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Everything posted by joeboy

  1. Buckley - some nice touches ; certainly a positive Jones - performed as expected McLean - lacked customary assuredness , and tried the hard alternatives rather than the simple Bate - injured before half time but was useful until then Miller - tried , but probably failed Frawley - on today's performance there is little to enthuse over Neitz - has become an embarrassment and a liability , whilst probably still injured P. Johnson - more impressive and less one dimensional than White Sylvia - masterful at times ; not often enough Yze - shocking disposal ; enthusiastic but not as a defender Petterd - no doubting his application and courage ; will be a player C . Johnson - probably on the field Green - same old ,same old Garland - skinny ,and a year away from being a contender Bell - terrific 4 quarter effort Moloney - terrific 4 quarter effort McDonald - plenty of possessions ; few effective Robertson - looks fat and performed few one percenters until the game was nearly over Weetra - why do we get the only slow indigenous player in the league ? Newton - needs the responsibility of full forward ; has the tricks but does he have the desire ? White - totally one dimensional and destroyed in the ruck. Should not be our first ruck man selectec Davey - brilliant early , but seemed to lose interest ( or hopefully told to ) Wonaeamirri - needs to lose heaps of weight , but could be a player . Carroll - was useful , though overpowered because of an undersized backline
  2. From the horse's mouth - Bartram will be playing this weekend
  3. Brad Hodge played reserve grade for us when there was a reserve competition.
  4. Neil Mitchell ( 3AW ), Mike Sheahan ( HeraldSun ), Derryn Hinch (3 AW -may have renounced his support , though ), Denis Commetti ( CH 7 ),
  5. I thought a significantly positive aspect of the game was Bailey's willingness to experiment , whether by choice or necessity ( and not necessarily successfully ) - at one stage I saw White and Robbo lined up on a wing at the centre bounce , and , on a few occasions , all 4 ruckmen on the field at one time to try to create mismatches. This seems to be totally opposite to Daniher , who frustrated us all with his unwillingness to experiment until it was too late.
  6. Bartarm- injuries behind him Bate - key forward target Bell - a potent defender Bode - a regular game Bruce - returning to elite Buckley - buffness reflecting improvement Carroll - vital key defender Cheney - not enough known Davey - excitement machine again Dunn - ready to arrive Frawley - must perform immediately Garland - needs to deliver Green - silence the doubters Grimes - not enough known Holland - keep plugging holes Jamar- certainly last opportunity C. Johnson - grab his chances P. Johnson - viable marking forward Jones - application positively rewarded Maric - accuracy to impress Martin - not enough known McDonald - more of same McLean - a Brownlow favourite McNamara - not enough known Meeson- fitness reflects ability Miller - coach inspired rejuvenation Moloney - application finally rewarded Morton - to arrive immediately Neitz - another herculaean effort Newton - great white hope Petterd - deserves instant rewards Rivers - most important return Robertson - perform without frustrating Sylvia - hype finally vindicated Warnock - not another Ferguson Weetra - attitude reflecting improvement Wheatley - an important cog Whelan - deserves some luck White - 5 years younger Yze - fresh positive attitude
  7. Speaking of "....the most arrogant [censored] around " , I wonder if Ian Johnson's name is being mooted again to head the club he loves .
  8. By all acounts Ooze has been one of the stand outs of pre season training , and if his comments on SEN this afternoon are anything to go by , then he could be making many of his critics eat their words . He spoke very eloquently about his desire to make a significant contribution to the team , wherever DB chose to play him ( though he professed a preference to playing forward ). A solid , and uninterrupted pre season , coupled with the prospect of imminent retirement ,have , according to the man himself , opened his eyes to the possibilities of being able to recapture his outstanding form of years gone by , and he is plainly excited about the prospects of playing alongside a large number of talented young recruits .
  9. Hey Red , you've been a very angry boy lately , but I share your sentiments . Unfortunately we're all too insignificant to make a difference so lighten up - take a holiday , watch the races - you'll feel better and life will have more meaning.
  10. Yes , some excellent ideas . What about basing these ideas around a slogan such as : WE'RE ALL DEMONS AND YOU'RE GOING TO HELL !
  11. I'm not denying he's a great CEO , I'm just stating the RUMOUR doing the rounds that his departure may be imminent!
  12. A suggestion doing the rounds is that our venerable leader Paul Gardiner is to voluntarily offer his resignation later this week .
  13. Above all else we desperately need KPPs , not more in and under mid-fielders !
  14. The results absolutely reflect the year from hell that we had . IMO for Bate to come third and Davey fifth suggests masssive dilemmas were faced by the voting panel in their struggles to find anyone worthy of giving votes to - the former was very ordinary and the latter was very poor .
  15. joeboy

    Mike Sheahan

    It's common knowledge that he's a Demon supporter along with Dennis Cometti
  16. 3- WJ 2- Scoop Junior 1- Jade
  17. I'd have thought we were all aware of Rivers' light frame and short stature being the only drawback to his being in the upper echelon of KPPs. In terms of body structure Rivers is a boy compared to Maguire .
  18. Maguire is big , strong , talented and dirty - EXACTLY what we need !
  19. I don't think the comments about your wife are correct - from what I hear she has no left foot !
  20. My source is on the Carlton Board .
  21. The negotiations between Judd and The Glues have been going on for over 3 months according to my source.
  22. A Carlton senior official told me today that I should put any money I had on the fact that Judd will be playing for his team next season .
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