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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 12 hours ago, WAClark said:

    My goodness, I've not ventured off the football topics before! I naively thought that all Dees supporters were slightly troubled Tony Abbott hating types like myself. Feels like I've been re-routed to the comments section of Andrew Bolt's blog!

    its eye opening WAClark.  & to me hearing the recent talk in the US republican presidential candidate race,  its sounding like its moving over to far more right wing christian radical conservatives, in their talk.  at the moment towards the Iowa folk.  these right wings are more christian soldier, than meek & mild, imo.



  2. On 13/1/2015 at 8:21 AM, Dr John Dee said:


    yeah, this is it DrJD.... & the rumours that the 9/11 attacks were funded by Saudi's ???

    ..... this all makes me wonder about these issues in the Arabian peninsular & Northern Africa.  & the prophecy I read of the King of the North, fighting the King of the South... wondering how that could fit into world events...  seems more likely to be say,  Iran V Saudi Arabia (Sunni v Shia),   than Christians v Islamist's ????

  3. I'm referring to your constant hostility towards the new franchises SWYL.

    ....  the almost hatred of those clubs interstate..  yes we have so far lost our local tribalism,  but we can renew the tribalism with those interstate..  but not by wishing they folded.  but rather by disliking where/what they are... & embracing their existance,  & battling them onfield,  at our arenas.


    the Gold coast & GWS wyll survive, & they'll grow. even if slowly.

  4. 5 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Holding on by a thread that club

    nothing lasts on the Gold Coast

    The AFL will continue to pour $$ down its throat but only because of the broadcast rights

    Victorian clubs must always be circling this soulless franchaise...

    SWYL, we are not struggling because of the new franchises.  WE are struggling because we keep allowing our club to get soft.  culture wise to take our eyes off the main prize & allow our players to chase wealth & career & not put the body in to be crunched for good of team.....

    In short we develop individuals off field in careers & finance areas, self people.... not team people.   this is a BIG area of distraction, which becomes 'our boys' main game.

  5. On 29/1/2016 at 9:40 AM, Mach5 said:

    Homesickness. A truly debilitating condition...

    Honestly, listening to him, the kid wouldn't be all that bothered by missing a year of footy, in my eyes.

    Yes no doubt... but when its used as an excuse buy some  as a tool of trade only, its lost integrity & also undermines the real issue for those with integrity.


    money & greed is undermining all of our best values from our once great & honorable society, as ones word is worth $$$ only.  And not to have any faith in.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    Well that was some match, as good as I have seen in women's tennis. Great win by a girl who was not overwhelmed by the Williams circus and power game. Great effort

    She's a BE-auty,,,, I willed & willed her to win last night.  Ans she does remind me of Stephi Graph in her play.  maybe not as good but similar.


    what a refreshing change from IMO the spoilt Serena.


    Go _ Kerba.

  7. 16 minutes ago, P-man said:

    Dunn is a serviceable forward. He has turned into an excellent lock down defender. The bloke has been thrown around over the course of his career more than a tv remote. He's finally found his position and other than the occasional forward stint as circumstances dictate, that position is where he should stay imo.

    Re Frost, I wouldn't say he isn't ready to slot into the back six. The issue is whether he is comparatively the best option, and if he can be slotted in whilst maintaining the right balance. I don't see Garlo as a HBF option. Having all four of these guys is arguably both too tall and too many liabilities by foot.  I also don't see Frost as a long term option forward, but it may not be the worst thing for his development playing on the opposition's seasoned defenders.

    The NAB will hopefully reveal a lot more about what the best setup shall be.

    When Dunn initially went back he failed.   IMO he had his nose outa joint, maybe feeling insulted.   His heart appeared to not be in it as a defender.  Could this be a part of our OLD stinking soft culture that pervaded this once great club?


    nowadays with personal changes over the last 5 years cleanout & slowly putting the pieces back together, He is now a senior player with integrity,  as an AFL footy player.  But geez it took some doing to get to this point.


    this should not happen be allowed to happen at our club.... the culture of a Tail wagging so-called Dog... cart before horse,,, arze about.  we had it.  & woe any kids coming into that player culture..


    the clubs OFF field leaders had No Idea.



