geelong, he would be a walk up start into many other teams, including us. Plenty of players, and good ones at that, can't get a game for those two teams.
  15. Sylvia: there was one stage where Sylvia spoiled another of our players (Valenti maybe): couple that with the Ferguson incident and you see his lack of awareness and sometimes selfish nature. McDonald: how both the HUN and Age put him in our best is beyond me. He was pretty poor yesterday. His motor is down, his kicking was awful (I think overall efficiency for him was 73% or something). Might have been carrying an injury, but I suspect he is coming to an unfortunate end faster than expected.
  16. Argh, this frustrates me more than anything. Someone needs to tell this boy that he's not Superman, that he is a human that other humans can, and often do, catch when you try to run around them.
  17. If Pavlich returns, Freo will win. If not, it will be closer, but I think Freo's form is better.
  18. I have had it with Newton. Get rid of him now. I cannot stand his lack of effort, dropped chest marks and just plain poor body language and overall demeanour. Doesn't give the team anything. Meanwhile Carroll White and Yze are busting a gut at Sandy trying to get back in the seniors. Yes I know Newton's much younger but youth shouldn't be an excuse for no effort. He's meant to be highly skilled: one goal that should have been a pass to Morton doesn't qualify as skilled when you later drop a chest mark. As for Bell: absolutely shocking first half, but a much improved second half. His third quarter was some of the best football he's played in over 12 months. Sylvia should look at how hard Bartram, Buckley and Jones worked yesterday. He should be ashamed with his effort yesterday. I doubt even Y_M could defend him.
  19. Have to disagree there Wrathchild, I've seen Essendon over the past 6 weeks and they're playing great football with a severely undermanned squad. They will beat us soundly next week. As for North, they rotate between quality side, average side, and total crap. And if West Coast play like they did yesterday, we won't beat them either I don't think.
  20. Exactly. End of discussion (I hope).
  21. How about none of the above? This is just a personal thing, and I know it's better financially to sell a home game (or two), but I would prefer to see all our home games at the MCG. I would assume that if we wanted to play a couple in Canberra or Geelong or Casey or wherever then we'd have to sign a contract for x years, thereby consigning us to that location (regardless of how well it works) for x years (a la our Brisbane games). If and when we begin to challenge for the flag (the emphasis being on 'if'), I'd reckon we'd all be complaining about how we'd sold a game to Geelong (practically giving up the 4 points). Maybe it costs us a spot in the 8, or top 4. Yes, I know that's not looking too likely the way it's going, but, for mine, I'd prefer not to see Melbourne selling home games.
  22. Tell you what, if Maric kicks 1 goal and has 10 disposals that'll do me, so long as he tackles and chases.
  23. Well if Petrie's playing in the ruck (which I guess he will do) then maybe PJ will go with him, but I reckon Garland's motor is just as good as Martin's.
  24. This is from the letter to members: Russel Howcroft is one of the regulars on the Gruen Transfer (sits on the far right if you wanna know). From what I've seen of him and his ideas on the show I believe he is one of the finest marketers in Australia's advertising industry. Having him deal with the image of the MFC and our brand I think will help us enormously.
  25. Well in that case I was fine to put Petterd on top then.
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