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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 21 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    I would think so.  In a similar role Tom Lynch hovers forward of the defensive 50 so doesn't do too much 'forward pressure' work but had a terrific 2015 - from afc website:  'He kicked 32 goals for the season but also worked hard to bring his teammates into the game. Lynch led the League for goal assists (30) and was equal-fifth for total score involvements (159)'.

    Given we went so hard to get Lynch it seems that forward/link-up player is seen as a key role and it looks like Watts is being groomed for that.  If so, it is a lot easier understand how so many tall forwards Hogan, Frost, Watts, Pedo/Dawes/Weideman and resting ruckman can fit in the forward line.  Also, the link-up role is essential if we are to be more offensive in our game plan and that seems a perfect role for Watts, his skill set and footy IQ.  Can't think of a better person for the job!

    puts things into perspective,  after watts was dropped last H&A game,  & we went after Tom Lynch,  but missed getting him over the line.    So we keep wattsy & impress on him this role we need from him ?



  2. 58 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    A nice passage of play: Kennedy runs down the wing and finds Hogan. He quickly turns and pops the ball to Harmes. Harmes slots the set shot. 

    Given the bro love between Hogan and Harmes both would have enjoyed that piece of play!

    MFC twitter feed indicates that Watts did some really good things:  lead well, good link-up work which ended in a few goals etc.  Maybe Watts' forward role will be more like the forward/link-up for which we tried to get Crows' Tom Lynch. 

    yes,  which is more the role I hoped watts would play,  back when we recruited him.   2nd or 3rd tall.   mobile & not overly heavy.

    his attack on the ball and contest has been disappointing.   I hope he turns the corner this season,  to earn his own footy.

  3. 7 hours ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    Who misses out for him to come in?

    the good thing is just that,  that they all have to perform,  or lose their position.

    competing against team mates for a place.

     I sense they are trying to unburden him,  & let him find the flow.

  4. On 10/02/2016 at 10:12 PM, Whispering_Jack said:

    Paige Cardona of Footy Prophet has put together an interesting compilation of players in the current draft pool who are related to past or present AFL/VFL players.

    Class of 2016: AFL Bloodlines

    There are no father sons in the article although Jake Lovett might still be a chance. The closest to home for me is this player - 

    "Hamish Brayshaw
    Height: 183cm, Weight: 85kg, DOB: 9/2/1998
    Recruited From: Sandringham Dragons
    Position: Medium Midfielder

    Almost a spitting image of his older brother, the recently-turned 18 year old already strikes an imposing figure with his filled-out frame. Hamish is the younger brother of Melbournes’ Angus and plays in a similar mould to that of his brother. Brayshaw is an inside-leaning midfielder, who wins the contested footy and stands out at the clearances. His one and only TAC Cup game delivered 13 disposals and a goal, to go with three tackles and three marks against eventual Premiers Oakleigh."

    like the Scott twins were, we  could do with some fierce brotherly love in our ranks.

  5. On 23/01/2016 at 11:11 AM, alpha33 said:

    I have three northern states Academy players in the top 10 which makes the bidding system important again. This means that although we've traded out our first round pick for 2016, we might still trade back in - one simply can't tell at this stage.

    Also, it's been reported that Ben Ainsworth who trained with us late last year is injured and at this stage will miss most of the preseason.


    oh what a pity,  & it could hampa him all season?   & after we've already had a good look.  

    best of luck to the kid.

    On 01/02/2016 at 4:40 PM, Choke said:

    Hugh McCluggage. Top name. I lol'd.

    is he from Tassie choke?   could nick-name  'im,  Errol  !

  6. 12 hours ago, Jaded said:

    Would love to go and enjoy my only bit of footy until June, but it is my last day at work and I don't think they'll be impressed if I miss my own farewell. 

    Counting on the trusty Demonland community to provide play by play updates, and here is hoping for no injuries! 

    would have liked to get there but car troubles presently, stop this from happening.


    9 hours ago, Demon Jack said:

    For what it's worth, Jake Lovett is one of the 8 top up players from Casey.

    geez, double whammy.   miss the opportunity to see lovee go around.


