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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/mass-protest-over-parish-priest-father-john-walshe-spreads-to-second-school-20160210-gmqjvd.html#ixzz3zl7wXLo7
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    Mass protest over parish priest Father John Walshe spreads to second school


    Ex-Catholic priest on trial for allegedly abusing young altar boys in regional NSW 

    article by Timna Jacks

    .The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne has accepted that an 18-year-old seminarian was sexually abused by Father Walshe ...


    More than 40 parents pulled their children out of mass at a Melbourne Catholic school on Wednesday in protest over an allegedly abusive priest. 

    Parents at St John Vianney's Primary School in Parkdale are calling for the resignation of parish priest Father John Walshe.

    Father Walshe, who defended Cardinal George Pell at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, has been accused of sexually abusing an 18-year-old seminarian in 1982.

    The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne has accepted that an 18-year-old seminarian was sexually abused by Father Walshe in 1982. Photo: ABC News

    The parents collected their children before mass at 11:30am, and dropped them back at school after 1pm.

    Some parents took their children to other parishes instead - the St Patrick's School parish in Mentone and Our Lady of Assumption parish in Cheltenham.

    The parents' protest comes a week after about 20 parents at Mentone's St Patrick's School - which is in the same parish - withdrew their children from weekly mass.

  2. 10 hours ago, Choke said:

    I remember reading they stuck a bunch of wind farms out in the ocean. Shitload of wind out there and they don't need to worry about acquiring land.

    There's an awful lot of wind in Bass Strait....

    EXactly choke..!!!      East Gippsland   &  western Victoria.


    this is IMO the key.   As we can run power cables from the sea farms, both ways to the Apple Isle (existing)  & to the mainland, servicing the local regions, Tas & Vic...  the wind-farms that the rabbott didn't like the look of,  can go off shore  "outa sight".


  3. 10 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

    I like how all the lefties on here think the royal commission into Union corruption was a witch hunt and a waste of money despite the arrests that have followed but think a 3rd royal commission that Pell has yet to face is justified.

    state your credentials wrecka.

    church goer,  Catholic,  any other,   that may sway your thinking,   that makes you suggest he can stay hiding where he is,   to avoid testifying his account of things against his accusers & said victims, in Australia ???


    for the record I believe in a creator/god....  but I do not believe in the written word/bible,  literally...   but I accept it as somewhat of a guide to things, occurrences,  prophecy of things,  but I see it as the words passed about over a couple of millennia,  which has eroded its accuracy to the originators, & to their perceptions of the time.

    ....  cross reference 'it',  with other prophets & prophecies,  & other writings of other religions/faiths,  & find the common themes,  & you find the messages/points of agreement,   rather than the points of animosity.



  4. 1 minute ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    What a pathetic response and a idiotic swip at Tom Mcdonald.

    You weren't there either yourself. Your only going by training reports and articles and thats enough for you to pretty much say that Tommy Mac needs to grow a pair? If Nathan Jones who is one of our most courageous and hardest players is saying he took it too far then thats enough for.

    And please enough with the 'but its culture this, culture that term'... Has nothing to do with culture at all.




    LoL,,, wow you are so precious.  I wouldn't believe it if I didn't read it here.


    I said Viney tested TMac (one of my Fav players) out on the track... I inferred TMac maybe? a bit shy & unobtrusive in Viney's thinking.


    I did not say TMac needs to grow a pair at all thats your addition to the post, in your own minds eye.  It says more about you,  your biases in your perceptions,  than what I did Not infer.

    Interesting how people colour in others writings with their own fears & angers.


    #    our past lack of aggression has everything to do Directly with our soft cosy culture





  5. On 13/8/2015 at 1:41 PM, pineapple dee said:

    I loved this guy's father who would've and could've run through a brick wall. Jack will do that but he brings more than that. Opponents will be taking shorter steps they way they did when Rod Grinter was running towards them.


    On 13/8/2015 at 1:47 PM, Grapeviney said:

    Tim Watson did say last year that Jack had his father's DNA, so I think you could be on to something..


    On 5/9/2015 at 5:47 PM, The Stigga said:

    Been outstanding the past few weeks.

    That intensity...


    3 hours ago, Fork 'em said:


    1 hour ago, beelzebub said:

    IMHO Tmac should have just got up and laughed, ruffled Jacks head and said 'good one you shlt'

    He didn't and we move on.



    we move on happy campers,  with a new club on our doorsteps.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    I bet no other clubs are doing fight simulations at training,this might be the edge we need.Get Barassi and Zantuck down there as mentors.

