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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 25 minutes ago, Baghdad Bob said:

    You seem to be at odds with both the Club and the captain.  Seeing such a weak culture (in your eyes) must hurt.

    I hope things get better for you.

    well lets say we've experienced a weak culture many times over in the past decades, Pre Checker,,,,,  & largely since smithy was sacked by the soft culture merchants themselves BoB.  trouble is those same merchants are mostly narcissistic BoB.


    and yes,  we have experienced   'the taming of the soft'  some 33 years ago. before.. under Barassi/Jordan lead... but the punters unfortunately don't understand it or how its achieved or why it works, as it would most likely insult them trying to understand it....  it takes a deal of introspection to be able to comprehend this painful experience,  & most up North who really have a death grip around this clubs throat aren't not the intro-spective types.

    ..... but moreso, they are the ones who point fingers at others whilst they sit comfortably in the cosy seats.  in absolute ignorance of the damage they do to the thing they all love so much.


    ring a bell?  what about that finger pointing, & accusing others like Michael Long who did something reprehensible in a Grand final but they Won it.  Michael Long is still a champion player Premiership hero of the AFL & a legend for his peoples.


    all the whilst ours sit high & mighty on their ivory seats casting frustrated judgements on anything that meets their disapproval's.


    .when will we lose this lousy attitude,  & become normal,  & WIN.


  2. 26 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    This is the exact attitude i laugh at

    Trengove is not "The Heart of the Club"

    if he hadn't broken down he would be wearing Yellow & Black. 

    We the Generational Supporters are the Heart & Soul of the club. 

    Players are Well Paid employees...

    a very mercenary attitude,  unlike that of the Hawks, the better bummers, or the Catters.

  3. 9 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Spot on..

    And i am not once condoning the tough competitiveness at training i think its fantastic. But like Jones said we don't need to be going extreme to the point where you injure your own team and he has to pay the price for someone else's stupidity.

    As ET said.. he has a long way to be considered even the captain. Brayshaw is my pick aswell.

    the Jones boy entered this club in its heydays of 'soft'...   whilst he hasn't adopted it himself individually,  he hasn't experienced the cultures of say the Hawks back in 2006, or the Cats, the Bummers back then.


    ....  so his experience Re this,  & its advantages,  are limited to his Mfc experiences,  & he learnt & survived just,  thru his early years.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Baghdad Bob said:

    Dazzle the reality is those people supporting Viney and loving his aggression (as we all do) would be spitting chips is Terlich did that to Hogan who dislocated his shoulder and missed a season.  I can see the meltdown here if that happened.

    Frankly it's just dumb and it's why the club has told Viney to wind it back and the the skip has given Viney a clip.

    wrong again bob.  you just don't get it, & your time at the club off field may have set us back a long time years back.


    your analogy is off the mark,  & totally irrelevant to changing to an onfield combative culture....  your soft & no footy background probably took us further away from getting to being a stronger footy club.

  5. 14 hours ago, Frank Grimes said:

    No problem with losing a player 'sore' for 2 weeks (though I'd still rather not). The big problem is losing our CHB for the year when he needs a shoulder reco.

    at the time of posting it wasn't mentioned that the arm was pinned.  see my responses in that vain of TMac just being buried aggressively...  bit pinning arms & driving down is not what i;'m talking about.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Ron Burgundy said:

    There's a lot lacking in class on display here.

    And you're spot on - it's not Chris Dawes, or his attitude to this club and his potential replacements.

    Perhaps some here could benefit from his guidance as to team-oriented behaviours, leadership, and the proper approach to be adopted towards the club.

    I wish him all the best. Must be an absolutely horrible blow for him in the circumstances.




    back to the north with ya.    take your judgements with ya.

  7. 14 hours ago, jumbo returns said:

    Yay! Wattsy dodges a bullet!

    Let's feast on Dawes!

    lets not kill the hunger jumbo,  don't misunderstand the deesire.

    14 hours ago, Magoo said:

    Some of you guys are like piranhas.

