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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 2 hours ago, Baghdad Bob said:

    But I'm guessing while you're disappointed you'd rather they did it at a time and place that was best for the team.

    best for the club,  is to look out for its patrons...   thats all she wrote,  before she started to sing.


    without the patrons there would be no club.

  2. 7 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    No you have completely missed what i said which im not surprise.

    I dont care if i juries are short term. I do NOT want to lose our best and borderline All Australian defender for a couple of weeks because his teammate thought he would be a hero and tackle him head first during a training drill. I am all for tackling and competitive juices on the training track but not trying to kill each other for "short term injuries" to improve a culture thats already on the up.

    Stop livinging the 80s 'luded' footy has change and if a Tommy Mac goes down then we potentially in deep trouble.

    your still looking at the short-term of a handful of games (to win)... in your mind.

    .... as against adopting a new attitude of aggression into our culture for the good of long term.  you seem to be one of the people who think aggression only needs to be displayed by one or two players,,,   instead of across the whole list,   that every player has to share the responsibility of being aggressive at the ball,  & at the opposition.


    5 minutes ago, ManDee said:

    I was about to reply then I re-read your name. Enough said.

    sad reply

  3. 5 minutes ago, nutbean said:

    its like the Da Vinci code.

    lets not have the northern grey suits, make keep this club so 'plaid' & so straight its boring... its just NOT proper english... oh wow!


    creativity is the order of the new millennium.

  4. 12 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Completely missed the point.

    No I didn't dd36.... we are talking about Viney roughing up TMac & he didn't like it,   so maybe he needed it.  Maybe TMac needs toughening up ???  You see Tmac didn't get injured, but just maybe his EGO got hurt???


    we need the gloves off... injuries are mostly short term,,,  but soft cultures can ruin clubs for decades at one time...



    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Theres a difference between training like game day situation and trying to literally injure your own teamate to the point he misses a couple of wesdeks through concussion. 

    Again you want competitiveness out on the track but not to the point your trying to kill a teamate. If Tom Mac got a serious injury out of this then i would bet every dollar coaches would to.

    dazzle, this is how our players becomes 'the boys', 'the lads', we make excuses for not going hard as we might hurt someone,,,, & that would never Do! 


    We have to get back to being warriors on the footy field,    & stop muzzling our players from they're own aggression.   let it all hang out,  & encourage the aggression.  We should not be afraid of our guys getting tough & hard.

  6. 12 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

    Awesome. But its probably a bit stupid at this point too. Still you maybe can't turn that aggression on and off. You either have it all the time (which Viney does) or you maybe you don't....

    We need to instill across the list & TMac has to adopt it as well.

    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    I love Viney, but TMac is actually correct

    It is stupid if Viney gives TMac a concussion, or worse, a neck injury. Then we are screwed! 

    yes,  but we need full contact training to help ingrain the hard tough attitude into this groups culture.  it has to become an instinctive thing first,,,  then we can moderate it just a little, IF required.


    this club loves to become  'soft & forgiving'  on the footy field.. leave that for off-field....   Viney is right to ruffle a few frills around the place.

    • Like 1
  8. On 4/2/2016 at 9:06 AM, jnrmac said:

    ANyone else notice Jesse wasn't smiling in the team photo?


    OMG......panic stations....


    (and Watts was smiling his head off....)

    I think your referring to the talk of $cully not smiling in his initial club photo at the draft,  & after jumper presentation...  $cully didn't smile,,,,,,  & as it happens $cully indeed did leave for Foreign X-change pastures...


    .... so yes,  the irony of him not smiling immediately after getting drafted & presented with the Dees jumper was an indication of his mood,  & future thoughts.

  9. 22 hours ago, faultydet said:

    Cant believe what I am reading! Some of you dont give a schit about NAB Cup????


    It means that footy is back. And I for one couldn't care less if its a glorified practice match, i will be glued to the TV all the same.


