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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. The journo isn't missing the point. He makes a pretty good point, to be honest. I can't see how you can disagree with it. In fact, I'd like you to go back through the article and point out what you disagree with.
  2. You're missing the point. He isn't saying Jones isn't part of the problem - just that our other midfielders are also not working hard enough defensively. It's not just on Jones individually, it's on all players to lift. That's the gist of the article to me.
  3. Why is it that every article these days is looked at as a 'puff piece', or we have a plethora of posters asking the players to 'shut up' when they are being interviewed? When are people going to realise that this is part of football now? Articles will be written and players will speak with the media, regardless of whether or not we're 3-0 or 0-3. It's going to happen. Trotting out the 'blah blah all talk, I want action on the field' is all well and good, but it's going to happen. If you don't like the talk, don't listen to it. Seriously. If you don't like 'puff pieces' then don't [censored] read them. As for this one - there is merit in it. Stats show we have been struggling from stoppages, and who spends most of their time in there? We all know who. We need everyone pulling their weight, and while some players are finding the ball enough, they aren't then trying to ensure that the opposition doesn't have it.
  4. Trade him to us. P.S - Not a knock at all on the Lewis trade mind you....
  5. SWYL and 'bub would be down a million each in that case.
  6. While I do agree with others that his defensive work these days, and his two way running, isn't really up to scratch, I think the forward line might be the best place for him. He is still smart enough to get to the right spots and make a contest, and you feel as though he has the ability to get a few goals a game for us. Will it work, or will he even be given a run through there? Who knows, but I wouldn't be against it. I think he can provide more for us there than on a wing.
  7. It's been a tough transition for him. After spending over a decade in the guts, he's had to move out of his natural role and take up other positions that don't come naturally to him. I mean, prior to them middle of last season, how often would have spent time on a wing? He was always our number one player through the middle of the ground. Being pushed out of that role, while necessary, wouldn't have come easy for him. But as others have said, the transition isn't working and we need to come up with a solution. He is currently a co-captain, so dropping him would be a last resort. Could he slot in across half back, thus releasing Hibberd to a wing? Could he actually provide something across half forward for us? His defensive running and willingness to do the 1%ers has certainly dropped in recent times, but a specific role within the side might help to lift that. Either way, the challenge for us is getting him involved more, while also hiding the deficiencies that are now more present in his game. Turning his form and output around is paramount to our fortunes this season.
  8. Ha! I thought this thread seemed familiar! It's been merged into this thread:
  9. Won't happen. We are grooming him to be a long term key forward. Sticking him in defence right now would be counter productive.
  10. He didn't specifically say that at all. He said that he hasn't since re-watched the game, but also said that he used the second half as some time to reflect and I believe that was looked at and discussed with the players. In essence, it was a normal 'review' of the game, but aspects were still discussed and looked at.
  11. Still no evidence. Nothing to back your claims. Make stuff up all you like.
  12. Drops my bundle? The only bundle that's been dropped is yours. You claim he 'cgaf' yet provide zero evidence for it, then get your knickers in a twist when someone challenges it. I also think it's ironic that you're claiming that May 'cgaf' when your love child, who you've defended for years, portrayed himself often as someone who 'cgaf' often enough for the club.
  13. He explained that. If you want further answers then you'll have to ask him yourself.
  14. Burden of proof isn't on me. You're the one who said he isn't showing any interest on field, so have at it, big mouth.
  15. I'm preparing myself for the challenge of winning the flag from eighth.
  16. Lack of interest on field? This forum will make up just about anything to suit their argument. He rocked up unfit and then, owning his mistake, worked his backside off to rectify it. That's fact, and really the only one we know. Anything else is just hearsay.
  17. Totally agree, Moonie. We all know how much old dee wants him to fail. Take him out of the equation and most see sense with where Weideman is at.
  18. You taking a page out of the 'RR' book of moderating, Steve?
  19. I know you can't do it as a mod, but it almost gets to the point where you need to use the ignore function on a large amount of posters so it's easier to wade through the rubbish on game day. It would make for easier reading if you had the time and patience to do it.
  20. He then started another thread on the same subject just over a week later. Hilarious.
  21. Maybe not, but it's still true.
  22. I wouldn't trust some of the posters in this thread to sit the right way on a toilet seat.
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