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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 1 minute ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Stop penalizing the Top Sides for doing things right

    idiot decisions should not be rewarded. 

    they are not doing things right SWYL,  they have the power at the decision making times,  & some were lucky enough to get the decisions right over long periods of time, 30 years ago,,,   so they have a strong club culture & following to fall back on,  from back in those times.


    ......  lets not put concrete boots on clubs for poor management & cultures from 30 years back,  that couldn't get things right for varying reasons,  also due to some supporter groups causing bad management decisions which have hurt those few clubs.



    its time for the Governor's to put things right & get back to a balanced competition.  & ignore the media requests.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, old dee said:

    My major complaint about the AFL is that it is an old boys club.

    it needs a new CEO from outside the club and a number of the commissioners should retire because they have not covered themselves in glory over the last decade.

    If the AFL disappeared tomorrow ( yes I know there is no chance )

    I would enjoy watching the MFC in the Amos just as much as I do currently BB

    Supporter groups need 1/3 of the spots on the board/commission, & its decisions need to be transparent.  1/3 spots representing players past & present,  & the other 1/3 representing the clubs interests, plus the CEO,  & President of the AFL

  3. 11 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Clubs being stuck at or around the bottom of the ladder isn't a new phenomenon. And to the AFL's credit they've tried to do something about it (eg, salary cap, drafting), although arguably not enough. Having said that, clubs perenially at or around the bottom of the ladder are generally poorly run, which suggests its not all AFL HQ's fault.

    The best evidence for this are the comparative positions of Carlton and Hawthorn. Carlton was a powerhouse in the days when you could "buy" premierships by raiding SA and WA for the best talent by paying the highest prices. Conversely, Hawthorn was a basket case for most of its first 50 years in the competition. Carlton is now a struggler as it hasn't adapted to the changes required; whereas Hawthorn has worked out how to operate best in the new world.



    they try but in the end they don't have the balls to stand up to power clubs who biitch & moan in the papers.


    and the political will isn't strong enough because of short term thinking,  around the almighty $$$$ ....   very short term thinking indeed,  & cheap moral thinking.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Django said:

    I like most of your points Theo, but how do you go about preventing tanking when that draft pick system is in place.

    The FA idea is great, but it would never run. The AFLPA would kick up a stink, as players wouldn't be able to float off to another club and win a flag if they wanted to.

    bring back a  'Form 4'  type thing,  for signing Free & Restricted Free Agents. 


    ......  let the teams outside the top 8 can get ( 5  Form 4's ) valid over following 3 consecutive trade draft periods....  teams finishing 5th to 8th spot can get  ( 3  Form 4's )  valid for the 3 following trade periods...


    2nd placed finishing team to 4th placed team can only have  ( 2 Form 4's only ) over the following 3 season period.

    1st placed team can only have  ( 1 form 4 only ) over the following 3 season period.


  5. 4 hours ago, dieter said:

    When I worked in a bottle shop in St Kilda in early 2006 in came Ron Barassi. He was looking for a good bottle of plonk. He was humble, polite, a nice human being.When I told him I'd been a Demon supporter since 1958 he became very friendly. He talked up Melbourne's chances for the coming season. As he left the shop he turned around, gave a big smile, and said, Go Demons!

    ( I met David Neitz at the same shop. He was just as friendly and just as talkative. We share a kraut ancestry. Great player.)


    was it on Barkly St,  near the corner of Inkerman St?

    St-Kilda Wine & Spirit ?  I heard 'Neita'  goes there on occasion, as well as some others.

  6. On 12/6/2014 at 1:46 AM, dee-luded said:

    Obama to Abbott: get out of the way

    Seriously? Tony Abbott has just taken climate change OFF the agenda at the G20, as if scrapping The Climate Department, The Climate Commission and yes, soon, the carbon price wasn’t enough. Now he’s literally getting in the way of OTHER countries taking action.

    Our PM is meeting with Barack Obama next week in Washington and the President has just put his legacy on the line for climate, cleaning up America’s energy production even in the face of huge opposition. Obama will be busy selling his climate policies, so let’s ask him to give Abbott a copy of Congress’ climate report when they exchange gifts at the White House.

