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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 3 hours ago, Jrono64 said:

    I went to school with her and she's a gold coast girl.

    Both her and Jaegers girlfriend went to my school and they're both friends. I've met them both before and Dion is the more likely to move down but I wouldn't count Jaeger out of moving either just not probably to the Dees.

    From what Dions girlfriend has said in the past, she would want to move down to Melbourne.

    She is best friends with Daniel Gorringes girlfriend who has just finished her degree and likely looking for a job down in Melbourne.

    Sorry, I know like this just sounds like a lot of school yard gossip but I lived with Jaegers Girlfriend and she was in my year at school and the other two were good friends and in the grade below, while Gorringes girlfriend was in my classes at uni.

    For some reason just about every girl in my grade or the grade below is going out with a suns player (another friend is going out with Tom Lynch).

    welcome Jrono64,,,

    thanks for the info mate.     ps:   by the way,  do you wear a Mo, Jrono 64  ^_^

  2. 6 hours ago, nutbean said:

    You mean no pressure on a kid like this little gem from Tom Rockcliff re Josh Schache

    “If you had of been up here on Friday and seen our trial match I would have given him a 15-year contract,” Rockliff told SEN radio.

    “I don’t want to put any pressure on the kid, but he’s as good an 18-year-old player as I’ve seen.”


    HaHa yes,  something like that.   some players announce themselves before the supporters have taken much notice.    there is no stopping that type player..   lets see what happens re Scache.


    same applies though, not to celebrate before acceptances.

  3. 22 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    DL why do i have to like the new Soulless frachaises? Hostility is right. I fkn hate them to the core. They Monopolised 5-6 years of the National Draft so they could have instant success. They both exist for 1 reason TV BROADCAST RIGHTS If you wish to love them as part of your family, go right ahead. But i hope the fail & fold in the years ahead. A GW$ v Gold Coa$t $un$ GF at the MCG is worthless to me. Raid all their players with a $mile just like that [censored] Gubby Allen did.. i am proud to hate Vlads Clubs...


    SWYL... you do not have to do anything at all your heart/head dictates you don't want to. Healthy tribalism is good for AFL footy, & its absence has hurt the game. we can build it against them with healthy rivalry. & shared interests. ..... but holding your breath & being a mad & an angry ant isn't helping anybody, least of all you swyl. its not them who hurt us its ourselves swyl... we keep shooting ourselves in the feet. Have done so throughout our existence. we can't blame others for the things we allow to hurt us.

  4. 15 hours ago, Demi Dee said:

    I heard the Ox on SEN, at some ungodly hour this morning, comparing Petracca to Gary senior. That would be some break out year! 

    yeah. I love that the Oxen is excited about us again...

     but lets just go quietly on our young kids,  & let them make the statements on the footy field when they are good & ready to.  we destroy too many kids at this club wanting the next big thing.


    I have higher expectations on players in their 4th seasons....   they are the ones who need to be pushed a little.

  5. On 1/2/2016 at 2:46 PM, Redleg said:

    The funny thing is that, IMO, we are in the position to offer GC all our main draft picks, plus the first in the next year, if we wanted both of these boys. Subject to them being fit to play of course.

    Not saying we would do this, but we could if necessary, as we have enough young players on the list and the rookie choices would still be there to be used if we still wanted a couple more youngsters.

    IMO we now have a fair list and adding these two would be the cream on the cake. We could use one late pick,  to take the 3rd player required to be added in each year.

    not a fan Red,  of giving up all draft picks from any one season.  we have to have an age progression & development continue on every season.


    .... clubs like the Saints come to mind trading away too heavily under Ross Lyon.....   If we trade a couple of picks,  or more,   but get return down-scaled picks,  we can still be in the game.

  6. On 28/1/2016 at 3:07 PM, Bossdog said:

    I thought Ian Robinson was a great commentator and going right back.........Jack Edwards    They just called the play as it happened....Called the right players.........None of the 'Special Comments' men  explaining what happened 4 plays ago and what they should have done (dermi is the worst at that.)

    here here Bossdog... I totally agree.


    let the game get back to a spontaneous affair.

  7. On 28/1/2016 at 10:20 PM, Demon_spurs said:

    My Favourite shout at the Telly...."Shut Up. Bruce"

    I'm sick of the Too much analysis... pulling the game apart like flies pinned on a science cutting board.

    let us get back to reactive footy with spontaneous inspiring football efforts & reactive humour & laughter ... tired of all this science in footy commentary.  let us be,,,  footy channels, or we'll turn off & go do something else.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, ProDee said:

    Hogan averaged the same number of 1%ers as Dawes and both averaged less than Pedersen by some margin.

    Hogan averaged more goal assists than either.

    Btw, I'm not pushing Pedersen's cause, just correcting you.

    I'll push his case if he's in form.... he can mark,  crash packs,  & roam around the forwardline rotating with Hogan.   So both can rotate with each other high or deep. trying to upset the defenders.

    Pederson can go in the ruck, & if Gawn does a muscle, Pedro can take over.

  9. 12 hours ago, DubDee said:

    Got plans this weekend? You do now if you've got Foxtel or have a dee supporting mate that does. From midnight on Friday night for 24 hours it is nothing but Melbourne games. A few from 2015 and a few older ones. In true Foxtel form they don't give the year of the games just the teams and round. I assume they will all be wins ?

    so tell your other half to take the kids to see the grandparents, buy a slab and enjoy some footy. 