  8. 16 minutes ago, SaberFang said:

    Really sad to see some former greats of the game, retired, selling their souls to help out such a corrupt, drug-cheating club.

    Anything for a buck, it seems. Embarrassing way to tarnish your legacy though.

    lets hope its not the Russian...    he wouldn't want to get the nickname Roman fingers ?


  9. 25 minutes ago, SaberFang said:

    He could just tell Port Adelaide to include rental assistance in his contract. Problem solved.

    the thing is he may get 2 years at Port?   I think they may be shallow on ruck depth anyway?


    who would want to put on that stained Red & Black jumper... it stinks of a foul odor 'de Hird'.

  10. On 20/1/2016 at 10:54 PM, america de cali said:

    Jamar will be as effective as this Russian bomber in 2016




    'bout as effective as this tank is to da Blues.


    the LandKreuzer P1000 Ratte...   greatest tank to have ever rolled on field...  mosquito squad in tow.


    • Like 1
  11. On 14/1/2016 at 2:00 PM, TeamPlayedFine39 said:

    Good on him for having a go.  

    I know that if I was a recently retired AFL player, who'd just finished up a 10 year + career, I'd be fat as a horse (ala Brian Lake).  Well done Russ on staying in shape. 

    I hope he gets to Port instead of the Bummers,   as he is a Port boy. stoof the bummers.

  12. 2 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

    How hurtful, must be the spectator with the most footy related injuries ever     actually chap played in 3 states all at amateur level   taught how to play by an RSM   having started to watch the game in 1977 so might be able to proffer an opinion or 3


    50 minutes ago, ProDee said:

    Having a kick and giggle in your 20's isn't the same as growing up with the game and understanding its nuances, but kudos for having a go, chap.

    there ya go Saty you don't deserve to have an opinion on this game....  just better go over to Aami park for that round ball code,  & be off wit ya.  thats all.

  13. 2 hours ago, The Song Formerly Known As said:


    i agree. Whilst i value dee-luded as a poster, i never get his(?) sporadic use of enlarged bolded font and numerous commas. Sending messages to outer space i suppose? I'll just stick to gifs. 


    my dislike & disrespect of  e'd pie,  some say he needs the white powder to get up ?  a bex, & a good lie down. 

    ......   he hurts other clubs with his smart TAC sponsorship comments.  like the Tiges sponsor TAC,  & the Pies sponsor TAC, . some years back.   he couldn't help himself to put the Tiges into the poo,  & they lost their sponsor after it.    the Pies kept their TAC sponsor.


    e'd is a soft C@@k


  14. 2 hours ago, Bossdog said:

    I often wonder about posters on this site

    Jessie Hogan doesn't smile.............It must mean he's going back to WA

    Jack Watts has a laugh at training.............Must have a crap attitude.

    I am working on a robot that sort of half smiles at training..........Means he is half happy to be out there but doesn't want to go anywhere.

    Should keep everyone happy.


  15. 12 hours ago, Gorgoroth said:

    Not the first time, won't be the last. 

    I never watch Chanel 7 anyway so I never see their crappy ads.

    I never watch ch e'di-9, or fox,,,  anything e'di goes near,  I stay away from,   newmans next.   I wouldn't sit on a toilet seat e'di been on.

  16. 13 minutes ago, KingDingAling said:

    I just read this on Big Footy (make of it what you will).

    "Picks for last years draft weren't valued by GWS at the time due to how things stood with academy prospects and how they were moving about for later picks and points. Freo never put a realistic offer to GWS"

    So perhaps Fremantle's offer wasn't satisfactory to GWS.

    maybe Freo already new last movember,  that the great mccarthy was getting sick,  & that he would need to stand out of footy to recover...?  maybe a trip west would freshen his Ni Mi Hi's ???

  17. 8 hours ago, mdemonski2 said:

    Spot on.

    Why don't we all take a chill pill, get behind him and see how he goes.

    good luck Jack we are all hoping to see you back out there again soon.

    the best way we can support him is to have NO expectations of him,  to allow him to just be,  & to just train,  & to just play..


    He has gone thru too much expectation,  when captaincy was imposed on him,  when unfit,  & too young...   these are the reasons alone,  why WE OWE Him.  we (Mfc) have nearly destroyed his game.

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