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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 8 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    I was just asking has he started kicking a ball yet. 

    I had a broken R Tibia & Fibula from a motorcycle accident, multiple breaks Tibia had a triangle piece with bottom bone section below & upper section bone above triangle.... fibula grew back overlapping itself by 55mm.

    I tried to play footy 4 years later, & half way thru season started getting sore shin.  xray showed nil.  Further scan showed activity around original break of the Tibia,  IMO from the loading of kicking the ball.. I was warned by TAC to give it away.


    JT is I think more prone to jarring of feet on hard pavements ???    I wonder if hard formed orthotics will help him in this injury?

    4 hours ago, Deeoldfart said:

    IMO, giving him a new contract, and excellent medical and rehab. support, is a pretty decent show of loyalty on the part of our Club.

    and this is what the club should do for real servants who give the club all.  those who take,,, & grumble, can take a walk, & $culk off Howe ever way they want.


    4 hours ago, rjay said:

    A fit Trengove is easily best 22 'Red', my opinion of course but there was a reason the Tiges were after him. A couple really, his playing ability and much needed leadership.

    a fully fit Trenners is above Grimes, & would help out off half back & thru Mids. the boy can kick & can play, if he can keep fit.


    4 hours ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:


    Talented player, ex captain and was shown the door at a time when our culture was at possibly its lowest point. 

    A one year contract is an each way bet. 

    often the clubs will try to pull the wool, for a trade,  to get a favourite son a couple more years contract ext, elsewhere, especially if they think its the end.

    I often wonder about Kelvin Templeton?


    1 hour ago, Satyriconhome said:

    I'm working with a young student who is doing a psychology degree at uni, pointed her to this site for a bit of practical study

    sure to be getting a 'Laugh Inn'  over pinky & SWYL the Brain..... tomorrow, 'the world',  its myne!!!!


    next the Mfc & the MCC



    language alert

    but which is SWYL?



    • Like 1
  2. On 23/1/2016 at 9:25 AM, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Does anyone else think our talented young men players have overstepped the mark with their outspokenness?

    Hewitt was brash, at times obnoxious but he always showed great respect for the game and usually for other players, especially the greats of the game. 

    Kyrios and Tomic have potential galore but Kyrios' on court behaviour and the media comments of both, make me cringe.  Their latest antics: 

    Kyrios answers mobile on court: http://www.theage.com.au/sport/tennis/australian-open-2016-nick-kyrgios-in-hot-water-after-answering-his-phone-on-court-20160123-gmcphj.html

    Tomic puts down Federer (rightly or wrongly I don't know but not very smart): http://www.theage.com.au/sport/tennis/australian-open-2016-bernard-tomic-takes-aim-at-roger-federer-20160123-gmcptn.html

    Maybe they should let their racquets do the talking until they actually achieve something!


    IMO Kyrios is a kid who had Tomic as a peer model for last few years.  outspoken brash is nothing wrong, as its him..... but under pressure it can leave him sounding like a pratt.  I just have wondered what Tomics attitude over the last 3 years has done to Kyrios attitude..

    I think Kyrios appears to be settling, after a pressure filled 12 months, & Kyrios is the talented one with agility & speed & court coverage & shots.

    Tomic to me is Philippoussis Mk2.... playboy xtrordinare

    Dasher IMO is restricted with power

    Kokkinakis is ???

  3. Just now, Balance Demon said:

    Hi Guys, you left out Warren Dean. He was fantastic. Fast, prodigious kick and a great mark. Truely a shame, that he had a degenerative knee problem.

    and Earl Spalding

  4. 4 minutes ago, CHF said:

    Shuffle away all you like Dee.

    Not a lot of difference in the personnel of the 22 with you dropping Dawes and adding Bugg. I know next to nothing about Bugg. I live in Europe and have for the last 10 years or so and only watch the Demons games so anyone in other teams I know very little about. 

    Not sure I like TMac as CHF. he can take a mark and reads the game well except when he has the ball in his hands and decides to set off on a run. TMac and frost could swap around.

    I would still like to see Dawes in the 22. swap him for Bugg or Kennedy on the bench?

    Bit of water to flow under the bridge with Intra club matches and the NAB games. Things will become a lot clearer at that time. Petracca, Grimes, ANB could all put in Belters during the pre-season games and demand a R1 start.  A way behind this group are Oliver, Hunt, Hulett, and Spencer. Minchie and White off the rookie list might also step up.

    I do not see Lumumba coming up fit and in form by the time of R1


    that's why I said I like your work.

    but I think TMac was tried forward for a reason,  2nd half of last year,  possibly with a view to make room for development...  of Frosty? & of Oscar.  & with Garlo getting on, & Dawes spinning, we need to hurry to develop Frost & Oscar down back...

    So I see that TMac could go CHF leading up thru the middle with Hogan reaching up high, & rotating with Pedo, add watts, & some small speed to that mix.


    Frost & Oscar trying to settle into defence with Garlo & Dunn, Salem & Jetta & maybe Vince? 

    ..... add possibly Bugg into this interchange, to help either down back, or thru the mids?