    Ok, call me what you will, but my wife has just joined me from the Philippines, and, while I could have had Optus Internet/Pay TV installed, including a Philippines TV package that would have made her very happy, I instead told her that our best option was Telstra, as it is much more reliable for internet, hence making Facebook easily accessible. Its a fortunate coincidence that the Telstra/Foxtel combo also includes the Footy Channels. 



    I really do love her............but jeeeez, its footy, or crappy Flip overacting TV. What is a man to do?


    your right IMO fd...  but it is a practice match series with bells & not much else... but this si a part of the problem,  the VFL/AFL has setup Sponsors/TV & started charging people decades back to get in to watch games that aren't serious about wining the points


    Its reasons like this that undermines the integrity of the game in the eyes of the footy beholders...   so many reasons over the past 20 years to erode peoples faith in the game... it needs a lot of work to get back the lost integrity.. & stop pandering to the money people. before they kill the game off.

  10. On 6/2/2016 at 2:59 PM, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    I don't think we have the luxury to treat the pre season with contempt, whilst the club has improved out of sight off the field as a footy team we have a long way to go. Reading Friday's training reports one poster describes the "full ground drill as having low trajectory passing, powerful, flat and accurate" whilst another wrote "skills difficult due to wind and there are numerous turnovers from missed kicks or errant handball. Monday's training report read "the match simulation stuff was very scrappy" but by all means let's rest our senior players for the first two games and bring them in for a bit of a run around for the last game. I don't think the players have taken ownership yet, I don't think some of them know what it even means. We are struging with the concept of quick ball movement, some players simply don't have the skill level required. I'd like to think players like Frost/Bugg/Kennedy go hard and push for round 1 selection, Watts was dropped for rd 23 last year, he needs to impress, if he is to play as a permanent fwd lets bloody bloody see it, whenever practicable his leads must honoured. With the loss of Melksham we need to trial some other options off half back.


    agreed BbA, we have to grow our confidence On-field,,, & off field amongst the hourd's,  we need all the 'ervs we can muster watching our games.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    End of this season we remove the last of the dead wood from the list, then 12 months after that we will have real depth. But according to some we had depth last year, that lasted until about round 4.

    I think some say our greater depth is based on recent past seasons... not the afl mean depth rate.  depth is always a moving prospect.


    I agree BbA, we are fast trimming the list of those who wouldn't work in an,  'Elsternwick house of repute' ?

  12. 3 hours ago, rjay said:

    Forget the prospectus, it's based on the past...if it was so accurate we wouldn't need to play any games or finals for the year. Just go on what the prospectus says.

    It will look a whole lot different for the 2017 season, guarantee it.

    I think we recruited Weideman with a healthy view on the past, his 2014 season may have helped with the decision.

  13. 58 minutes ago, Deeoldfart said:

    So many knowledgeable Demonlanders predicting (probably) half the players on our list to have breakout years.  My (not so bold) prediction is that if a hand-full of these predictions come to fruition early in the season, Melbourne Footy Club memberships will break through the 40K barrier, and maybe push 45K.  That would be a decent breakout year in anyone's language, and not entirely beyond the realms of possibility imo.

    For what it's worth, I really like the look of Kent and Salem for 2016.  Both of them have the traits to be 'game breakers'!  Just hope the footy Gods keep them injury free.

    ....  and just the types we need to do just that, those midfield runner types to carry the ball & deliver.  AND they're not soft.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Whispering_Jack said:

    I'm intrigued that people are so concerned about Trengove looking slow during the latter stages of his rehab. Whilst I don't expect him to ever be the team speedster, I think we should wait and see what he's like when he's allowed to go full bore before conceding on this. And let's not forget that Sam Mitchell is considered a slow mover but he's still an elite because he has other attributes that compensate adequately for that.

    exactly jack, & hodge as well is not quick by leg speed.  but they are quick of mind. they are natural footballers with footy IQ.