    7 hours ago, nutbean said:

    its like the tail  magnering the dog... 

    thought that's familiar



    7 hours ago, Kumamoto_Ken said:

    My dad is thinking of heading along, he'll probably be wearing flares too.

    not tartan plus 4's ?   or a pipe ?   he is a scott isn't he ?

  7. On 14/02/2016 at 5:54 PM, picket fence said:









    nice work pick'

    On 14/02/2016 at 10:13 PM, chook fowler said:

    Would be very surprised if Stretch is not playing round 1

    I wonder if Oliver will get a few games at least in the KC-dee side as he builds his body.    because of the special training he's receiving,  I think he'll be a little bit off & won't be rushed,  as we sort thru our mature mids.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    According to Ports bigfooty forum, he was woeful in the first half of their intra club game but got a bit of it in the 3rd qtr.

    They said he ran around aimlessly and couldn't really work out the role he was playing....sound familiar?

    I suspect he'll mature in SA, & become a very good footy player at SANFL level... may if he reaches full potential get another crack making it in AFL, but he imo needs a lot of maturing yet to feel good enough.

  9. On 16/02/2016 at 8:43 PM, daisycutter said:

    ok, i see the difference. misleading at first glance

    i guess it says more about the size of poverty in the third world than about the rich though

    fastest growing population in the world is africa surprisingly (in that it is the least able to support population growth)

    your talkin about that Mean nasty average again daisy?

  10. On 16/02/2016 at 4:45 PM, nutbean said:

    it actually doesn't say that - it says that 62 richest people are as wealthy as half the worlds population which is very different from the 62 richest people own half the worlds wealth. i have no idea if the figures in the article  are true but it is a frightening figure.

    owning/having 1/2  the worlds wealth is useless to all concerned.  as its only the resources you can suffice your needs from it,  that really counts.


    so in my opinion we should,  when realistic dollars are unavailable for any of our earthly resources,  slow down our shop trading hours . no point giving it all away to O/S & pollute as we give it all up.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Cranky Franky said:

    Sadly mental illness is often wrongly used to cover up a lot of bad behaviours:

    Did something wrong & lied about it - I had a mental illness.

    Cheated on the wife or girlfriend (& got caught) - I had a mental illness

    Got drunk & did something dumb - I had a mental illness.



    ... it an also cause people of strong character to make poor decisions with a loss of perception.... it is a (mental) brain/thinking/spiritual un-wellness. this is why people lose judgement & do odd things,  & why some other people have chronic conditions after being brought up by disturbed/angry parents.

    in today's 'anything goes' moral condition,  this weakens societies resolve even further as a mean average,,,  allowing individuals to make more mistakes.


    but how/where do you start when the beholders/organisations/cartels of moral values,  are all corrupted themselves to a large degree.


    we cannot start by hanging people for making errors of judgement.  we as a cultural society need to mature & learn further about the self  & psychology.  firstly to remove the fears/stigmas that so much pain has been dished out to people,  Via...   see churches using Fear as a tool to try to 'force/control' people,  rather than to nurture them.


    this fear/control & suppression of emotions like Anger only serves to drive the necrosis's deeper & be more ingrained,  which tends to them erupting when surfacing.


    Fear/control is the start of bad things being covered up,  & 'In The Closet"  as its called.... see pedophilia & cover ups... institutional molesting of our kids.


    Fear/Control creates 'Shame' & derision,  & a deep fear of learning to be 'Open & Honest' with one another.  > the church is gone the wrong way shutting people up. anger isn't the menace, its just an emotion.  But suppression can make people explode rather than talk it out.


    IMO the churches have done us all great damage. & loss of Growth & maturity.



  12. 32 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    You sure you didn't mean to write "growing & smoking grass ??"

    hahaha, anyone out of bed to go down to gosh's for a 1.45am start have to be questioned as to what they're after?

    I can imagine a group of souls, (maybe ghosts), down at gosh's wringing hands &, well,  maybe they lit a fire to stand around?


