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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 48 minutes ago, mo64 said:

    What garbage! He'd signed a contract extension 6 months prior, and nobody put a gun to his head. Good on GWS for playing hardball. If you want a state of origin set-up where every kid gets to play in their home state, say goodbye to the QLD and NSW teams.

    thats why the cola was in place.

  2. 2 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    Was desperate to go back to WA last year and GWS refused to engage in a discussion. Now he has taken indefinite leave of absense.

    Don't know the detail but it must be hard enough for recruiters without having to deal with this kind of thing. Some Gen Z's or whatever they are can't handle the pressure of AFL.

    My guess is that we will see an increasing number of them go down this path and clubs be 'forced' into trading them or risk losing them....


    oh shittt, I immediately thought of Brendan, & heart skipped a beat.

  3. 3 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    DL ...more than a few her happy to give him the golden best 22 ticket straight out of the box. Its ridiculous.

    I actually hope he makes it..I hope we get 5 years top service out of him. He'd love it, we'd love it.

    Im just realistic

    I think they mean on footy talent he's best 22,  being optimistic... but he has to recover,  getfit,  & then put games together,  then gather afl form as well...

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    MMM Sydney said league was hoping to get through its first off season without incident in years, then this....

    bafoonery at its greatest. 

    he dog didn't appear so upset.   maybe thought it was going through the sniff test?


    but dunno about the girl or recipients of the video?   but sometimes we overreact to things which are just insults to our senses.  the guy was drunk as.. & being childish.

  5. 12 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    Im not so sure that WYL veil is of negativity or he simply refuses to pander to the groupthink of someone will wave a magic wand and JT will be a star again. As far as it goes Im  in the same camp. Good luck to the bloke but I have my reservations. Theyre based on reality.


    Anyone who nay-says apparently a negative nancy. Hilarious really

    I think you perceiving everyone thinking JT will be a star again,  is so far from reality, its imaginary.  JT will be hard pressed to get going again...  but if anyone can, he can.

  6. On 28/1/2016 at 1:47 PM, Wrecker45 said:

    I love how you think Jo Nova is for rattlers of tin pans but reference a left wing rag like the guardian to make your point. 

    I also like your bit about oceans making up 70% of the surface area. You realise that the satellite data cover upwards of 98% of the atmosphere?

    Are you one of those that think the missing heat / energy is hiding in the deap oceans (where it can't be measured) or have you got some other great explanation for the complete failing of climate science predictions?



    love it how you put yourself ito a right wing corner by always referring to politics,  instead of the climate & the scientists themselves.  you seem to be just playing the money or the climate box game all the time

    ("wrecka"),  "can we afford a healthy climate, hell know" !

  7. 4 hours ago, nutbean said:
    1 hour ago, beelzebub said:

    Well lets close it for now til he's made some more progress. I'm fine with that

    As with most of demonland threads over 5 pages - lots of circular arguments going on.

    Based on Trengoves first couple of seasons there is little doubt that he is best 22.

    The doubt comes in as to whether his foot will allow him to be the very good player he was becoming in his first two seasons.

    sort of like circle work for forum junkies


    1 hour ago, beelzebub said:

    Well lets close it for now til he's made some more progress. I'm fine with that

    this may be the fairest for JT,,,   so he can relax back away from any spotlight,   to remove any possible extra stress from his massive job ahead of him.

  8. 29 minutes ago, pineapple dee said:

    Loved it when Tommy told us from the rooms "Daicos has got a groin"  That sort of info you just don't get any more. Bring him back !!!!!


    26 minutes ago, pineapple dee said:

    Whoever it was who said in a North Melbourne game " Hepburn springs,German shepherds" Commentary gold!!! 


    20 minutes ago, DeeZee said:

    Mike Williamson and Teddy Whitten

    heres some vintage Dyer'ere,  from World of Sport (7)



  9. 4 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    2 hours agBump.

