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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 10 minutes ago, america de cali said:

    I missed the game, but if Ollie is like you say then that will be a boon to our midfield. It is a great frustration to see many of our regular midfielders all too often get first hands on the ball and don't know WTF to do with it.


    ............... team Roosy ................

  2. the writing was allover the Sky

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/cabinet-reshuffle-malcolm-turnbull-announces-new-frontbench-as-mal-brough-resigns-20160213-gmta7z.html#ixzz41M6Ia8Am
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    Cabinet reshuffle: Malcolm Turnbull announces new frontbench as Mal Brough resigns

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has dramatically reshaped his frontbench in a reshuffle that promotes his own supporters and those who backed Tony Abbott, puts his government on an election footing, and promotes three new faces to cabinet, including another woman.

    Another five new junior ministers and five assistant ministers were also appointed and will have no more than six months to get across their briefs before an election.

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced his new cabinet on Saturday following a rough fortnight in Parliament.

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced his new cabinet on Saturday following a rough fortnight in Parliament. Photo: James Brickwood

    The changes comes after a difficult fortnight in Parliament which saw the Turnbull government under pressure over tax reform and the retirements of senior minister Andrew Robb and Nationals leader and deputy prime minister Warren Truss.

    Mr Turnbull was forced to reshape his front bench after losing five ministers since taking charge in September. 

    In addition to Mr Truss and Mr Robb, former cities minister Jamie Briggs was sacked in December over an incident in a bar in Hong Kong, former human services minister Stuart Robert was sacked last week over a breach of ministerial standards and former special minister of state Mal Brough, who resigned earlier on Saturday.



    cover your  rrrrz  Malcolm,  its coming into a Duck huntin' season...

  3. 32 minutes ago, boydie said:

    Why both? Pedersen is a forward who can provide a chop out in the ruck.

    Frost is a defender playing forward to provide a chop out in the ruck.

    Considering neither have got double figure possessions I'd be playing one of them and playing an additional runner not 2 low possession mid size talls.

    I don't see a problem with Hogan in the square as leadup FF,   & with Frost/Tmac @ CHF,   & Pedo in the FP.   theres 3 tall forwards,  with one pushing up thru the midfield leaves 2 inside forward 60Mtrs as the ball comes forward.

    I'd consider Dawes as backup to these 3 talls.  I see watts as a tall who is a small, so plays flanks or pockets, or on the centreline.

  4. 5 hours ago, Roger Mellie said:

    I think we've slowly changed our recruiting focus to 'competitive' players as a non-negotiable. If we cast our minds back to the rock bottom era end of Bailey then Neeld, we couldn't get anyone to play for us so took anyone, whether it be soon to retire players (Rodan), any cast-off we were hoping to turn around (that ex-Geelong player whose name I refuse to remember), vfl, sanfl players (Terlich, M Jones) etc etc. We then had a bunch of very average players alongside the mentally scarred and/or towel throwers. Now with the team heading in the right direction, we still aren't quite the destination club, but we can at least attract competitors and bring them in through the draft. Trade, DFA - Bugg, Frost, Kennedy, Cross. Draft: All of them. None of our recent draftees or acquisitions will give up, none of them! We've also allowed the ones who do give up, or don't buy in to leave, or traded them - Howe, Frawley, Sylvia. 

    We're at a stage where we have to fight our way off the bottom of the ladder and we need fighters, not the skilled cruisers. When we become the destination club we can also add in the established cream of the competition.

    taking other players like Rodan was to allow us to remove some 'culture ingrained' mature players, & soft young ones off our list.  so its necessary to bring in others players who have strong work ethics & untainted attitudes whilst still not effecting too many wins as we try hard to rebuild the talent on our list whilst we are in a position to.


    cleaning up the rotten culture is 1st, 2nd, & 3rd highest priority when rebuilding.   then after this is well underway after a couple of years,  its safer to introduce young talent into an already fractured rotten culture,  so a New healthy culture can be taught instilled guided into a freshening group of players.


    bringing kids into a flourishing rotten culture is a recipe for demise.  so its necessary to not climb to soon before building talent into your list.