    Climate tipping points are threatening to change the very world we live in irreversibly. There’s never been a more important time to act -- if President Obama’s subtle present doesn’t convince Abbott, then he can force him out of the way of other countries and put climate change back on the G20 agenda. Sign now!

    Click below to sign the petition and forward to everyone:


    thanks uncle 't'ony rabbot, for getting out the way & let real leaders shape our futures.


    oh, & buy the way 't',   why don't you go the 'whole hog',,,,  &  just,  retire ...

    get out of all our way !

  7. 11 hours ago, Choke said:

    I had a lot of hope that the change of leader might actually result in some substantial change in policy, but it appears you are right, nothing seems to have changed.

    I find it incredibly frustrating that I used to hear Malcolm talk and think "that's a real leader". I can only now think of 3 possibilities on what happened, none of them good:

    A/ - Turnbull's previous appearances and statements were populist fluff and he never believed them

    B/ - He is handcuffed by a hostile right-wing faction within his own party, meaning he is a weak leader

    C/ - He's just saying whatever suits him at whatever time it's of political benefit in order to hold onto the prime ministership


    Australia's quest for a real Prime Minister continues.

    I'll skip A , & go with B & C as most likely options...  turn bull,  imo just wanted the title of PM... so would do whatever to get it.  even sacrificing his beliefs to do so, IMO.

    the rabbot was/is the  British/Australian who was most like the USA's,  G 'w' Bush...   dangerous  ' t party'  types.


    the religious lobby also work from the darkness of the shadows, without coming out up front publicly,  to say what it is they want.

  8. 22 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    I think this thread is misleading, there has been no in or out we just now have Prime Minister Tony Turnbull in charge or Malcolm Abbott, take your pick, same outcome. Two and half years to do nothing, oh except to axe the tax and stop the boats! 

    so we've gone backwards,  losing the price on carbon.


    ..... more & more it seems to me that the party leader is just a figure head,  whilst the power people work behind from the shadows.  the party power brokers & lobbyists & the cabinet backroom jockeys,  IMO run the show.

    The modern leaders seem nobbled by the secret party agenda's driven by men/people in the shadows & they're lobbyists like christian groups, multi-national giants & other industry groups.


    democracy is the loser,  of these shadowy figures.

  9. On 24/2/2016 at 9:03 AM, Choke said:

    I not religious at all, but I must admit that whenever father Bob was on TV, I listened. He was so direct and undogmatic. It'd be nice if there were a few more father Bobs around and a few less Cardinal Pells.

    I try to also be direct & open honest.   But find people still don't believe you - distrust you...  as they seem to expect lies from others,  so they seem to try to reinterpret the honesty,  & it then gets rewritten in their heads to suit their own coloured perception anyway.


    This is how sick the world has become,   that honest communication is a lost art. 


    I think the churches with their confessions,  & they're desire to crush 'emotions of anger',  creates this political correctness,  at least may be its inception,  then, that PC silence,  undermines the truth.


    it has become that direct talk is seen as rude ???????????????????  not the grapevine talk,  & whispers/rumours as being rude..  the young generations IMO,  have got it arze about.

  10. 3 hours ago, biggestred said:

    Afl to my mind is in serious trouble.

    Sure the dollars are rolling in in record numbers.

    But when clubs are stuck at the bottom of the ladder for years and years

    When those same clubs become feeder clubs for those perennially in the top 8

    When the top 8 clubs dont need the draft because they just cherry pick the best players from the lower clubs

    When the afl pretty much supports drug cheating and will no doubt give essendon all the support in the world despite the fact that the entire club cheated the other 17 clubs

    When loud music etc become essential to the "pre game experience" 

    When its not about the footy any more but about the entertainment 

    When fans of competing clubs cant get into grand finals because the corporate types are there


    Well, its in a very sick place imho.


    3 hours ago, biggestred said:

    The other thing that has changed is hope.

    Every club sells hope.

    Hope that your team can win the flag or make the finals.

    Nowdays we hope we might make finals... carlton fans hope they might make finals in a couple of years. 

    This needs to change asap.

    the randomness of the footy has been culled...  the randomness of the game style,  the randomness of which clubs might fight to be in next years finals series,  the randomness of clubs fighting back in games via random play by a teams stars.