    Can some of you guys lend me your crystal balls?


    ditto ^ ^ ^  see above

    14 hours ago, Hogan2014 said:

    Not great sinking the boots into a player based on injury... Calf issues are hard to get rid off & history shows they keep on re occurring.. 

    Lets not forget he come to our club in our darkest days & attracting A graders was  pie in the sky stuff... Though need to support our players!

    I think if you think deeper it isn't based on injury.  but rather the unfulfilled promise & the form showing this disappointment.

  8. 2 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    didnt slam the shlt hard enough it seems !!

    Your right blzb,,,  should have given him a sneak peak of Beijing with the slam.

    33 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Exactly the point i was making yesterday. Pity guys like Dee-luded still think we are living in the 80s where its ok now to smash blokes at training to the point where its ok to miss a couple of weeks through injury because it makes a 'boys to men culture".....

    Well done to the skip pulling it up too.

    thing is, I don't agree with that sentiment, dd36.  in our case..  


    ....   because we must shed that old soft skin that loves nothing more than scurrying away from hostilities.   'ours like to go and hide'  & have the wounds soothed up in the North.  that's where our softness safely resides,  & thats where it keeps getting reborn & re-injected... into our footy souls.


    33 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Exactly the point i was making yesterday. Pity guys like Dee-luded still think we are living in the 80s where its ok now to smash blokes at training to the point where its ok to miss a couple of weeks through injury because it makes a 'boys to men culture".....

    Well done to the skip pulling it up too.

    no, you miss the point again.

    its not OK to king hit a teammate or punch from behind..  If a face to face fisty-cuffs happens,  they should be sent into the rooms to don the gloves.

    skip Jones doesn't have the softness.


    but as a club,  & collective group,   we have the worst case of it (softness) in the league currently...  because we so heartily desire the political correctness.  This desire to be so correct is what crushes our players natural hunting aggressive instinct.  So they turn to trying to be a millionaire.   this is seen as desirable,  & within the Norths rules of etiquette.


  9. 11 hours ago, autocol said:

    The reason to practice with a numbers advantage for the offence is so that the team gets a feel for how the play flows when it works. It helps them work out where to run to create the correct 'next option'. As they get better at it, you add defenders.

    If you start with even numbers or a defensive advantage, they don't get the opportunity to learn the running patterns that open up the play.

    thanks autocol


    3 hours ago, Delusional demon 82 said:

    It does go someway to explaining the obvious disdain he has had for our club over the years ....actually was surprised he even interviewed for the coaching gig after daniher left in 07 . Remember hearing something about him having a go at us on radio because he didn't put together a PowerPoint pack on his view of the world and that didn't go down too well with the selection panel  (not sure how much truth there is to that or if it's just Martians at it again!)

    yes, we need some tough as nails players ourselves, & cutout any prima-donna's.

    3 hours ago, Delusional demon 82 said:

    Don't forget Hardwick and Wallis practically assulting Brad green either. 

    they took to our suspect players from the getgo.... all clubs would in a Grand Final if you carry suspect soft nice types.  just as they should.  its not soccer. or chess.


    they didn't go after Schwarta, Neita or Whelan from the get go.  they chose the weakest links in our chain.

  10. 14 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    Gawn finally took over from Jamar after 5 years on the list. I'm not sure we have a 2nd key forward and/or a ruck forward in the same situation. Pedersen and Frost will be used, but I'm not convinced either will solve the problem long term and Max King/Mitch King/ Weideman/Hulett are a while off.

    I don't know what the future is for Dawes, it's still a long time before that has to be decided, but this could be more like Jamar 2012/2013 than last year when the replacement finally took over. 

    going on his recent seasons form with us & at the pies,  I think he's past it.