    Apart from getting into a bit of bother, has Bran Taylor lost a bit of weight over summer?



    Embedded image permalink

     2 hours ago

    Mexico releases video of "El Chapo" being fingerprinted

    dunno, but maybe lost a few Kg's or $$$$  Brian your a celebrity,  get you outa there !!!  dig a hole Brian.


    12 minutes ago, pineapple dee said:

    Loved it when Tommy told us from the rooms "Daicos has got a groin"  That sort of info you just don't get any more. Bring him back !!!!!


    9 minutes ago, pineapple dee said:

    Whoever it was who said in a North Melbourne game " Hepburn springs,German shepherds" Commentary gold!!! 

    the game has become to serious & sterile..  the fun has gone with all the anal-ysis


    let us laugh once again,,,  or the game is doomed to footy nerds & the backwaters.



  10. 3 hours ago, rjay said:

    'bb' crosses out 22 and replaces with 30


    Ok, I'm pushing it with top 10 for now but I think you are underselling Trengove with the top 30 call.

    If he can stand up he is well and truly top 22, the club haven't improved that much...

    As for moot points, this site is full of what was, what should be, what could be.

    I think beez has been burnt too many times to be opto',,,  so he'd rather play 'cautious cat'  for now?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Good Times Grimes said:

    What a nothing story. He didn't do anything wrong, the club didn't do anything wrong, and nothing bad happened. A classic example of the media trying to make something out of absolutely nothing.

    Also for the record: He wasn't "detained" in the DRC, he was denied entry while a visa misunderstanding was resolved. Very different things. 

    comomn, GTG,  don't let the facts spoil a very entertaining fantasy thread .

  12. 12 hours ago, KingDingAling said:

    Yeah I know, I was just adding the midfield onto the initial discussion about the 22. Because, lets face it, Trengove's best football is in the midfield (well, I believe it is anyway), and I think he will have to be at his very best to break into that position (anticipate our midfield will be improved). I think 2016 will just be about getting back on the park. If he can manage to get back onto the park, he will have to be at his very best to break into the midfield (2017 on wards).

    for sure, but in U-18's he played defensive side of square at centre bounces, & IMO can play back flank,  actually if fit & running, I can imagine him being something like Steven Febey.

  13. 3 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    I reckon a final 16 is the go. Only those battling out the spoon don't get a look in :rolleyes:

    maybe a final 20 one day? 

    the H&A comp could become the NAB cup?   we could all play finals for 10 weeks.  ed's definitely onto something this time !!!


  14. 7 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Boss this club has been shocking at giving easy games and send off games to players who are not up to it. That has to stop

    i want september finals with match hardened players. 

    I really don't care who they are. 

    its not the send offs or past players, its been the culture for a looong time. Barass brought a better culture which took 5 years to break open, & change,,  as he did up at Sydney as well, then handed over the reigns to Eade.

    Roosy is repaying Barass's handover up there,  down here,  IMO,  thanks to Barass & AFL.


    the culture is 100% to do with club improvement & development of players, & winning.swyl.

  15. 2 hours ago, KingDingAling said:

    A fit, healthy and IN FORM Trengove is most definitely in our 22. I say 'in form' because it has been a while since he played the game, so I would no longer assume that just because he is fit and healthy - that he should be granted a game. You are right, he will have to earn it. He will have to find his very best form to break into our midfield from here on in.

    doesn't have to be midfield KDA, could be down back, up forward, interchange... in the 22? but will have to earn it with great form & a solid patch of games uninjured.

  16. 2 hours ago, ProDee said:

    Or one of the Morcombes for all of the good work they do in schools.

    Australian of the Year now seems little more than a platform to push political agendas and appease "progressives".

    thanks steve

  17. 2 hours ago, Ted Fidge said:

    That's exactly what Jack was told when he said his foot was sore.

