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Palace Dees

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Everything posted by Palace Dees

  1. Yet again we only get 'half' a bye. R13 Collingwood on June 12, R14 BYE, R15 Geelong Thur June 22. Just 10 days like last year. Why?
  2. Not counting Covid year - that's 7 out of 8 seasons and 13 from 15. Enough already!
  3. Bump v.2 I stopped playing altogether for 9 months earlier this this. I handed the clan over to another Melbourne supporter before leaving. I found out he recently changed the name from Melbourne Demons to a more generic AFL supporters name to attract more players into the clan. I found this disappointing given his brother played for the Dees in the 80's. Anyway, I felt the name needed to continue so I started to play again and re-started a clan called Melbourne Demons. Currently, I'm the only one in it and am enjoying the game again. Would love to have you as part of the clan if you play or would like to. Don't be put off by the horrible phrase of clan, it's all really just a bit of innocent fun.
  4. My daughter is a professional tattoo artist (and bloody good) but I just can't bring myself to get one. I thought a Dees Premiership would persuade me, but no. My ex wife got one of me after 19 years marriage - we divorced after 20! Daughter and mother are still trying to work out a solution 🤣
  5. Have just seen this...... MFC photo of the year. In this case a picture paints 2022 words 😁
  6. I hope we never see the seemingly popular extreme mullet in a Melbourne jumper. Or the cringeworthy balding pony tail. Worst haircut EVER
  7. It's always been nuts Old Dee. Hard to know if numbers are increasing. In the past many were lurking in supposed safe environments (I think you know where I mean) but every kid is on the many social media avenues now which are a haven for these vile rock spiders. It's so hard for us to find the balance of safety vs trust for our loved ones. Educating them re the dangers is so important as well as keeping our eyes and ears open. It's tough, but it comes with the job.
  8. Seems to have a bit of 'Air' Jordon hang time. He jumps, look where his opponents are, then team mates, marks the ball, checks wind direction, seeks out the best grass, then lands. Impressive. OK, just wanted to be the first to make unreal observations and expectations of him before he is completely shredded here after round one. 😉
  9. The concern Jefferson is not suited to our type of forward entry is premature. Clubs game style constantly evolve. Not only to not be left behind, but also to be less predictable and harder to plan against. Many will say this was our problem in the 2nd half of this season. The other main reason is (or should be) to best utilse the strengths of the list at the time. By the time Jefferson is a regular player we will look and play a little differently. If not, we would have stood still - and that is a bigger concern. Also, the idea of recruiting only a perceived 'Melbourne' type is locking us into an inflexible game style that will be found out by good game day coaches. We have a good coaching team but game day is probably not their one wood. Mick Stinear showed this year how valuable a tool that is. It starts with planning, recruiting and finally, player buy in. We may look a little different next season, but that is healthy.
  10. Cal Twomey picked for first 13 in correct order and predicted 59 selections in total. The bloke's a freak.
  11. Me too, makes perfect sense. Ruckman rarely have impact before 22/23 yo. Both Max and Brodie will be well into their 30's by then so why not give Barnett and Faris-White the best mentorship imaginable. It could be the perfect succession plan. Also wouldn't have a problem giving up our first pick next year to get him.
  12. I might store this for my 'in case of emergency, break glass' post 😈
  13. I certainly wasn't having a crack at you BDA, just the same old, boring questioning of these kids. At least Montagna asked who he modelled himself on and not who he compared himself to. Even then it's been perceived as high self confidence which is not necessarily the case.
  14. This is where we set these new draftees up for ridicule. Last night Jefferson was asked who he models his game on and he mentioned those two. EVERY draftee is asked in EVERY interview to compare their style to a current day player. No one is going to say a Weideman for example, they will look at the best. It is repetitive, unimaginative journalism and often these kids get labelled with big heads, unfairly.
  15. True, I was thinking another realistic option for us but you are correct.
  16. Be sure to let them know how much they mean to so many people. Show them some of the Demonland posts, but for goodness sake, don't let them on! 🤣
  17. If headings are correct, you are comparing 10 higher picks to 5 lower picks. If that's the case there not a big discrepancy at all. Different story if it should read PICKS 21-30
  18. Very generous of you to give DJ'S post a response WWSWS. It didn't deserve one.
  19. Many of the whingers would probably have raved over Australia winning 1-0 in the World Cup qualifiers, and rightly so. Sport doesn't have to be high scoring to be entertaining. How tense and exciting was that last quarter and no goals were scored. Every 1% er meant so much, potentially match saving. Give me a match like that over US razzamataz basketball any day. The girls are all heroes - full stop. * Just read your post after I did mine Binman. You are a very wise man 🤣
  20. Several hours post match and I'm still in a haze. 2021 saw my #1 Bucket List wish fulfilled. Today came closer to that day more than I realised. The players are just so likeable and so obviously engaged. Very happy to know Karma is real because they so deserve it. They always play the game in the right spirit and I have NEVER witnessed a team so disciplined and focused. I am beyond proud of this team, it's bordering on adulation. They react to adversity better than any team I've seen. I feel privileged to say I am a member (and always will be) and saw them win their first (of many) Premierships. ❤💙🏆
  21. ....And they played for the Fuchsia's 🌻🌼🌷🌹⚘️🌺🥀 🤩😍🥰❤💙
  22. From what we've witnessed of him on field, I'm not surprised. Not a captains Ahole.
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