    #edit: Lumumba, I forgot... sorry Heritier. he should be in there somewhere.

  5. 54 minutes ago, _becks_ said:

    Backs: Alan Johnson, Danny Hughes, Greame Yeats

    Half backs: Rod Grinter, Jamie Duursma, Sean White

    Mids: Robert Flower, Todd Viney, Steven Stretch

    Half forwards: David Williams, Earl Spalding, Ricky Jackson

    Full forwards: Jim Stynes, Garry Lyon, Brian Wilson

    Rucks: Steve O'Dwyer, Simon Eishold, Greg Healy,

    Inter: Brett Lovett, Stephen Newport

    now your talkin' _becks_


    thats a very solid side. 

    I wouldn't mind watching & cheering that team on,  anyday.  allday.  & could I add Steve Febey, Steven Tingay, & Glenn Lovett onto the inter bench ?

  6. On 23/1/2016 at 7:46 PM, Middymalt said:

    Yeah and those old timers have probably seen flags at least they have those memory's.

    what about the ones in between.

    the ones too young to recognise ('64), in a non Melbournefc family.  who have only seen the '87 night flag,  & some finals games,  some great,  some just going thru the motions since mid nineties.



  7. 2 minutes ago, george_on_the_outer said:

    I coached my nephews U16 side last year with a parent from the Brighton Grammar side where Jayden and Christian Salem played.  He said that Christian was an absolute blinder and a great pickup.  Also that Jayden could be anything and maybe even better than Christian, but for the injuries which never allowed him to get on the field, and also be picked for the Sandy Dragons squad.

    If his body responds, then we could have another talent from that draft.  If it doesn't then it will be yet another tale of "what could have been...."

    and this ^^^ could be the key to him?     slowly readying his body for the modern AFL game.    some bodies apparently take some adjusting to the rigors these days.


    I like it how the current footy dept are taking their time with our kids,  making sure they are 'more than'  just,  'cherry ripe'.



  8. On 21/1/2016 at 2:51 AM, CHF said:

    It is starting to get towards the pointy end of the pre-season and it is about time we had a crack at the R1 team. We have images and reports from training and that is providing a lot of information of us to dwell on.


    Some of the players are walk up starts for R1 if they stay fit.

    T MacDonald at fullback

    Hogan at full forward

    Garlett at his feet

    Gawn in the ruck

    Jones in the center

    Viney, Vince, Brayshaw and VDB running through the middle

    CHB? could be a case of horses for courses Dunn slotted in there? Maybe Frost

    Salem and Jetta HBFs?

    Stretch on a wing

    Watts to get a run?

    Kent would have to be there abouts  as would Hames, Tyson Kennedy and Bugg


    My R1 Team at the moment based upon training reports:

    FB:  Garland. T Mac. Dunn

    HB: Salem. Frost. Jetta

    C: Vince. N. Jones. Stretch

    HF: Kent. Dawes. Brayshaw

    F: Watts. Hogan. Garlett

    FOL: Gawn. Viney. VDB

    INT: Hames. Kennedy, Tyson, Pedo.

    I would be pretty happy with a team like that. Some doubts... do we need both Dunn and Frost in defence when we have Garland and T Mac there? Watts can cover down there as can Pedo. Dawes? well in the later part of last season I liked how he and Hogan complimented each other with the way they ran and moved. Dawes I would give first opportunity to but he would be under pressure to perform with Pedo right there and a couple of young guys looking at that spot as well. I would also look at Watts having a run at CHF depending on matchups.


    Running through the midfield is going to be one of our strengths this year I feel with N Jones, Vince, Viney, Brayshaw, VDB, Kennedy, Tyson, Stretch and Kent and, in the team I have named, you could add Watts, Garlett, Salem, Hames and Jetta to the midfield rotations.


    A long way to go to the first bounce but I do admit to having a bit more pep in my step this pre-season than in the last few. The team actually looks like it has a purpose and is working to a plan.

    We may go close to making the finals this year with a bit of luck with injuries.

    like your work CHF

    if I may, shuffle, >

    FB:  Garland. Dunn. Jetta

    HB: Salem. Frost. Vince

    C: Kent. Brayshaw. Tyson

    HF: Watts. T Mac. Viney

    F: Garlett. Hogan. Pedo


    FOL: Gawn. VDB. N. Jones


    INT:  Stretch, Harmes. Kennedy, Bugg


    ..... Dawes ?

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, hardtack said:

    The first three lines in the original post read: "As much as David Bowie's loss was very sad, I think Glen Freys contribution to MOR was sensational!

    A great musician in his own right he formed with the Eagles that West coast sound which has become iconoclastic to the style of the sensational seventies!

    The music still is fresh alive and vibrant today as then."

    The topic started off belittling Bowie's contribution to music as compared to Frey's and then went on to discuss the music of the Eagles.  Those three lines invited the discussion the followed regarding the value of The Eagles' music.