    And add that little angel 'SLUG'  Jordan,,,  as special comments man as well... I'll pay to attend.    'Daryl Cox',   I believe would like to attend to this matter.

  7. On 13/8/2015 at 1:41 PM, pineapple dee said:

    I loved this guy's father who would've and could've run through a brick wall. Jack will do that but he brings more than that. Opponents will be taking shorter steps they way they did when Rod Grinter was running towards them.

    we need a lot more of grinter in our makeup.. the toughness of 'rodney',, not so much the 'late ' ruggedness.  & we need plenty of his skills as well.


    On 13/10/2015 at 9:14 AM, ManDee said:

    looks like that scum bruised his elbow.

    looks like he tried to bite Viney's back in frame 2

  8. 1 hour ago, beelzebub said:

    IMHO Tmac should have just got up and laughed, ruffled Jacks head and said 'good one you shlt'

    He didn't and we move on.


    shoulda' grabbed him & wrestled Viney to the ground.  that woulda' got Vineys respect back.


    IMO the pecking order is beckoning,  with rippling intencity



    • Like 2
  9. On 8/2/2016 at 8:30 PM, Wiseblood said:

    The Dees going once again for the cream of sum yung guy....

    Aaaaaand I'll see myself out...

    On a serious note though this is only good news for the club.  Another major partner means more $$$$ in the coffers and we can strengthen the links we already have with our Asian neighbours.  Good stuff.

    thanks pell,


    On 8/2/2016 at 10:51 PM, Timothy Reddan-A'Blew said:

    I'm going to be a bit wet-blanketish here and ask if anyone knows anything about the credentials of 'Greenwood Capital'. I'll be happy to hear good news. It's just that I think we've experienced the odd 'short term' (shall we say) sponsor before (Kaspersky anyone?) Mr Google tells me about a 'Greenwood Capital' from (I think) the US and a 'Greenwoods Capital' based in China, and 'Greenwood Capital Burwood' only brings up the MFC web page article. I also wonder to what extent "an investment company ... featuring a diverse portfolio including property, health centres, Australian food exports, and cultural exchange" will engage us with the 'Chinese community? I hope they can, and I'm not complaining about the income either (though: How much? What form?) Nor am I complaining about the strides that Peter J and his team continue to make. And I like the Chinese New Year association and activities (will definitely try to be there - I'm a child of the fireworks-for-all age!) I just don't want any egg on anyone's faces with this.

    well if its anything about greenbacks from the U$, they've dropped in value since signing on ?????  :unsure: 

                                                                                                                                                           sometimes life beats the hell outa ya,  & sometimes it brings it outa ya again !!!

  10. 2 hours ago, nutbean said:

    I would be - nothing to be served by this.

    We can't get another player onto the list. We can put Dawes on the LTI list and get a rookie upgraded.

    There may be internal club discussions with him if indeed the injury is long term about mentoring/helping with the forwards for the season whilst he is injured  and they will reassess at the end of the season.

    I think he will try and recover and if he can't get back even at Casey level that they/he will pull plug at seasons end. (or near seasons end). As to the clubs intention on next season even if he was fit - that's a different discussion altogether.

    we don't want to get rid of him before contract ends, but can anyone seriously at this stage see him getting an extension?   unless he removes his Clark Kent suit & glasses & takes flight.

  11. 1 hour ago, It's Time said:

    The AFL have banned sling tackles like the one I understand Viney applied to McDonald. That tackle is designed to cause serious injury. Pinning a players arm so they have absolutely no way to protect themselves as the tackler smashes their head into the ground. I don't believe it ever had a place in AFL football and now it officially doesn't. Why on earth you would want to apply that tackle to a team mate at training is beyond me. It doesn't show toughness it just shows absolute stupidity. He's bloody lucky he didn't seriously injure T Mc for the start of the season. 


    you were there at the time?    or this is just your opinion of his action,  with no regard to his thoughts on this matter?


    edit #   maybe he wanted to hear him cry out-a-loud ???  just sayin. 

    .....   maybe his balls squeak when he walks ???  Viney couldabeen trying to loosen him up a bit.

  12. 10 minutes ago, ManDee said:

    "most up North who really have a death grip around this clubs throat"


    I will try again to understand. What does this mean?

    the soft attitude that constantly pervades & infects our players & recruits from within,   & turns them into nice business types,   but removes they're animal instincts which they need to be warriors of the footy field.  it turns young supermen into Clark Kents & Jimmy Olsens.

  13. 4 minutes ago, McQueen said:

    The thread was created with the intent of monitoring his PROGRESS. Not revisiting the past and lamenting about how the club managed his injury or the trade with Richmond.

