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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. It's not a good policy as it's been proven a few times this year that players have tried to play through injuries and made it worse.
  2. Doesn't sound too major, reckon he'll be right, along with Hogan. No drama.
  3. Outside of Gaff and Lynch (who isn't considering Norf), is there anyone of note left on the free agency market? They might have to wait another year... again.
  4. I tell you what we are REALLY good at - picking out one piece of play that runs for 5 seconds and using it as some sort of proof to suit our arguments, especially on the negative side. I recall Jones doing plenty during the game to lead the side, including a crucial goal in the third term to keep the momentum swinging out way. I remember plenty of touches, tackles, seeing him run both ways etc. throughout the entire game. But no. Let's focus on one piece of play that runs for mere seconds and smash the bloke for it and say he is past it, he isn't a leader etc. As @dazzledavey36 said, we are great at eating our own and picking out something tiny to use as a reason to pot the bloke. It's disappointing, really.
  5. Just Oscar to go now. Then the hard decisions on some of the fringe players begin.
  6. Link is here: http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2018-07-25/four-more-years-for-brayshaw Go you good thing! Love this signing and further proof that the players are totally invested and behind the direction we are heading in!
  7. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation really. If he goes to Menzel and they find someone free in the corridor, then you would be asking why he didn't guard that space instead. Bottom line for me is that we should have never let the ball out of our forward line in that last minute, and some poor decisions in that last minute allowed it to happen.
  8. So it's a failed season because you 'think' we won't make the eight? I'd call that twisted logic, at best, right there. Top 4 with a young side is always an unrealistic target, especially for a side that hasn't played finals in over a decade. Making finals is the goal, get a taste, then kick on in 2019. We are still right in the frame to do that and this weekend's result hasn't changed that. It might make things slightly more difficult, but there is absolutely no reason why we can't make finals from here.
  9. Superbly put, mauriesy. The comparison in terms of experience and what we are trying to build is spot on. The younger players are just beginning to work things out with each other and work as a cohesive unit. You could even argue that, with Viney missing so much time in the last 18 months, that they are still working out how to play alongside him as well. As we continue to get games into these players they are only going to continue to get better. If they can be this good now, how good will they be with another 80-100 games under their belt? It's terrific to think about.
  10. Two things. How is it a failed season when we're still in the eight and the season isn't even finished yet? And Jake Lever, you would imagine, would be available in the early part of the season, not out until 'late next season', as you suggest. I would have thought you would know better, you know, being a doctor and all.
  11. And those three, while not on big coin, would still be on good enough money that their eventual retirements will free up some further cap room for the club to re-sign our own players and lure a big time free agent from others.
  12. If it continues to be an issue in the next 12-24 months then I'd begin to be worried about it. Until then I think he has plenty of time to overcome the issue and get it sorted. I think with this case it sounds as though they are just being super cautious about it to ensure he get's it right.
  13. Even if they get it, and we were to play them there in a final, I'd be all for it. GMHBA Stadium should hold no fears for us.
  14. I actually think we have failed for some different reasons, reasons that are quite the opposite. Last year we lost games against the lesser sides and upset a few of the top ones. This year it's changed, but I think that shows we are on the right track if that makes sense. As we mature and continue to gain experience then we can knock off the sides above us more regularly. Outside of the Saints, which was a blip on the radar, we have handled everyone else with ease. I think that's a sign of improvement. We just need to continue to build our experience and maturity so those sides above us that we struggle with quickly become the sides below us.
  15. It's a sensible article. The pain of Saturday night is still pretty raw, but if you can put that aside then you can see that we are continuing to build a strong side that is playing together more often. Gus, Oliver and Petracca have 150 games between them and they basically led our midfield on Saturday night against almost 1000 games of experience in Ablett, Selwood and Dangerfield. That's a damn fine effort and proof that our kids are maturing right before our eyes.
  16. Also, I see you don't believe in 'cloud fairies' but still believe in curses and ghosts. Seems a little weird to me.
  17. Truth be told, I thought this was a topic about SWYL celebrating 53 years since he graduated high school. That or 53 years since he last cracked a smile.
  18. So how were we defensively outside of the last term? Weak or rock solid? They kicked 5 in a row in quick succession (8 minutes or so) but for the rest our defence was terrific. We lacked experience around the ball when the heat was really on, and with almost a thousand games of experience between Dangerflop, Duckwood and the Bald Eagle, they got on top. If anything the issue was through the midfield, not our defence.
  19. Going by the shot, I saw one play with their hands up looking for the pass, but to Geelong's credit they had pretty much every avenue covered. Unless he had some behind him to kick to, the best decision he has in this situation is to go long to the boundary. He could have looked for the 30-40m pass, and he might have been able to pull it off, but there were plenty of Geelong players around to either cut it off or effect the spoil, and that would have been catastrophic (but it's a moot point now). I don't think Trac is much to blame here. He did what most would do, unless they had a player in space to kick to, in that situation.
  20. You forgot trolls. They are everywhere, aren't they chap?
  21. Great. It means absolutely nothing in 2018. That's the past. This is the present.
  22. Good post, mate. What it highlights is, at this point, Trac has some risky options to look for, but they have a chance of being a turnover that could have been catastrophic. Instead, he took the low risk option and went down the line. It was the right decision, and a mature one as well.
  23. Love these 'I called it before, I think I'm right now so grovel at my feet, peasants' sort of posts. You're wrong and you know it. Someone starting a thread doesn't make you right. Your last sentence is funny, though, so I'll give you that.
  24. I cracked the night Essendon smashed us in Round 2, 2013 by 24 goals. I was there that night and, even with 186 still present in the rear view mirror, I've never felt lower. I remember heading home more despondent than I'd ever been after a game of footy. Took me a while to get over that one. While I was shattered about last night's loss, it doesn't even come close to the feelings from those days. Not by a long shot. Later that year I told myself I wouldn't allow it to get to me that badly again. I still hate losing with a passion, but I find coming on here and typing it all out, from both sides of the coin, makes things better. Even if it means I get potted for it at times, but I'm more than willing to take that.
  25. You'll be right in a few days, mate. I (kind of ) guarantee it!
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