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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. But it's a 'big ask' that we have to answer if we are going to improve as a side. The Doggies are very beatable and we need to put them to the sword on Saturday night to really take that next step forward. There should really be no excuses.
  2. It's amazing what belief and encouragement from the coaching staff can do to the playing group. Pedersen is a prime example of this. Always had the ability but, like many, was well down on confidence and it showed on the field all too often. He has been terrific this year as he is running hard, has a great pair of hands and is a good kick for his size.
  3. He now reminds me of Kane Tenace. Has the pace but could do little with it. Like you say - needs a mammoth turn around to retain his spot on the list.
  4. Agree 100% - but do we have the resources and the money to do it? Can we get out of the long term deal we signed with the city of Casey?
  5. Bloody brilliant win! Not only will it give us tremendous confidence, but for guys like Chip who want to see where the club is going before he re-signs, this is going to show them that yes, we ARE headed in the right direction and now more than ever is the time to stick with it. Two big games against the Dogs and the Tigers over the next fortnight. If we keep up the level of play from today then we are every chance to win both games.
  6. He meant play again this season.... sheesh...
  7. Would be a fair way to sum up how Spencer gets around the ground. He deserved to miss out, 2 out of the last 3 games he has been smashed.
  8. There seems to be very little 'middle ground' with our supporters here - they are either bagging us out or finding plenty of positives, and then they clash and bang their heads against a wall trying to get the other side to see their point of view. We are somewhere in the middle of both as a team at the moment though. We still have clear deficiencies and we still turn the ball over too much, however, Roos has stuck to his promises already - he said we would know exactly how he wants us to play by Round 5 and he has done that. He has made us a better side and, more importantly, we are actually staying in games rather than being out of them by half time. Some of our players are already showing some genuine improvement across the board (yes, save for a few!) and once we gel better and gain some confidence then some more wins will come. It's a bright future ahead, finally, but it's still going to take patience and a little bit of luck to get there.
  9. Absolutely loved that bit of play. Took the hit on the back fifty, jumped straight up and won the footy which he got forward to Dawes (who should have kicked the goal!). Terrific stuff. To me he is the sort of kid who will get better and better each week as his confidence and self belief grows.
  10. He has been playing at both ends at Casey over the past month. Deserved his chance and certainly didn't lower his colors to his opponent.
  11. Our tall backs were smashed today. McDonald was average at best and Georgiou had an absolute shocker. The sooner Garland returns for him the better as it will give us more leadership, confidence and ability down there. Will echo the sentiments of most, although I'm disappointed to see a few people getting stuck into Jetta today. Thought he had a real dip and used the footy quite well. There were far worse out there than him today.
  12. C&B blew off clinical depression, the most severe form of the illness, as being 'sad'. Stupidity and ignorance all round into one. Stupidity may abound from others but your apparent defense of him, even asking us not to attack him, doesn't make one ounce of sense in this instance.
  13. As Redleg mentions above I think we should move on, however, C&B in his original post attacked Mitch personally for walking away from the game. So why should he be above personal criticism when he was the one to throw the first stone? It was a pathetic post and he shouldn't be defended for it as it wasn't just an opinion, it was also an attack on his character.
  14. Laughable. You linked clinical depression to being sad merely a few posts ago. There is having a controversial opinion, which should always be welcomed, and then there is uneducated gibberish which you are sprouting, which is never welcomed. Have a good, hard look at yourself.
  15. I'm just baffled by it. Either he is 10 years old and has no idea what clinical depression is or he is a complete imbecile. I don't know which one to go for.
  16. True, but those clubs have depth. We don't, and that's why it hits us harder. We need literally our best team out there to compete on a regular basis, and what we have waiting in the magoos isn't good enough when they come in. You take out a few of our key players, particularly forward of the centre, and we struggle BIG time.
  17. You're a childish and ignorant person C&B. This post here shows how little you understand of mental illness and how selfish you are about it. Grow up.
  18. Mitch is a Melbourne man through and through, and for that reason alone I'm proud of him for taking ownership of his illness and making sure he gets himself right for himself and for his family. Takes courage to do it and the man has it in spades. Footy comes last in this situation and I'm glad that he and the club have realised this. All the best Mitch, you were a shining light in some dark days and you wore the #11 jumper with pride. Cheers.
  19. Depends on what we do with the pick. Our strike rate in terms of drafting speaks for itself, and good tall defenders don't just grow on trees. But Chip isn't worth 800k, and I don't think I'd be a fan of the club paying him that either.
  20. Thought this was the best place to put it - Robbo has reported in the HUN that Chip has put an 800k bounty on his head to switch clubs. If someone is willing to pay it and he leaves then we would get a very, very good draft pick in return (if we finish last then we get 1 and 2 for example). Not sure how to feel about this to be honest. Article is here: http://m.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/melbourne-defender-james-frawley-puts-800000-bounty-on-his-head-to-switch-clubs/story-fni5f91a-1226877161611
  21. I think 95% of the posters here would appreciate it if the usual posters don't clog up yet another thread with dick measuring posts and cheap shots. Get over yourselves. Hopefully Hutchy and Robbo are both on the money and that Clark is working towards playing for the club again and not the alternative. Some positive news is just what we need.
  22. To be fair he isn't going to belittle a player in front of the media. He explained the spray, saying that clearly Terlich hadn't heard his instructions the first time, but was then quick to praise him as well to make sure everything wasn't just a negative. He may have copped another spray behind closed doors for all we know.
  23. Just like your wonderful contributions currently? Get a grip.
  24. I'd keep Chip and Howe where they are if we can - they are doing a pretty good job and they aren't the problem. If we can win more clearances and work our arses off to get the ball forward then we can win this.
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