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Everything posted by hemingway

  1. Langdon is one of the really good news stories this season. He is s beauty. We have needed a Langdon for years. A ball carrier that can run, break lines and kick a few goals. And he has that verve that inspires others. But we have other good stories. That is the difference this season.
  2. Do you trust Melbourne? What a ridiculous question. Enjoy the wins, enjoy watching the development of players, the coming together of a winning team. Enjoy each game, each win. Enjoy the moment. Of course they will lose games, that’s footy, that’s life. They will have injuries, poor form, and physical and mental fatigue as the season progresses. They may have some bad losses. But we finally have a team that is winning games of footy and looks capable of winning more matches. Who would have thought before the start of the season we would be 5 zip ? It’s got nothing to do with trust.
  3. Agree with all the protests here. Sadly, we live in a world of marketing, merchandising, and advertising. Alongside the flashing dollar signs associated with this, you have misguided sport administrators who seem obsessed with the idea that game day experiences have to be enhanced by noise and other forms of game day entertainment. Silence, quiet conversation with a friend, fellow supporter or even opposition fan is a void that must be filled with noise. Quiet contemplation, nervousness, imaginative reckoning and expectation of things to come are not taken into account when considering game day enjoyment. It’s advertising and entertainment. Its like a torture. You have to sit through the torture before you get to enjoy the reason for our attendance, which is to watch your team play a game of footy. The simplicity and appeal of the sport is diminished by the noise and distraction. Sadly, it’s about dollars. Like many things, the views of fans are not part of the economic equation.
  4. Agree completely. TMac will stay in, so only one of the Weed or BB. On Casey form you would probably go for the Weed. Minimum change to a winning side.
  5. Mate we have played 4 games. Worry about finals time.
  6. Find it hard to believe Clarrie has been false and dishonest in regard to the Carlton thing as suggested by another poster. Just watched the club interview and gee, he’s not overcomplicated. Seems very straightforward and enjoys mate ship. Winning is the icing on the cake. Anyway, we should be celebrating his commitment and re-signing rather than being critical about (what are only rumours) his dalliance with Carlton. We have all had dalliances when young, for some, even when we are old. They usually never amount to anything and don’t last.
  7. Traditional jumper with navy blue for me. Much stronger colours. I don’t mind the colour TV jumper but should never replace the traditional one.
  8. Beautifully stated my friend. Love the passion and we should all ride the ripple for as long as it lasts.
  9. Would the love be so ardent if we had lost all 4 games and Oliver decided not to re-sign. Sorry Old Fart but it is amazing to read the accolades and love after a few wins. They better keep winning.
  10. We see coaches that frankly are boring and at times one dimensional. Lacking imagination. However, Choco does not fit that mould. He brings difference to the club, and has that left field imagination and flair. This brings with it the risk that he will from time to time irritate people and even rub them up the wrong way. People like Choco need those around them to value their difference and volatility. I hope they can keep him. He may turn out to be just as valuable as some of our current stars on the field. Perhaps more valuable because he will influence many players with his ideas. In a similar way, I hope Kate Roffey can bring “difference” to the Board. Its long overdue that this Club does things differently. That it does not remain a bland club that stands for nothing. Our model is Richmond. It has been able to rebrand itself on and off the field with individuals being prepared to change old ways and embracing flair and difference.
  11. I hope he is okay. I had a conversation with him two years ago and he seemed not only a nice guy but a fully committed Demon. His enthusiasm for the club was noticeable.
  12. The appointment of a talented women with a range of skills, experiences and achievements has to be a good thing. She will not be spoken down to in a paternalistic manner and hopefully will shake things up in a progressive but inclusive manner. Yes, I do like women. They have everything a man does not have. My experience with talented women over a long time tells me that they have no time for boys big noting, [censored], networking and pretence. They have much greater empathy, emotional intelligence, and practical minds. They are better balanced, more mature and worldly. They do not resort to alcohol and pats on the back. Yeah, I like them a lot. In fact, I admire them. Kate is a great appointment and something we should be proud to endorse. Of course, there are exceptions but less than men.
  13. She stayed with you out of a misguided sense of duty. Sadly, it is her destiny! And who has dinner at 6.00, so soon after lunch?. You must live in the country and waking hours be attuned to the sun and moon.
  14. Whatever the reasons, it appears that the changeover to Roffey has been handled well without much fuss. No mud slinging or rumours. Well done MFC and another indication that we are a professional outfit with a smooth operation. .
  15. Keep the lid on all season. Nothing is guaranteed in this caper. It’s a journey that will fluctuate from week to week. Injuries, travel and form will influence our results. Enjoy the wins but don’t gloat. Wait for the media and non Melbourne supporters dismantle us after a few losses. Including our own whinging supporters who you can hear say “I told you so. “ Must say, the wins have done wonders for my mental health, mood and enjoyment of weekends. like coming out of a dark tunnel. At long last hope is transforming into belief.
  16. Because Hawkins has a long track record of hits, with lame excuses each time. You don’t need to king hit a player to be suspended. Careless, yes, unduly rough play, yes, high contact, yes, causing serious injury to another player, yes.
  17. Thanks for that. Good point regarding other teams. Agree with comment about Hibbo but not Milky who despite his silky disposal skills and ability to slot some great goals, does not do enough in and around the contest. He is no gut runner and goes missing far too often. It was a problem at Essendon and why many Bomber supporters were happy to see him go.
  18. No changes to a winning team please. Assuming that all current players are fresh and can run out the game. The team is playing with confidence and each player is fulfilling a role. The possible ins are all short of a gallop. I would rather see game time being given to young guys like Sparrow, Jordan and Rivers. They are the future and the players best placed to deliver success over the next 5 years. Players like Milky and Hibbo will play some role but they are not the future. Nev and Nathan are currently playing ok and should be retained until form drops and possible replacements are knocking down the door. But don’t mess with a winning combination. Things may change after Sunday but let’s wait and see.
  19. I don’t. Where are the Bolsheviks? Bring on the Revolution!
  20. Very special game for me. A very ordinary game saved by first gamer Tingays winning goal. Like many, I became a Melbourne supporter as a direct result of being taken to games by my Dad. By the time this game came around my Dad was failing in health. I remember the difficulty of getting him from the car in Yarra Park to the ground. Stopping every few metres to catch his breath. But we won the game. I knew at that time that Dad was probably not going to get to another one. It was emotional and it was to be my Dads last game. I carry his spirit with me to every game.
  21. Be careful, we are only two games in. Melbourne supporters should know that it is a long season and fortunes fluctuate over that time. Injuries, form, travel etc.
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