    JT is only concerned about what's in front of him.

    Let's all do the same!



    your right McQ,, & I've sidetracked as well.

  14. 1 minute ago, McQueen said:

    Players can be groomed to swing between ends. We've seen it before in our own team and all know that it can be very effective on occasions.

    I'm not saying that he will be a pure replacement for Dawes. I'm saying that due to the forward options still being reasonably light on (until Weed matures) we will need 'others' that can perform adequately at both ends.

    For one reason or another, the Coaches appear to be favouring Frost over Dunn or Garland.

    matchups, & then the opportunities it provides us during game time to swing momentum if required.

  15. 5 minutes ago, nutbean said:

    spot on.. 

    or it hardens supporters like me.

    I love all the players with the understanding that they may not be at the club next season - then i get over them pretty quickly.

    I do find it ironic that in one thread we can get so upset by a player leaving for more money and question their character and then in the next thread we will be gung ho about throwing money at a player from an opposition club to get him to our club and get excited about how perfect he would be for our club.  

    yes, it brings out the cynics in all of us,  mostly anyway,  sadly probably justifiably.

    • Like 2
  16. Just now, nutbean said:

    How about the greedy ones who the club doesn't say off you go then but pays them what the ask for. 

    I wish it wasn't so but football is a business nothing more or less.

    Sad reality ( in the main - there are always exceptions)

    1/ the club decides what a players is worth ( lots, something or delist/trade out)

    2/ The player decides what he is worth and other factors ( where the team is going, playing for a successful club ?)

    3/ If the valuations of both player and club align then they stay  - otherwise they go.

    If that's mercenary then so be it  but i call it reality.


    its become this way since mid-late 90's, & this is the driving wedge  'attitude wise'  amongst players 7 within the AFL admin, that disenfranchises so many supporters & drives them away from it.

  17. 4 minutes ago, nutbean said:

    I think it will give a boost to supporters yes.

    And yes, his determination to get back on the field should absolutely held up as a beacon. But I am under no illusion that his determination is something ingrained in him. After all that transpired I would suggest that Trengoves determination to get on the field is so "Trengrove can play football again " not for some altruistic club benefit like helping push up the ladder. I think the players are 100% behind him  - but again I am sure they are not saying what a great clubman he is  - or he is heart and soul. I believe they would be thinking how determined he is  - nothing more or less.

    Come the end of the year and he has started to played good football the next contract will be interesting and I wouldn't think that he would be doing us any favours in negotiations the same way that he is under no illusion that if he doesn't make progress on the field he won't be renewed next year.  

    I think its all about his dedication, commitment, & his love for the club & players, & the game itself, that inspires us all. 

  18. 42 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    All i am saying is that it is humorous to call Trengove "The Heart & Soul of the club" with what went down. 

    But of course you can wear your Rose Coloured glasses if you wish

    no ONE is ever heart & soul, as teams have no I... great teams are full of wee... strong pizz indeed.

  19. 1 minute ago, nutbean said:

    Mercenary attitude ? I'd go with 100% accurate

    Hawks - Buddy onto greener pastures for lots of green. Lake wanted to go on but was told your time us up.

    Cats - Ablett the same buddy - getting rid of premiership great players who are "past it" but obviously don't feel the same way ( Kelly, Chapman and Stevie J).

    Supporters are absolutely heart and soul  - and loyal - we pay to see our club play.

    Players are no more than well paid employees. Like in all workplaces - you have a select few employees who will not leave for more or better/more successful conditions - they will remain loyal and you have others who move for more opportunity, a more successful company or money,  

    I'd say that the mercenary attitudes belonged to the ones who got greedy.   the clubs just said very well.  off ya go then.


    but a strong club will always look after the players who give all to their club, until they are past by other players & said injured player can no longer earn his jumper. 

    Adam Ramanauskas at Essendon comes to my mind as an example.  the soul of a footy club is about its values & its people collectively give it its strength.  thru thick & thin.


    you would not want one better example of who to back to the hilt than Trenners.

  20. 28 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    If Viney tackled Hogan head first into the ground which caused him to miss the first 4 weeks due to concussion what would be your reaction.

    Honest question.

    If he actually caused the serious injury,  I would call it stupid & careless...  but he did not hurt TMac,,  except for TMacs EGO.  probably this is what his aim was?


    there is always a motive behind actions,  & Viney had a go at TMac.  & then backed it up again.  ....  maybe TMac???  is getting ahead of himself,  or possibly??  being a prima-donna?   Something about TMac that is roughly opposite to Viney's actions will be close to his V's motivation.


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