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Everything posted by dieter

  1. See, Jara, you're a fool, a nuffie and a leftie. How do I know? ProDeee says so and he knows just about everything and he's great in the gym as well. Nuff said.
  2. You'd know all about that. I've heard it's apparently where your top brain cells reside, Daisy!
  3. I'm an osteo arthritic semi invalid and I would rather prove my mental fitness than an ability to do a thousand press-ups.
  4. Mr Pot, Kettle calling: every person who assumes that every person that doesn't readily support their usually insane agendas is a Leftist is, just what, Mr Pot???????
  5. Unfortunately I believe people who question the Will of the Murdochs, people who don't like having 'facts' rammed down their throats, people who question the lies and bullsheets every government rams down the willing suspensions of disbelief of its constituents - For Example, 'Children Overboard', Weapons of Mass Destruction, Vietnam is a Domino - is a Leftie, whatever the fluck that means. Personally, I use my right hand in preference to my left hand for most chores, so I don't really understand what a 'leftie' is supposed to mean. Is it a term, perhaps, Troglodytes once used to describe Communists, god forbid?
  6. I repeat, eat your greens, get some exercise...
  7. Is there anything else you'd like to add Pro? I'm sure you'll find more 'evidence'. Just keep 'investigating', but please don't forget to eat your greens and get some exercise because everyone on this site fears you might be becoming too just a wee bit obsessive...
  8. Ha ha. You know nothing about my background.
  9. Honestly, why do you bother debating this nutcase? He's as obstinate as the 'authorities' who persecuted Copernicus on the question whether the world is a sphere or flat...
  10. I believe all of the above is perfectly plausible.. Do you by chance know what GAGF means? I heard another rumour that he was he copper who organised the boot camps...
  11. Pro is an excitement machine. Warren wrote a song about him: Excitable Boy.
  12. 'Cos cream rises to the top silly boy.
  13. Sacre bleu, you use the term 'idiot'! You must be looking in the mirror. The above is the most idiotic post I've ever read.
  14. Be careful, DC, prejudicial behavior can land you in jail. And so it should, if for example, you ranted and raved about Jews. Enough is enough. Idiot bulldust flagged as 'prejudice' is just what it is, the belly ravings of the ignorant. Unfortunately in history the ignorant and intolerant have caused way too much damage. Enough is enough. I'm surprised - or half surprised - that a man with half a brain, a man like you for instance, can sit back and just allow a man who is 'prejudiced' to preach hatred and propaganda and think it's okay because he admits he's prejudiced. ????? We live in very strange times.......... again!
  15. Tell us more...
  16. An ex E Coli Wobbler to boot.
  17. He was reported as looking distressed in a recent Training post. Has his injury - whatever it is - flown under the radar?
  18. Also, who pays him to make sheep-like climate change denying bleats?
  19. Hunt Injury

    I'm surprised at the silence about a possible injury to Hunt. One training report reported he looked very distressed. Does anybody know more?

  20. He's dead. What good would that do? Some of them might think they're Johny Weissmuller - like a certain snorkelling PM - and start swimming to Tasmania and never get seen again. It's happened before...
  21. Who else they gonna go to but their union? That's why they have them, to protect workers from lunatic bosses.
  22. The movie was on last night on SBS 'Full Metal Jacket'.....Kubrick, just about the best anti war film ever made.
  23. You got the wrong picture about why we've gone nowhere, bro.
  24. Get a life. Things changed. When I grew up in the late 50's and 60's teachers, parents and priests and nuns belted the crap out of you. What's playing good football and being able to make a decent decision and hit a target with a pass or a handball got to do with being a super hero uncoordinated AFL player? How many other clubs use boot camps run by thugs called ex coppers?
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