    & Re the O'meara/Prestia boys, it never stops the hawks to recruit excellent mature players who are hurt knees etc. as long as they can get them up every week.  Burgoyne & Dew to name a couple, 



    'the medical report should not be released because it would prompt media speculation and there was no public interest to be served'


    Lawyers for Cardinal George Pell said he wished to give video evidence from Rome.

    Lawyers for Cardinal George Pell said he wished to give video evidence from Rome. Photo: AP


    The  Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has been told Cardinal George Pell's health could be at risk if he travelled to Australia to give evidence.

    His doctors in Rome had advised against a long-haul flight as it would present a "serious risk to his health".

    Their two-page medical report was tendered to the commission.   But the full contents remain confidential at present.


    Allan Myers, QC,   representing the Cardinal,  said the medical report should not be released because it would prompt media speculation and there was no public interest to be served. 


    However,  lawyers representing people who have given evidence of child abuse against various Catholic religious orders and individuals asked that the full medical report be disclosed.


    In Melbourne,  Paul Dwyer,  on behalf of two alleged victims,  said many people had been required to reveal their most intimate details to the commission and Cardinal Pell should be treated no differently.


    And after being permitted to read the medical report Mr Dwyer told commission chair Justice Peter McClellan there was no reason to keep it confidential as it simply showed health problems normally associated with  "a man of the Cardinal's age".



    Mr Myers said Cardinal Pell wished to give video evidence from Rome,  saying he wanted to do so as soon as possible in the interest of victims.



    "The Cardinal's view is that it's very important that he give his evidence as soon as may be,  while the evidence of others is fresh,  and he certainly wants to avoid the appearance that he's unwilling to give evidence,"  Mr Myers told the inquiry.


    Ballarat-born Cardinal Pell,  chief financial adviser to the Vatican  and the third most powerful man in the Catholic Church,  has been called to give evidence to the commission for the third time to answer allegations he was complicit in widespread church cover-up.


    The commission has heard from child abuse victim David Ridsdale that Cardinal Pell tried to bribe him to keep quiet................


    Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/national/royal-commission-george-pells-health-at-risk-if-he-travels-to-give-evidence-inquiry-hears-20160205-gmmhg2.html#ixzz3zIiWSa2r 
    Follow us: @theage on Twitter | theageAustralia on Facebook

  16. multinational companies with their ceo's & boards, & the stockmarket,  see Qantas, see news, bhp, exxon, bp,   see whatever direction you could look, they are all out for the buck, & so have to screw each and everyone of us down,,,   to compete with low wages,  & low health & safety conditions in Asia.


    we will all be swinging from bamboo scaffolds,   or on bamboo chairs at cardboard desks & getting paid in bananas when they finish their competitive urges.


    this system is BROKEN, & does not work with all countries competing.  


    local trade is the thing;  & forget about global financial investing.    its over.  KaBoom... here it comes.


    * ......  an ode to the CEO's & Boards,  who voted to take our industries & jobs off-shore from around the mid 80's & on >

    "The Chain"

    Listen to the wind blow
    Watch the sun rise
    Run in the shadows
    Damn your love
    Damn your lies

    And if you don't love me now
    You will never love me again
    I can still hear you saying
    You would never break the chain.

    Listen to the wind blow
    Down comes the night
    Run in the shadows
    Damn your love
    Damn your lies

    Break the silence
    Damn the dark
    Damn the light

    And if you don't love me now
    You will never love me again
    I can still hear you saying
    You would never break the chain.

    Chain, keep us together
    Running in the shadows


  17. 1 hour ago, McQueen said:

    DHD, I'm choosing to believe this post because it makes me feel really good how ever, other watchers have indicated that JT was only kicking on his right foot.

    Can you name the coach who said this? I'm just wondering if it would be a standard line with a positive intent.

    if it meant getting him back fit & firing,  I'd be happy for him to only use his R foot this year or onwards.  he was good with either foot as I recall?

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