    ... after allowing a softness to grow from 2001....    sadly we got is all arzze about from 2007 - 2012.   bringing newbies into a toxic place.

  5. 13 hours ago, Fork 'em said:

    Not hungry enough DL.

    ?? the 90's not hungry enough ?  I agree,  in that not pro enough, relying on big ego's, & not enough hard work stopping opponents.

    when we let opposition sides off the leash, we get hammered.  Melbourne teams 'mostly' all the same..  a perennial weakness of ours...  only wishing to flash a clean pairs of heels, with oppo' chasing us.


    the 2000 sides were worse than the vastly talented 90's teams. & Much softer.


    On 26/1/2016 at 8:52 PM, dee-luded said:

    IMO Kyrios is a kid who had Tomic as a peer model for last few years.  outspoken brash is nothing wrong, as its him..... but under pressure it can leave him sounding like a pratt.  I just have wondered what Tomics attitude over the last 3 years has done to Kyrios attitude..

    I think Kyrios appears to be settling, after a pressure filled 12 months, & Kyrios is the talented one with agility & speed & court coverage & shots.

    Tomic to me is Philippoussis Mk2.... playboy xtrordinare

    Dasher IMO is restricted with power

    Kokkinakis is ???

    Does anyone else think Kyrios is our most talented up&comer?


    I think he's doing well for such a young fella on the international pro stage with his game.  the behaviours will slowly mature as he feels more at ease in the environment.

  7. 2 hours ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    From most of the interviews one thing altho unstated, that comes thru loud and clear is HUNGRY!

    Hungry to make the 22, hungry to hold down a spot, hungry to win games, hungry to bring MFC success...(I especially love their commitment to the latter).

    Can't remember when we had hungry players let alone a hungry team!

    you'd need go back to last century L'sH the 90's we had hungry sides. mostly.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Bossdog said:

    With all due respect "Sir"    If there was no legal betting on these matches, it would just force the betting underground and make it more vunerable to so called match fixing.

    If it's legal authorities can vet betting trends and pick out abnormalities.

    I have never punted and don't wish to start so I don't care one way or another.    If you are stupid enough to throw your hard earned away so be it    

    I don't think it makes any difference Bd. 

    it seems there is legal betting on footy & it seems there is still illegal underground betting as well.  all the underground bookies need do ids offer better odds, better payoffs.

    the only way to stop betting on fixed games is to catch the bastarrds & ban them from playing the game, ending careers.


    a simple punt against afl rules should end up in a 1/4 season suspension, 1st offence.....  5 weeks

  9. http://beta.theage.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/government-mp-mal-brough-quits-politics-20160226-gn4dv1.html

    Government MP Mal Brough quits politics

    Embattled Liberal MP Mal Brough is quitting politics, confirming in a statement he will not contest the federal election.

    Mr Brough stepped down from his role as special minister of state in December last year under pressure over his involvement in the James Ashby/Peter Slipper affair.


    Mal Brough
    Mal Brough Photo: Andrew Meares


    More to come


  10. 1 hour ago, nutbean said:

    I dislike the argument "but hey, look at what the others are doing" or "why are we being singled out when others are doing the same". There is accuracy in in the statements as there is not equality in coverage or the spotlight does not fall in equal proportions. But to use this approach to try and downplay ones actions I find abhorrent. 

    We kill but what about others who kill ? We may have sexually abused children but what about others who have done the same ? This doesn't sit with me at all. 

    this Royal Commission is looking into all Institutional Sexual Abuse of children,  & has investigated other religious organisations members. & found pedophiles amongst all of them, but no where as many as in the catholic churches organ isation.


    Do you want Pell to come back to Australia to face his accusers/victims ?


  11. 11 minutes ago, Tony Tea said:

    The biggest problem for the AFL is that no one believes anything they say. People automatically assume every public utterance is spin, or worse. They've completely blown their credibility.


    ....... this is the way of the whole western world at this time,  whether by CEO's of Multinational Organ isations.   & including the AFL as well.  Churces, Politicians no one believes...  if our leaders can't be straight with us,  then no-one will be honest


    the leaders have run Humanity off the rails.  in the name of the $$$$


     "white man speak with fork tongue"

  12. 27 minutes ago, dieter said:

    I came across one catholic recently who said the catholic church was being singled out. In other words, don't acknowledge the criminal and immoral behavior,  throw the focus on the other.