    Ive been hanging to watch some old matches as I've got a newborn and am up all hours with nothing to watch. And Foxtel have only had that guest programming on which is basically the same finals played over and over. Don't get me started. 

    Anyway, thought some of you might not notice that this was happening. 

    my friend out on a remote farm is a Sainter...   He has Austel.  I've watched it a few times at night.  Its boring, & the news is carp shocking.  I fixed/moved his TV Aerial & used RG-6 cable & F-connectors,  he now has all Free to air stations & is rapt... just got to learn to use the guide on the remote to block out adds. 

    he's much happier after battling thru the day.   doors are working,  TV, etc.  spouting soon.

    down with pay TV...

    • Like 1
  10. On 1/2/2016 at 5:50 PM, ProDee said:

    The peer reviewed paper in the link I just shared proves the sun is the main driver of climate.  And, of course, it makes sense, because the planet has been cooler with far greater CO2 than we have now.  CO2 lags temperature. 

    Read the link and report back.  

    co-2 doesn't create heat...  it traps it under its blanketing effect like a giant 'doona',  so the radiant solar heat is kept in.   but the trouble is pd, that we can't control the sun.  its a bit too far man.

    but we can effect our own little home we live ON.   buy reducing the size of the 'doona'',  we can allow heat to escape our clutches back outa space, man.

  11. 1 hour ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    Most players played rep footy as juniors. Each year brought a new coach and a new game plan. There's only so many ways you can play the game. For the first year players yes there's an element of learning for them as they take the next step to play AFL standard footy, but they are there because they have already pushed themselves this far, high standards must be set. Some of our senior players have the talent but still don't get it.

    we're agreeing BbA... what I mean is that this club has been thru the blender recently, & our club confidence & individual confidence is probably still low after another tough year last.


    so in the scheme of a new training activity this 2016, the boys tried hard but were scrappy,  so I imagine McCartney,  in the interests of list confidence,  allows them another go next session,  before cracking any whips. just yet.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    We can only hope it's a one off.

    Would of liked to have read that the match simulation started off scrappy before the so called leaders/experienced players stopped the drill and called in all the players, then told them in no uncertain terms that the crap they are currently serving up is not even close to good enough, that we're 9 weeks away from GWS at the G and everybody needs to lift. 

    Its not the fact it was scrappy, it's the fact it was tolerated by the players. Didn't Vince just do a piece on the MFC website about the players starting to take ownership of the team, that would of been the perfect opportunity to demonstrate straight that. It's not always up to the coaches, the St.Kilda game last year being the perfect example. It's called accountability. Players are or should be taught to train how they expect to play. The last two seasons I keep hearing/reading that the Hawthorn leadership took training on a particular day whilst some coaches watched on from the stands and some weren't even there. Imagine us trying to do that. 



    maybe McCartney's attitude (at least they were quick), is that we are building, & learning,,,  & confidence follows theses things.  so we take what we have now,  & keep improving,  & being positive...   no point damaging low confidence in early stages of development.   we will improve,  as the weeks roll along.

  13. 4 hours ago, sue said:

    I know that Dawes' marking skills are often <indescribable> but I recently watched a few matches (which we won, I'm not a masochist) and he took some really good critical marks.  Let's not overdo the mockery.

    we need to lift our expectations on our fit & healthy experienced players.  Dawes certainly in this basket.  if he has a chronic hand, he plays as a fit player, of which he's taking the spot from.

  14. 5 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

    Dawes, Lumumba, Max King doing run throughs on the wing.

    Trengove, Terlich, Weideman doing agility. 

    Bootless Petracca walking laps with a footy.

    Main group just came out.

    good I like that... what better way than to exercise the toes after a trauma. rather than footwear which restricts the toes actions.  I like this concept.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Barney Rubble said:

    Watts has been nominated as having a breakout year 6 out of his 7 years.

    Nothing has come near a breakout out year.

    I would love to see the whole midfield have a breakout year, all playing to the same game plan.

    I am salivating at the thought of seeing no miss kicks lightning handball that hits targets, and run and carry from our outside players. Pin point passes that hit our forwards lace out on the chest.

    where on our last hopes, Barney...  As he will be a free agent of some form end of 2016...  if he doesn't want to be a well rounded player,  I feel his time in our jumper is up.

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Scythe said:

    Not getting much of a mention here, but I think Billy Stretch makes the wing position his own this year. Can see him developing into an Isaac Smith-type player within the next couple of years.

    Outside of him - Kent, Salem and Watts to be the big improvers. Gawn and Tommy to go to the next level, and Tyson to regain (and improve on) his 2014 form.

    Realistically, if half of the above happens, we're in for year of substantial improvement.

    I was thinking Kent on that wing 2016.   with Watts & Petracca on H/FF's

  17. 5 hours ago, nutbean said:

    We are a broad church here at Demonland...

    Heck..during the offseason and slow times I find that I argue with myself just for the sport.

    .....  as long as you don't attack yourself  'nut',  & beat yourself up.   I think you can consider yourself 'meek & mild'.   but if you start throwing punches at yourself,  or headbutting cars,  you maybe not,,, 'nut'  ???



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