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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Reputation and panic is why there is so much interest. He was highly regarded as a junior and clubs like the Tigers and Pies are desperate for that young key forward that will anchor their forward line for a decade. Not sure if Schache is that guy, but they will go hard at him regardless. It could work out well or blow up in their face. It's the same as Boyd getting a million dollar deal and the Saints taking McCartin over Petracca.
  2. Which key back do you have your eye on this year, Steve? Let's take May and Lever off the table for a moment - who are the key backs that clubs would be willing to let go but that will also make our side better? I agree that it's a need but I'm not sure who we would chase.
  3. I totally agree that Hibberd is a quality player and great pick up, but, he isn't in the same category as a Kelly or a Martin who are the 'gun' pick ups most would be talking about. Technically, Hibberd filled a real need for us across half back but he is also proof that this is what we should be pursuing. We are building a super list and we just need to recruit the right people to fill the holes we have on the ground, such as a key back. I think May is gettable for us and a tier down from a Martin or Kelly, but dollars might be the issue going forward. A team like Hawthorn may be able to offer more.
  4. The club would be doing it's due diligence, but I don't think we're in the market for a 'gun' as such, but would be in the market for players who will complement our list. Who those are is anybodies guess. I know we could probably use another key defender, but outside of Steven May and possibly Jake Lever there isn't a whole lot of quality on the market. We will need to be clever with our strategies to land the players we need.
  5. He'll do his hammy as he tries to chase a rampaging Frost out of the backline in the first 5 minutes of the game.
  6. You're probably not too far from the truth, OD. If he is out for another 8 weeks and then needs to come back through the ressies then it makes it harder for him to get back in the AFL side this year. I think a few have gone past him anyway, although I would assume he is still rated amongst the FD so he may still get his chance if it arises.
  7. I feel like VandenBerg has been 6-8 weeks for 6-8 weeks. Let's hope he's back sometime during this decade.
  8. He loves that stuff. Always pushing the opposition at stoppages and giving them so lip, before he gets first hand on the ball to dart out a handball to set up yet another attacking play. I hope he marries a nice city girl and produces another 6 kids called Chris, Clarence, Carter, Chip, Cooper and Clayton Jr. so we can continue the dynasty for decades to come.
  9. You could argue that the Crows were just as tall, if not taller, during last weekends game and our pressure around the ball meant that they didn't have the time to exploit this. Height is one thing, but using it effectively is another, and if we play like we did last weekend then there is no reason why we can't nullify their taller players as well. Jenkins and Walker barely got a look in and I reckon Brown and Waite will have the same problem come Sunday afternoon.
  10. Yes, he will have served his one match suspension.
  11. Our doctor is saying that he could be back playing footy in 4-8 weeks. This is obviously extremely positive news and further proof that they have caught it very early which is bloody fantastic for Jesse.
  12. Thoughts are with Jesse and his family after what can only be described as a horrible patch in his life. Footy and the club will be here when he's ready, but it's secondary now. We want him to take all the time he needs to be physically and mentally ready to return. He's a strong and fit young man and no doubt he can bounce back positively from this in time.
  13. I had to read that a few times myself - from what I can gather I think he meant to say 'he wanted me to stand still' as the rest of the quote has him talking about being on the move and him 'butting heads' with Neeld over it. Just my assumption though.
  14. It was no doubt a weakness, but then some people are destined to just be great assistant coaches - Neeld must have had some people skills as he was highly regarded by the players at Collingwood, but he just wasn't cut out for the main gig. Brendan McCartney is a classic case of this as well.
  15. He was good in his first few years at the club, but by the time 2012 rolled around he was a slow, one dimensional midfielder whose only asset was a booming kick. He couldn't play anywhere else and he was always horrible in terms of his defensive work and his spread across the ground. He wouldn't have moved the needle much on, or off, the field in terms of our rebuild.
  16. I agree with this. Vince was in the protected area, while in Guthrie's case he is well within his rights to take the mark, umpire there or not. It was Schmidt's fault.
  17. I thought the article would be worse, but he was rather diplomatic about it all. When a new coach comes in you need to get behind what they're doing - clearly Beamer couldn't do that and they were never going to get along after that. Beamer was past his best IMO and we didn't exactly lose much when he was delisted.
  18. I disagree. He did far more than JKH did in the previous three weeks and he gives us more X factor than a Harmes or Ben Kennedy would. It took him a half to get back into the game but his second half was good. What he has is good peripheral vision and a deadly left foot - one of his disposals in the third term where he kicked it 50 metres back inside to Pedersen, which lead to a goal, was a ripper. At the time he deserved to be dropped, but unless there is a sharp drop off in form I can't see it happening again, nor should it.
  19. Wasn't directed at you at all OD. I have no problem with difference of opinion, I apologise you thought it was directed at you - it was at america de cali and his 'group think' dig.
  20. This is slightly different, though. If it was about contracts, a proper injury etc then speculate away. But as @Lucifer's Hero said, this is a personal matter and something we should allow to play it's course until we know more. Surely Hogan deserves some respect in this situation... ? It is, but it doesn't mean you have to. I like how you still want to have a dig at me as well. Can't help yourself.
  21. Why even speculate about it, OD? It does nothing but start rumours on something we know nothing about. Until we know otherwise, and knowing what he has been through recently, I think we can do without spending our time speculating on it.
  22. This is one example, but here is why you never call something so soon. It makes you look silly.
  23. Depends where the rubbing is occurring, Jaded. Might not be so infuriating in time.
  24. We should be able to Abe, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. We've done it a few times before. I agree that they are extremely winnable games, and I'm hopeful that last night really IS the turning point for this side, but as a young team we are still capable of getting ahead of ourselves. Fingers crossed those times are passing.
  25. No doubt we are able to play well without him, but all it tells me is that we have a seriously good side on our hands and when both our midfield and Hogan learn to work as one then we'll have a seriously good side on our hands with a key forward who can tear teams apart. As others have said we do tend to rely on him a little and Jesse can get sucked into wanting the ball kicked on his head so he can run from behind and take the mark. It obviously doesn't always work, and when he learns to lead instead of wanting the long ball in some situations then we'll be much better for it. I also believe that once Weideman hopefully gains a little more muscle and a bigger tank then he can take some of the pressure from Jesse.
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