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Everything posted by Monocology

  1. Only 35,500 in attendance & can't get a beverage for love nor money. Come all ye (old vaccinated) faithful - get your woollies down from top cupboard, purchase a membership & get your derriere to our games.
  2. I've woken up to discover my dumplings are frozen and the ladder's broken.
  3. '.....never get out of the queue for Red Rooster chips..... absolutely goddamn right!.....unless you were goin' aaaaall the way (premiership)'
  4. Something caught my attention Saturday night whilst mincing down through the bleachers to take a nature break end of 3rd.... ...... caught glimse of tellie, you know the ground broadcast which is generally free of the garbage on Ch7, & spotted Williams circling possibly the back 6 huddle, chewing his gum, intense yet steely composed, & giving instruction yet not using any eye contact whatsoever - like the guy in Apocalypse Now during a napalm strike. It was frigg'n impressive - regardless of possessing no lip-reading skills - & a 'rutheless vibe' I've never seen in my 50 years. The kind that makes you either burst into tears (me) or switch into overdrive (us). Stuck with me the rest of the night even though it was probably 20 seconds of footage. I now believe.
  5. 'But there's no danger, it's a professional career (though it could be arranged, with just a word in Mr Churchill's ear)' Fairdinks how good was Clarry!? (...& the Mac)
  6. Sydney still give me the heebee-jeebees.
  7. Top of Ladder, 7-zip, CP5x7, Friitta freed - yeah okay maybe.
  8. Love listening in on Tuesday evening - the missus allows it as I listen whilst doing the dishes then the whole kitchen (mostly fake cleaning, scrubbing a perfectly clean pot, re-living the highlights & lowlights of the weekends game). Found the recaps during the darker years strangely medicinal. Kudos & thanks Andy & team.
  9. T-Mac defended reasonably well today but fear his inability to quickly get ball to boot* just won't work down there long term against strong sides. My MFCSS's were reactivated there today but we're far more composed - I just need more time. *Interchange with boot to ball if required
  10. Hind - the player Frost wanted to be, the player Frost never was.
  11. Happy with us blazing away and kicking to big packs, if oppo flooding back, given our current crumbing ability but must get more return (is a 20% improve too greedy?) on set shots. Toughest game to tip in the round but I say TMac redeems & Fritta threads more needles here.
  12. Need a large sinkhole to take out Pies during qtr time huddle. Only ever see those under motorways in the States but hey - it's 2020.....
  13. No need running for the razor blades until next week - Freo on a huge roll & will be tough for Doggies.
  14. Indeed yes. Does he have twin brother for other wing? Come on Dawks & Fre-he-hi-ho-ho!
  15. Kozzie had a possession - a handball that travelled full distance to teammate. Evidence of good coaching.
  16. A great opportunity to sort out the centre clearance/maximize the Max tap issue here. ANB should give us at least forward pressure if no sausage rolls. Get it done boys.
  17. Bravo to Ed Langdon, tiny blemish in last quarter but superb all told. Just need mids to work out clearances now.
  18. Yes & straight after one of their special military training camps. Dark days & Hell - hello old friends.
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