    I have Pedro in the pocket, ahead of Dawes on the mfc pecking list.  with Frost & TMac inline for cameo's CHF.  Hogan from the GSquare leading up

  11. 9 minutes ago, jako13 said:

    Completely off topic but thanks for that Earl. I have never fully understood Sheedy's hatred of the Dees. I knew it went well beyond the missing out on the job, has been going on for what seems an eternity. Had no idea he was spurned by the club as a young player - makes sense why he was infuriated by the knock back as a coach as well. Cheers


    Edit: PS might also explain the implicit instructions to go the biff on our young lads in 2000 - even when the game was well and truly over

    knocked back by us as coach twice i believe.   once for the return of Barassi, (already signed prior?) 1981 ?    & then we hired Bailey in 2007.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

    What happened in the first 2 Royal Commissions he fronted?

    If this Royal Commission, like the previous 2, finds in his favour will you want a 4th, regardless of his medical status?

    If he was a refugee I bet you would be more concerned about his health situation.




    I think he should come & face the Victims the victims he apparently ignored, or silenced.

    He is running hard in my opinion to stay well away from here,  & I think he moved overseas to the Vatican after this Royal Commission was announced, & getting started.


    I wonder if 'Pell'  is deep into,   the dungeon records of the money laundering,   & if he has much political power over there,  regarding inside information to do with any illegal Vatican money activities ?



  13. 2 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    I don't think terribly many people had Dawesy pencilled in on the teamsheet let alone inked. And I'd include the mfc f'd in that !!

    Wish the bloke well and it seems he might have a talent as an early apprentice coach but his footy days are over.

    I see Dawesy now in the same position as Jamar last season...  spare parts as the transitioning rolls along gathering speed.

  14. 1 hour ago, Whispering_Jack said:

    For Jeremy Howe to incur a freak injury like this suggests to me that he's still a Demon at heart because it's the type of injury that you would usually expect a MFC player to suffer.

    a double agent, howe dastardly !

  15. 53 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    This is my last time i post on this topic because

    1. I have no [censored] idea what you just mentioned above. Completely made no sense..

    2. You have missed my entire point and trying to explain to you is like banging my head up against a brick wall. Im done now..


    Full contact training is a necessity at times & in our case we need to make sure the soft is well & truly pushed out.  If we had of lost a player for the next 2 weeks 'sore',  then its worth it to instill the hardness that's required & been missing in the red & blue for such big chunks of years,   since Smith the Red-Fox got tossed on his ear..


    so I hear you fear of losing a player to injury thru rough contact at training...    I say so what,   sow toughness,  is what.


  16. 19 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Yes i do and going by what your saying i highly doubt you have any clue yourself.

    well I do,  & your way is tried & true  to undo the tough culture...   how do you think we end up soft all the time at this club.  saying certain types don't need to go when its they're turn, like robbo chasing not, or Yze chasing not, or green tackling not, or bruce tackling hmmn,  white banging bodies not,  davey tackling not,  robbo keeping feet not,


    no, the culture was  juuuust fine  before 2007,   wasn't it dd36.



  17. 59 minutes ago, Ted Fidge said:

    This worries me ... Hogan's jumper looks a lot more purple then the others ... more "Docker" purple ... and why's he the only one wearing zinc cream ... only place I can think of where you need zinc cream is WA or Qld.

    yeah , he could be training in 50degree heat & swimming a berley trail out to the white pointers.

  18. 3 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Since when does 'every player' has to be aggressive at the ball? Gunston, Hill brothers, Smith, Sidebottom are just a few player are outstanding outside players but not hard and aggressive at all.

    We recruited the likes of Oliver Brayshaw Vandenberg Petracca Viney Salem to build the foundation and hard culture which is already showing. They do their best work on gamedays. This culture will grow as these guys mature.

    Im sorry but McDonald is someone we cannot afford to lose.



    .....  to change the clubs culture,  we need everybody onboard.  no soft C's. 


    the Hawks aren't changing their culture,,,   as they'e culture is already hard,   & they play  'one for all & all for one'  footy !


    you don't recruit culture you adopt it.   Its 'an attitude',  'a belief',  'a desire',  a 'hunger at all costs',   its a 'non negotiable' .

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