    Which is similar to the ranting and posturing of Austen Tayshus and Julie Szego when they tell the world to turn a blind eye to the slaughter of Palestinians by Israel, saying Israel has been put under the spotlight unfairly because its critics aren't focusing on all the other atrocities in the world.

    I agree dieter.....


    yes, my experiences with the catholic's is similar...  its an us against the rest of world type thing, it seems.


    .....   those kids were such trouble,  they deserved to be buggered.  they must have had the devil in them.  got there deserts....... NOT !


    when churches become nothing more than cartels,  they have to be brought down & to account.   renewal is cleansing, at this axis of the changing of millennium.



  13. 1 hour ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    While the issues might be mutually exclusive, not everyone sees it that way. There are many on here who seem to believe the majority of the MFC's problems exist because of mismanagement of (or by) the AFL. I disagree with that view - I think the AFL is, overall, a well run organisation. If the MFC had been run that well over the last 50 years (or even just the last decade) we might be a powerhouse club, too.

    our deemise over the last 50+ years has been largely because of the MCC influence.  the preceeding times playing on the MCG as the sole club had its large benefits.

    Since the mid sixties as the world was changing,  in all sports & in all political agendas, & black power was rising,  & woman's rights were bouncing along, the powers that be hamstrung the Melbourne Footy club, & the administrators who get voted onto our boards come from there abouts.  the attitudes come from up in the North.


    ...and the club has floundered in soft nice mismanagement since.   apart from a brief stint in the 80's with Richard (Dic') Seddon.


    we must stop the mcc influence from our boards in future.  & get back to  traditional Hard Footy Values,  which  'Checker'  brought into this club back in the 30's.

  14. 1 hour ago, rjay said:

    I agree with you that our problems were caused by mismanagement at the club. The previous board and leadership of the club was appalling and it followed other not so glorious administrations.

    I also think that without the help of AD pumping in some cash and convincing PJ to get involved at the MFC we would be struggling to exist. Like it or not.

    I also, also think "Dill the likeable" has been a poor appointment to follow AD. The AFL no longer leads and I'm not convinced it's a well run organisation. There needs to be a clean out of the commission starting with Mike "I leave the room" Fitzpatrick.

    If you look at our whole history you will see that our success periods were born directly from imports from Richmond, in Percy Page & Checker Hughes, who then taught the club to be winners...  & Smithy grew & learnt from 'Checker',  then Barass inturn learnt from smithy.


    Isolate the years of Checker Hughes influence (including Smiths years) from our other years,,,, then look study the results compared to other clubs...


    ....   our problems have always been off-field in administration,  & therefore bad decisions making. 



  15. On 5/2/2016 at 0:45 AM, dee-luded said:



    'the medical report should not be released because it would prompt media speculation and there was no public interest to be served'


    Lawyers for Cardinal George Pell said he wished to give video evidence from Rome.

    Lawyers for Cardinal George Pell said he wished to give video evidence from Rome. Photo: AP


    The  Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has been told Cardinal George Pell's health could be at risk if he travelled to Australia to give evidence.

    His doctors in Rome had advised against a long-haul flight as it would present a "serious risk to his health".

    Their two-page medical report was tendered to the commission.   But the full contents remain confidential at present.


    Allan Myers, QC,   representing the Cardinal,  said the medical report should not be released because it would prompt media speculation and there was no public interest to be served. 


    However,  lawyers representing people who have given evidence of child abuse against various Catholic religious orders and individuals asked that the full medical report be disclosed.


    In Melbourne,  Paul Dwyer,  on behalf of two alleged victims,  said many people had been required to reveal their most intimate details to the commission and Cardinal Pell should be treated no differently.


    And after being permitted to read the medical report Mr Dwyer told commission chair Justice Peter McClellan there was no reason to keep it confidential as it simply showed health problems normally associated with  "a man of the Cardinal's age".



    Mr Myers said Cardinal Pell wished to give video evidence from Rome,  saying he wanted to do so as soon as possible in the interest of victims.



