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Everything posted by dieter

  1. No matter: the planes were good. A messerschmidt was the only thing that ever frightened Keith Miller.
  2. Would you prefer to rent one of my Luftwaffe Fleet Plane Rentals from my Company?
  3. Yes, after your degenerate life some yoghurt would be good.
  4. Love it. He'd suit the National/Liberal camp of fringe lunatics.
  5. Shocking behavior by your assailant.
  6. What is your definition of j walking? Pray tell....
  7. Mr Stretch: I thought we was talking about Pro Dee. I am an unabashedful JW fan. He can have his non-interested moments because, like Cyril, his moments are sublime.
  8. Then again, Coach G started picking on him preseason before any imperfections could become apparent. Do you ever reflect on your imperfections? I know I do. The reflection disappears in an instant...
  9. Yes, remarks about progeny - even satirical and phantasmogorical and illogical and meant to take the wee out of entrenched male concepts - are taboo here. So how did you fill your idle hours?
  10. It certainly became a major weakness when I lost my 'bowling' fitness. A keeper named Trevor used to scream with rage as he flew in vain towards leg slip. Served him right. In a previous life a girl I fancied fancied him.
  11. Pway tell you're right for a change. Will Goodwin play him though??????
  12. That's where you've been - Disneyland, got stuck in Fantasyland.
  13. I'm more surprised that people still do. It's junk food.
  14. I saw him kick 6 against Box Hill. He's got the goods. He ain't no spud. Remember how Demonland bayed at Hunt for years. He was called worse than a spud: a brussel sprout even....
  15. So, what's unusual? Melbourne weather, okay?
  16. Yes, conservatives are much better placed to bring in change because their reasoning is logical. Witness Joe Hockey tilting at windmills, the Abbottoir's rantings about the evil cascading consequences if a woman can marry his sister, or to the absolute fabulist nonsense Turnbulldust told us about the tenth rate NBN rollout, not to mention their perfect understanding of the great benefit of coal and total denial that the weather ain't what it used to be.... You continue to both baffle and amuse me, man.
  17. Good question. Ask Mr burgundy the same question for me.
  18. It IS the great issue with the Draft. An Adelaide supporter pointed out to me that the last time Port and Adelaide met in a derby there were only 11 South Australians playing. This is becoming and will become an even bigger issue. Only dogs like Scully will abandon kith and kin for many bucks. Most of them are human. They miss mum...
  19. dot dot dot, going dotty. Jack and Paddy in the cell together, what are you getting at Mr Burgundy???
  20. The problem with your point of view is that THE PEOPLE MIGHT SAY YES, THE RIGHT WING CHRISTO/FASCISTS CAN STILL BRING IT DOWN IN PARLIAMENT. In other words, they will still vote according to the voices in their heads. END RESULT: JUST ANOTHER 122 MILLION BUCKS DOWN THE GURGLER. Enjoy the weddings, Wreck, IF AND WHEN THEY HAPPEN. Remember to not let it be known that you believed every boy and girl needed a mother and a father while you enjoy the matrimonial baked meats and the free plonk which will most likely be better than the VB and cask wine you'll be served at most weddings.
  21. Now you're really getting convoluted. Apart from that, it is a total waste of money: the members of parliament should have decided this. This is their bloody job, for crying out loud.
  22. I know many ss female couple who also WANT TO RAISE A FAMILY. There is absolutely no evidence that the children of these relationships are any worse off. Why? Because they still have two parents who love them and want the best for them.
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