    Yes, his death was a sad thing, but as WYL said, we all die... the only difference is that we non-celebrities will go unnoticed in our passing, except by those to whom we are closest (as it should be).

    yes I see your point, I thought it was a respects thread for Glenn Frey, & I also didn't perceive it as a put down of Bowie,  who I think is/was fantastic, more-so now than ever before. 

    But i didn't perceive that it was comparing the two of Bowie & Frey,  as both were large parts of my life....  love music.   with a wide variety from Satchmo to Elvis,  from Billy Pauls 'me & mrs jones',  to Earth Wind & Fire,  from Glenn Miller to 'Snow White & the 8 Straights'.  Billy Joel to Gary Puckett.  from Chain to Madderlake. etc. Thorpie.


    to me they are all greats.  I don't need to hang shyte on this or that.  especially after one has just passed & is still warm.

    I even like the light stuff like  Billy 'bad habits' Field,  or Christopher Cross,  then to Slade, Deep Purple, Guns n Roses. et al. all the Blues legends & some.

  10. 3 hours ago, ProDee said:

    Nah, they're just devout Christians who recognise the idiocy of spending trillions of dollars on a non problem, especially when over 3 billion people in the world live in poverty.

    just like an ostrich,  thinks an old monetary system is more important,  than maintaining our current environmental status,  in the interests of people surviving,  as we currently have it.

    money is nothing more than a barter system exchange.


  11. 58 minutes ago, Cranky Franky said:

    For me one of the most fascinating things for 2016 is to see if our recruiters got it right in selecting Clayton Oliver, especially after the stuff up with Jimmy T.   There is clearly no perfect formula for selecting young players but I think the current recruiters have done very well except for the Toump stuff up.

    My concern this year is that if you read all the draft comments Parish seemed to be the better player ie - a natural footballer - whereas Oliver filled the criteria of the big bodied mid fielders which are all the rage at the moment.

    I will be really peed off if Essendon come out of this in front of us.  Time will tell but its going to be an interesting year.  

    when restructuring a club culture that was very soft & outside for a long time, & oue=r default position is for outside flashy types, we need to build the 'hard' 'at it'  part into our culture first before we add the little bits of polish here & there. otherwise we will be straight back to square one of what happens to this club. some players of exquisite skills & no winning any silverware.


    .... this club habitually likes to show a clean pair of heels;   this is our Achilles heal.             To me, this is driven from the north sode, but its just not real.


    we need to get back to being Checkers Demons.  Demons not fuchsia's.

  12. Just now, Sir Why You Little said:

    I am sharing my thoughts on what i thought about The Eagles. 

    I worked in a Record Shop during '81-'82

    You have no idea how many times i was forced to listen to "Hotel California" and other related Eagles tunes. 

    Credence Clearwater Revival were the sound from the west in the 70's

    Hotel California one of my all time favourite tunes.  as well as 'Life in the fast Lane' reminiscing about driving to Flinders whilst making love to girl friend, during the journy at the wheel.  the good ol days. lets not spoil them.

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, Sir Why You Little said:

    I am sharing my thoughts on what i thought about The Eagles. 

    I worked in a Record Shop during '81-'82

    You have no idea how many times i was forced to listen to "Hotel California" and other related Eagles tunes. 

    Credence Clearwater Revival were the sound from the west in the 70's

    this thread isn't about the eagles wyl, . its about Glenn Freys passing. for those who care.

  14. On 23/1/2016 at 7:06 PM, Sir Why You Little said:

    All checked thanks DL

    We all die

    there are threads on music,  for which to voice approval or disapproval of choice. 

    but this is a thread to honor someone who has impacted peoples lives,  & for them to share their thoughts in a time of loss of someone important in their lives. 


    not for criticism,  that should be in the music threads.

  15. On 22 January 2016 at 4:57 PM, Bossdog said:

    OH oh ... See the boys went surfing yesterday ... don't they know that they could cut their feet on rocks ... get a surfboard flying into the back of their heads ... get taken by sharks ... pull muscles getting on the boards ... break their necks getting dumped by the waves

    Oh it's ok ... club sanctioned ... JUST DON'T PLAY BASKETBALL IN YOUR SPARE TIME ... far too dangerous.

    or drown, who's the bright spark that organised this ?????? !!!!!!!

    cotton wool quick, & overcoats for all, to stop any coldjumbo_ivory_longwool_sheepskin_beanbag_l

    • Like 2
  16. 16 minutes ago, RalphiusMaximus said:

    Given that somebody decided to bump the OTHER Trengove thread, let's just try to keep this one up at the top of the page shall we?  Maybe we can pin it? 

    you mean this one >

    1 hour ago, dee-luded said:

    go back to when trenners was put on the trade table to the tiges, & reread posts.


    2014 original thread of JTrengove & his navicular, & rumoured trade to tigers thread  >



  17. On 23 January 2016 at 9:47 PM, Wiseblood said:

    This is rubbish WYL.  Is this an aberration or are you showing your true colors here?

    go back to when trenners was put on the trade table to the tiges, & reread posts.


    2014 original thread of JTrengove & his navicular, & rumoured trade to tigers thread  >


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