    .......    in short the creativity has been replaced with robotic data driven disciplines.  its become all very contrived,  from the gamestyles,   to the national draft. 


    contrived = boring.

    • Like 2
  11. On 22/02/2016 at 10:01 AM, Cranky Franky said:

    Pencilling in Hunt for Round 1 is ridiculous but continues the great Demonland tradition of supporters creaming their pants over someone who hasn't actually done anything yet.

    Hunt has some ability but is yet to establish himself at Casey much less getting picked in the ones. 

    expect top see the kids in the NAB cup,   but once the H&A starts,  I would hope the senior players get first dibs,  then from they're,  its their spots to lose to the up & comers.


  12. 2 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Hmm it is fascinating he is being protected. 

    This has enormous ramifications to the Vatican if Pell is nailed with a guilty verdict. 

    These old institutions do not understand one aspect. 

    Social Media

    People now get information quicker and more of it. 

    Pell will not ride this wave out. 

    He will either come home to court or die soon...

    wish i could go to The Vatican and escort The filthy Basterd home...Wearing a Demon Jumper of course...

    they say SWYL,  that bad things happen when good people stay quiet.


    ...... & staying quiet is the churches methodology.  they teach their parishioners to stay quiet,  & encourage suppression of emotions like anger.  anger is a healthy emotion once expressed verbally bottled up its a timebomb for sickness.

    Anger is only bad when behaved out as violence,,,  or abuse in relationships, & this is used by both sexes equally,  as a weapon of choice.


    I'm not surprised to see so many sick people,  who have been from catholic families...    so many look drawn & withered,  & not all have been molested,  I'm sure.  


    Pell will be brought home eventually to face his music....  wait till the fat lady starts to warm her chords.  the night is but still young.


  13. On 22/02/2016 at 9:07 AM, dieter said:

    I was at a friend's place in about 1998, we were celebrating his birthday. He's a painter and the guests came from all backgrounds. I found out one of them was a priest. I sat down to chat with him and Pell's name came up. The priest said, " George Pell is a c...t'.

    I'm not surprised dieter.   

    the good ones are like 'father Bob',  down at Sth Melb...   but the church wants those types out.

  14. 16 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

    I was there today, for the White lovers, has had a slight ankle issue, same with Terlich who did part of the session, JKL is hammy

    HL and King were back in main group for 3/4 , then did an interesting drill with Crossy on the other soccer oval, with one in goal and the other firing shots at them?

    Trengove did most of everything, looked unencumbered (nice word)

    Nathan Jones was rehabbing, asked him why, said it was age

    Hogan is fun to watch in the match sim

    Only one who didn't seem to be there today was Spencer

    Hulett hurt himself today, but seemed minor

    If you have any question feel free, tasmanlvr has the drills covered

    On the Petracca/Jones front, Trac made his usual smart comment to me when I passed him and Jonesy as they sat and watched the last of the match sim, I actually managed to get him embaressed much to Jonesys' amusement.

    Saty, don't tell me Trenners  has been neutered...  Its my  belief that his best work for the club will come in the latter part of his playing career, & bog after in his retirement play.

    say it isn't so Saty.



  15. 19 minutes ago, Baghdad Bob said:

    Yeh, but Goodwin will select the team. 

    I don't think so, or have selectors gone out with the new millenia?    I think all line coaches % senior selectors will discuss/vote & either Roosy or Goody or both,  will have veto of some form.

  16. 1 hour ago, CHF said:

    A fair bit of water has flowed under the bridge since this thread started a month ago and there is still a bit more to go.


    The first intraclub threw up a few interesting players with Hunt and Wagner getting mentions. There are still a lot in the mix for mine.

    The locks to my mind are as follows:


    TMac, Garland, Jetta, Dunn, Salem.


    N. Jones, Viney, Vince, Brayshaw, Tyson, VDB, 


    Hogan, Watts, Garlett, Kent



    That is 16 of the starting 18 in place. Of the 2 we need a CHF/Ruck/#rd tall Forward. Frost looks a likely selection at the moment but it could be Pedo. at this stage whichever one misses on the starting 18 should be on the bench.Someone to put there hand up over the next three NAB games? The next needs to be a defender running off the HBF, Grimes rotating through the wing? Maybe this is where Hunt/White/Wagner will be able to press their claims for a position.. Maybe one of those will be on the bench. let see what happens over the next 3 games.