    That's given us some great moments. Dean Jones' 200 in India. That chick in the Olympics who stumbled over the line in the marathon. Rugby league players who take hit after hit after hit.

    But the pendulum is swinging the other way. Jones was hospitalised. The marathon runner endangered her own safety. Rugby players suffering early Alzheimers.

    We're looking at these things differently now. It can be "tough" or "hard" or "gutsy" while at the same time being f***ing stupid. It's all in how you weigh it up.

    not really, those efforts in do or die finals are required... but maybe not in H&A games.


    JT is a big game player,  & I want him in my finals team.. he is the ultimate player to give all.

  18. 1 hour ago, Wells 11 said:

    Runs onto the MCG, for the first time since injury, midway through the third quarter in the 2016 prelim. We're 15 points behind the western bulldogs. Every time he gets a touch the crowd go nuts as does his teammates.  IF he can get back he's going to a massive team lifter for us.

    Hey its January.....Its good to dream.

    reminds me of the 87 run to finals & early finals games Wells 11.


    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    PG Jack has a one year contract to get back into the side, only because he broke down during the Richmond trade. 

    If he makes it back into the side, great. But he must do it because he has earnt it. I don't want him getting a game just so the fans can feel good. 

    In my opinion he played too long on an injured foot. But time will tell if that is right

    no big deal to work out. 

    the club isn't going to give JT a game just for the fans... thats passe.  he played too long yes, but after the club medics said nothing to see here.

    if JT thought he new better he would have gone off for a private 2nd opinion away from club.  I would have.


    Jack is a team player, & probably idolises the game & the clubs expertise`.  we couldn't have a better team player IMO.  he isn't holding the club back, he is helping it forward with his attitude. its other softees that pull it backwards.

    • Like 5
  20. 51 minutes ago, hardtack said:

    maybe the t party want to wreck the environment & the world we know ???? to force GOD back to earth the fix the place in a hurry.


    god knows the rabbott wants to see him.


    we all do, but not to clean up the rabbotts mess.


    appreciation is the word of any creator/god, & the way of tribal peoples the world over, giving thanks every evening that ends for their existance.


    buy contrast,  some well educated & hungry & mean ego driven power people just want to rape the planet for their own means.... monetary gain & so called status/power... they will burn in the old teste' vernacular.

  21. 2 hours ago, No10 said:

    Great work WJ.  The Age article is also brilliant, she just wrote out the conversation without imposing all her own observations.  I enjoyed the comment about Brayshaw could be captain of Melbourne in five years.

    There were rumors about trac falling out of favor after the psyc evaluation, he certainly seems to have shown great character during rehab.  Be interested to know if her book talks about this anywhere.   Great passages though, appreciate the posts

    there's nothing like some hardship to put an out of control ego back in its box for a while.  Jakovitch may have been different, if he had his hardship right at the start of his career.


    don't know of Petracca's ego,,, but IMO having early knee injuries did nothing to hurt Sean Whites attack at the contest & his hunger to win !

    2 hours ago, monoccular said:


    Maybe all that this says is that psychological profiling is an even less exact science / art /craft than is recruiting?

    we are born with a personality of sorts,  then the next 3 years will form the characteristics.

    all characters come with flaws.


    the environment & the persons development from there will carve the outcome for them.


    IMO this is why we have failed in past 17 years to really develop many of our talented recruits, & even the good ones may have only achieved 60% of their potential.  players won't chase,  won't put the head down,  won't contest,  won't tackle. only want to win kicks & kick goals.  let their opponents run free.


    hello, melbourne of the past 12 years.

  22. On 23/1/2016 at 10:38 AM, DemonAndrew said:

    fwiw, the psychological profile of petracca came back with a close comparison to brendan fevola.

    this is where the culture of the club & the leadership around the footy dept, & the senior list gets important. 


    the Blue boys had nada,  but  'Jack Illiot'  to show the wayz.  Brendon gave what Brendon got.

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