  13. the Clubs culture doesn't need or want to be animos or vengeful.  it should be kind & understanding, nurturing.  (Off Field towards humans animals life)


    .....   but that same Culture has to be Hard  (not hateful)  towards our teams/players combative nature On Field.....


    this is where we fail,  we fail to distinguish that life towards warm blooded life needs to have a kind response,  but out on the battlefield of Our Game,  we need to practice a hard edged ruthlessness,  as if we in a War.   We have to practice this skill to maintain the ability to be able to call on it when required.


    It is my opinion that our players get their Ego's & Wounds licked by others off-field,  & showered in gifts of expensive cars,  easy high payed jobs,  etc..  and are somehow coerced into not being rugged out on the field of play.....  as if our off field people/supporters who are in player contact,  are virtually antagonists of any rough physical play,  getting into the heads of our players,  & turning them into virtual Choir Boys.  disarming them of any fierceness or rough edges helpful to being rugged.


    this onfield softness & surrender would be an unintended action of those supporters,  but the result is soft footy.  And eventually the undoing of any Ruthless Footy Culture developed by coaches.


    # edit:  i don't believe that GLyon's current circumstances in the media spotlight,  have anything to do with the Mfc club culture.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

    HL  didn't put a time frame on return,  he is back running and has been doing heaps of indoor work, looks super fit body wise, can't see him being too far away, needs to test the ankles with twisting and turning etc though

    Spoke to Alex S who is head rehab guy, got a bit of a straight bat about Oliver 'is a young guy, making sure we don't break him, no real issues', he did a heap of work in rehab

    so glad the new regime is taking its time with young players,  making sure they are ready physically, & mentally,  before they get games.

  15. 3 hours ago, The Third Eye said:

    Leaving aside the messenger, I want to know if people think Robbo has it right.

    His point is that irrespective of the personnel, the improvement in the list, the greater depth and whether or not we have luck with injury, he believes we can't improve enough to make the eight because Rossy's game plan is far too negative.


    he doesn't know Roosy's game plan,  other than that of Roos'y improving the list thru draft spots & to bring in players who can.   And developing our existing young players into better footballers, starting with the non-negiotiable defensive side of (responsible) playing.

    so as Roos'y taught us to run hard & to get to the right spots to defend,  we are becoming tougher to play against,  & we now have more young talent on our list for the coaches to really develop.


    robbo doesn't have a leg to (can't) stand on,  re his appraisal of Roos.



  16. 1 hour ago, Earl Hood said:

    Old Rupert and Jerry Hall have announced their wedding celebration for March 5.

    I thought Jerry was intelligent but I was obviously very wrong. Why would she marry a walking cadaver like Old Rupert, totally ignoring his business history and political legacy for heavens sake. I don't believe she needs money but who knows, it's the only reason surely. 

    They are to celebrate their wedding at St Brides in Fleet Street London on the day. Now if there is a God I am expecting plenty of thunder and lightning over the church on the day and perhaps the odd earthquake. If there isn't, that will settle the higher being argument in my mind. 

    ..... apparently ol' Rupe' crashed & fell down a hell hole, at the ending of his last wedded bliss,  spy's tell us.

    the 't' party set,  said they could resurrect him...  & the story so far >

    .... jerry got wind of him,  & couldn't resist taking him/it for a spin. 

  17. 45 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

    Old Rupert and Jerry Hall have announced their wedding celebration for March 5. I thought Jerry was intelligent but I was obviously very wrong. Why would she marry a walking cadaver like Old Rupert, totally ignoring his business history and political legacy for heavens sake. I don't believe she needs money but who knows, it's the only reason surely. 

    They are to celebrate their wedding at St Brides in Fleet Street London on the day. Now if there is a God I am expecting plenty of thunder and lightning over the church on the day and perhaps the odd earthquake. If there isn't, that will settle the higher being argument in my mind. 

    ?? bringin' on the Ritz ??   maybe she misses the bright lights  & poppin flashes. 


    power they say,  is a DRUG on its own...  but who's a junkie?

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