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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Like us being at 0-2, I'll wait for a larger sample size before I write off this trade. We need to give some of these things a little more patience.
  2. It turns bad quickly based off one poster's opinions on a bloke who has been at the club for six months? Really?
  3. It wasn't massive overs. I'll concede that the injuries haven't helped, but I don't see it as massive overs. His last month prior to that injury co-incided with us playing some of our best football. That's not a coincidence. And what small forwards should we have gone after? Guys like Charlie Cameron and Luke Dahlhaus wanted to go back to their hometowns. Outside of that I don't see a whole lot of quality that we could have chased that would have improved us a side. Not to mention the fact that, up until last season, Jeffy Garlett was a 40 goal a year small forward for us.
  4. You don't go from no finals in 2016 to playing in a Prelim in 2018 if you, in your words, butcher the trade and draft period. Seriously. Some people need to get a grip.
  5. There's no need to be controversial.
  6. I'll be hiding under my bed if we can't win this.
  7. I feel the same way, Moonie. The bloke can kick goals, but he isn't exactly the hardest working small forward in the business, which is something we pride ourselves on. I'd love him to find some good form, as we desperately need it, but I'm not convinced just yet. Having said that, as I said above, he can't do any worse than what someone like ANB is currently bringing to the table.
  8. I'm not against Jeffy coming in if he's ready. He got injured in the first JLT game so he's done all of the pre-season work, plus he is an experienced player to go into the forward line. At any rate, he can't do any worse than an ANB.
  9. Off season surgery to 12 of their best players would have bothered them.
  10. It is my friend. Don't mistake that trait for the fact that I don't care, or that losing doesn't hurt. Saturday night was tough to watch and I fully acknowledge the hard work we have ahead of us to turn things around. But I don't have time to panic. I'll let others do that.
  11. That's a minor problem, so no worries from me.
  12. Disinterest from who? The players or the record number of members that signed up?
  13. A couple of losses make supporters do strange things.
  14. That is not what I'm saying at all. I can find something unacceptable without having to panic about it. I find people who don't let you in to traffic when you want to merge unacceptable, but I don't panic about it. I don't think we'll be 0-5, though. It's just my threshold of panic. I've got other things to worry about.
  15. Yes, LH. 0-5. Then I'll panic. People are welcome to panic anytime they like, but I'll lose the plot then.
  16. How did you work that out, Nostradamus?
  17. I'll panic if we're 0-5. Far too much football to play to hit the panic button just yet.
  18. I don't disagree. It does need to happen soon. I think we'll be able to work it out, but can we do it well enough to make our mark on 2019? Time will tell.
  19. How else should I phrase it? I'm not trying to make the work we need to put into changing it as something that's simple. But it's simple to see what the problem is. You don't need to over analyse and pick apart everything I post, mate. I think we're on the same page, as most are on here, as to what the problems are right now.
  20. And we were still able to generate an absolute bucketload of inside 50s against the Cats, which says that we're headed in the right direction in terms of how we want to play the game. We just need the connection between the mids and forwards to catch up.
  21. @Demonia - I don't have anything massive to add right now, but I just wanted to say that was a ripping OP. Thoughtful, concise, looked at both sides and didn't need to go over the top. Nicely done.
  22. Yep, he is.... just with 200 extra games under his belt as he gets to the end of his career. Which is nothing like what Grimes did.
  23. You trying to pull an Eddie McGuire there, Ox?
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