    "The Cardinal's view is that it's very important that he give his evidence as soon as may be,  while the evidence of others is fresh,  and he certainly wants to avoid the appearance that he's unwilling to give evidence,"  Mr Myers told the inquiry.


    Ballarat-born Cardinal Pell,  chief financial adviser to the Vatican  and the third most powerful man in the Catholic Church,  has been called to give evidence to the commission for the third time to answer allegations he was complicit in widespread church cover-up.


    The commission has heard from child abuse victim David Ridsdale that Cardinal Pell tried to bribe him to keep quiet................


    Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/national/royal-commission-george-pells-health-at-risk-if-he-travels-to-give-evidence-inquiry-hears-20160205-gmmhg2.html#ixzz3zIiWSa2r 
    Follow us: @theage on Twitter | theageAustralia on Facebook

    I'm really surprised & very disappointed that we haven't seen any Practicing Catholics post on this thread about their thoughts on Pells return or not,  & the churches partaking in Child Sexual Abuse over the last many decades in Australia.


    Surely there are some at the very least, who care about the poor souls who have been damaged for their lives.



  16. 59 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    I'm a bit over this focus on competitors and competing .We'll assemble a team of competitors only to have a team devoid of skill. 

    I've got Grimes as a starting wingman and am tossing up between 2 debutants (Wagner, Hunt) and Lumumba for a spot on the back flank. We might have competitors but I worry about skills.

    Just give me a team of footballers who go out each week and play football. Which means attacking the ball, running hard and displaying skills. 

    I like tough, physical, strong football that ensures you are always winning contests and making the other side work very hard, but I love winning more. The best teams always have a standard of competitive football required to keep a spot in the team, but they also always have players with varying skill sets which balance out the team. We won't solve all our problems by putting the cart before the horse and expecting some unachievable standard where by every player attacks the contest like Jack Viney.

    ....  you think developing a hard competative culture denies skilled players.  I think you are wrong.

    We will still look to recruit competitors who have strong skill sets;  & those who are slightly less competative than most, will come into a club culture that expects the non-negotiable's to be applied...  otherwise your 'skilled types' which you seem to mention,  won't get a game until such time as they do all those culture things expected,  by all & sundry in de' red & blue.



  17. 59 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    I'm a bit over this focus on competitors and competing .We'll assemble a team of competitors only to have a team devoid of skill. 

    I've got Grimes as a starting wingman and am tossing up between 2 debutants (Wagner, Hunt) and Lumumba for a spot on the back flank. We might have competitors but I worry about skills.

    Just give me a team of footballers who go out each week and play football. Which means attacking the ball, running hard and displaying skills. 

    I like tough, physical, strong football that ensures you are always winning contests and making the other side work very hard, but I love winning more. The best teams always have a standard of competitive football required to keep a spot in the team, but they also always have players with varying skill sets which balance out the team. We won't solve all our problems by putting the cart before the horse and expecting some unachievable standard where by every player attacks the contest like Jack Viney.

    ....  you think developing a hard competative culture denies skilled players.  I think you are wrong.

    We will still look to recruit competitors who have strong skill sets;  & those who are slightly less competative than most, will come into a club culture that expects the non-negotiable's to be applied...  otherwise your 'skilled types' which you seem to mention,  won't get a game until such time as they do all those culture things expected,  by all & sundry in de' red & blue.



  18. 56 minutes ago, thesleepinggiant said:

    I think we do or are very close. 

    Starting from the backline we have solid unit in Dunn, Macdonald, Jetta, Salem etc are all hard at it and can tackle.

    On to the midfield and there's a list of absolute solid candidates who compete. We also have 3 players who either haven't played or been on long term injury who could be potential A Graders.(Petracca, Oliver, Trengove)

    Finishing up forward with Hogan, Kent and even Dawes if form permits. 

    Look at our previous sides in past years and I reckon when they click it'll go BANG and surprise everybody?

    not yet 'tsg'.

    we are heading in that direction, but once we first weedout/convert the unwashed hunters on our list; we won't have a team of competitors.


    But once we have the whole list believing in & proud of,  the 'competative beast spirit',,, we can then ease up & let momentum roll.  but with a anxious eye toward any slacking off, from this dee-sired culture.



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