    For me at this stage: Frost and Grimes in the starting 18 with Pedo, Hunt, Hames and Kennedy on the bench.

    who's to say Kent won't get ago off half back at some stage? & also Vince?  with the rotation reduced expect some changes with some mids rotating thru forward posts?  so Vince could go back to run with a resting mid?   also Kent could add dash out of the backs.

  17. 1 hour ago, picket fence said:

    Grimes getting a game is a retrograde step IMO.

    Blood youth!! Grimes and Tregove very much backups only!

    well we won't know until mid season picket.  Roosy likes hard running players to attack,  unlike some here who think he doesn't attack...  but he likes them to be responsible for their opponent first,  then attack when opportunity arises.

    see Rhys-Shaw...    Roosy doesn't care about flash bubble & squeak,  or who looks good.   he likes players to run hard both wayz, & to be team effective.  especially across the centreline.

    Grimesy has this responsible nature,  just needs to find his MOJO again & add some dash with the ball.

    Roosy also like mature bodies,  & mature heads...   so I think hunt & oliver are a stretch to  this point..

    I think they may play the mature players first up forcing the kiddies to make  the selectors  give them games,   as it should be anyway.   work harder young fellas,  ,to get a go.

    • Like 1
  18. 7 hours ago, hardtack said:


    5 hours ago, daisycutter said:

    good catch hardtack. wonder why oz press didn't pick this up in 2002 or maybe they did?.


    3 hours ago, dieter said:

    This was 2002 when the ruling catholic orthodoxy was that abuse didn't happen. It was around the time that Father Frank Maloney, the Chief Salesian in Australia then, asked the question, Well, who are you going to believe, a priest or a junkie?

    Maloney was simply spruiking,or, regurgitating the Catholic state of denial. 


    1 hour ago, Jara said:

    Thanks for posting that, Hardtack. Amazing. These creeps... I was raised a Catholic - hate em now. We're going to see them in all their glory during the gay marriage plebiscite. I can see it now,  The usual scene: a bunch of old men who who've worn dresses for their day job telling other people how to live their lives. The gall... The gall... If I had as many skeletons in my closet as they have, I'd be ashamed to open my mouth in public. 

    just amazing,  the lack of sympathy empathy & responsibility for the clergy he serves with,  the band of brotherhood or some such?

    ......  that he goes on to belittle the betrayal of young minds to this filth they  (catholic church)  serve up,  & the message of taboo sex before marriage,  but they the (catholic bretheren)  partake in sex out of marriage themselves against the communities own laws of buggery & child molestation.


    he Pell,  thinks he is a law unto himself,   even outside of the churches teachings itself.   send him to syria to work for  isis...   let him teach them a thing or 2. 

  19. 9 hours ago, Dees2014 said:

    I would have thought 3rd or 4th tall. With 4 now on the bench and reduced interchanges, it means I think we will be playing two ruckman, possibly Gawn and Frost  (although Gawn and Spencer worked very well in the best win of last season against Geelong). This means the forward talls will be 1. Jesse  2. Dawes/Weideman/Huelett  3. Resting Ruck.  4. Watts (roving half forward). 

    This will be great for Jack when he can at last use his height and speed against smaller opponents. Also can't wait to see Max taking screamers in the square at regular intervals.

    yes,  to me we have the 2 regular tall types F/F & CHF,  say (Hogan & Frost),  a 3rd tall to spell the ruckman (Pedo or Frost),   so in this scenario Watts can play as 4th tall in a pocket,  or flank, & on a small opponent.

    this shhould suit him.

  20. 5 hours ago, Leoncelli_36 said:

    Has anyone else cone across a rumour that has been put out there on social media that apparently started with Damo Barrett suggesting Viney will leave MFC in 2017 to join Port Adelaide.

    I know that Damo is a [censored], but this is about the worst of his work. 

    Please someone put this one to bed. 

    hutchy's settting up barrett to get his old job back again...? about as much relieability as barrett anywho.

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