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Everything posted by Monocology

  1. Yep Melbourne Central New Balance had a few clash jumpers yesterday. If you're after warmth you'll have to knit one yourself.
  2. Dees to destroy, Hawks to faulter - 4th spot & world peace across tomorrows newstands
  3. 'Land archives are overflowing with posts on TMac's disposal - now a deadeye Richard. Hunt & Bugg - at least one of the two will straighten up
  4. An absolute mauling by agitated seabass on You Only Live Twice - a nice double bill
  5. Wheeling pram in for juniors first game. Wee Dee will be struggling to see above 'n below roll-bar & expecting big things (& hoping Viney raises the mug before his old man pops his clogs).
  6. That's coming but just a light spanking on cheeks this weekend.
  7. We have serious issues - will be seriously serious issues if we can't get over them Sunday. Expecting a nailbighting shite-fest - possibly ending in a rush for remaining seats to Noosa in September.
  8. So Viney has just walked off Bachelor in Paradise. Who in their right mind allowed him to go in the first place!? Regardless of his condition. Clubs' a shambles.
  9. Everyone round to mine. Bar's open.
  10. Classy work Chunks
  11. Ben Brown has umps in his pocket. Can do as he pleases!
  12. Kent - Straight !?!?!!! I like it.
  13. Out: Salem In: Frost Expecting ugly result next weekend 'n not just from my trip to hair salon.
  14. Had a Barry - yes please.
  15. Calm, calm, calm everyone - Viney back round 10.
  16. I loved Salem in his debut year.......
  17. Just emerged from cave 'n shaking dust off. Any 'land birth, death, marriage, romances' missed 'n why'd no one wake me earlier? My pin-up boys' foot injury very sobering 'n haven't even reached bar yet.
  18. Like our mids made life easy for him? Thought Lewis was clever at crucial times when outmanned. Huge pick up for club, on & off field.
  19. Great post & loving his tackling this year. Always dangerous even if closely marked. Love provided.
  20. Just look at how far we've come - but don't look back.
  21. Slain by loan gunman in the stands...............over & over again but heartbreaking each time.
  22. Freo don't need Jesse. We do. Front foot won't mean anything without big coin. High drafts as compensation are swapping a known for the unknown. My goldfish even know that now. Just hope we see less of Jesse being [censored] off with the likes of the delivery he was getting on Sunday.
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