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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. As I have stated, I think by next year we will all have to have mRNA vaccines as a booster due to new strains of Covid. If a lower risk and better drug is an option I will take it. If not and the risk of getting Covid increases I will have AZ. There has not been a locally acquired case of Covid where I live. My view is the risk of getting Covid is low in Australia and lower where I live, the state governments by and large have done a great job. I can wait, but I could change my mind tomorrow. I agree on Paul Murray.
  2. Binnie I agree with much of what you say, however NSW has a population of 8.1 million . So it is not 1 in 100. It's a minute death rate. NB: None this year. So the 56 deaths last year compares to a road toll of 297 (NOTE:- you can still drive) Less than 4 million Australians have had Astra Zenneca with 2 deaths attributed. The risk of getting Covid today is low and dying lower but we should be vigilant and vaccinate ASAP providing you can get the preferred jab.
  3. It was a simple question about where he got the data. I note that it has not been answered so I shall assume supposition. He may well be right. However we are much better at treating Covid now compared to last year hence the question about the data.
  4. For $100 I will sell you the winning numbers guaranteed! PS Last weeks
  5. The Platinum standard! Good or bad luck is at play, aided and abetted by good & bad management.
  6. The problem with that Bob is that in Australia this year it is zero deaths due to Covid, not a nightly newsworthy story and may send a mixed message considering more have died after taking AZ vaccine.
  7. Very funny Super, I am interested in the empirical data. All sorts of people with all sorts of views including me come to conclusions based on information gathered, often they go on to share their opinions. I don't think you can know too much. I thought Little Goffy was making some valid points but that one statement seemed more opinion than fact. But I could be wrong.
  8. Where do you get the data that supports the bolded sentence?
  9. Hang on a minute. First you bag me for quoting an article, then you say the article has since been corrected, then you bag me for quoting a source that has changed, then you have the temerity to make a statement like "Confirmation bias on steroids". Who made you the arbiter of facts? Who knows what the real truth is? I don't bag you for having an opinion that I may disagree with, so keep it up. PS. If I accept my confirmation bias will you accept yours?
  10. Faulty I fail to see this as a negative comment. Perhaps you object to being aligned with the views of Paul Murray for some reason.
  11. Poor taste dig removed. Sorry
  12. I think it more than that titan, I think the Government put too much trust in AZ and missed an opportunity to spread the risk by buying more mRNA's
  13. Yes I did read the article. Did you read what I said or are you religiously indignant? What I said was, "It may turn out that the mRNA's have more side effects than AZ, but I think that any vaccine is preferable to getting Covid 19"
  14. Hey Bing that is a quote from the cited article. I didn't write it. I was asked for a source. Don't shoot the messenger.
  15. "Australia joins a growing list of countries to suspend the vaccine over concerns about its safety and blood clotting, despite repeated messaging from health professionals globally that the chances of getting such clots are remarkably low." "Australia has now joined a growing number of European countries to have suspended the AstraZeneca vaccine over the past ten days, including Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania and The Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and Spain." https://which-50.com/government-parks-astrazeneca-jab-following-blood-clot-concerns/ June 25 2021 "Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) updated its guidance, now recommending that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna are the preferred second doses for those who took AstraZeneca as their first." https://globalnews.ca/news/7959406/covid-vaccine-mrna-astrazeneca-canada/ There are a lot of mixed messages out there, enough to make me cautious. Neither of these sources are the ones I was reading last week, including from the Canadian governments own site which I cannot find today. It may turn out that the mRNA's have more side effects than AZ, but I think that any vaccine is preferable to getting Covid 19
  16. I hope @bing181 and the others having a go at me are keeping abreast of all this. The German vaccine authority suggesting that AZ NOT EFFECTIVE on over 65's. Not recommended for under 60's in Australia. Not recommended for anyone in Canada & Japan, numerous corruption allegations and run by Scomos mate!
  17. Sorry Binny, NSW is the Gold standard haven't you heard. Liberal pollies have been bleating for months about how good the NSW government has been. We are all just as good as our last stuff up.
  18. I cannot believe that at this stage we would distribute mRNA's before we have exhausted AZ, considering the difficulties they are having selling it to our population. However with this government anything is possible. I have been an advocate for some time that we donate our AZ to countries in our region.
  19. Good point DC, It's actually 65 million by the end of the first quarter next year. Possibly we are using the 2nd generation Moderna 15 million doses as a booster? Leaving 50 million for 25 million Australians. So how many are fully immunised now. I am quite confused by the numbers. In the next 9 months 65 million new doses, they have a shelf life. My guess and it is a guess is that there is doubt about the ongoing efficacy of AZ, that is opinion no facts purely speculation. Edit: I would love to have someone explain the numbers to me.
  20. So Astra Zeneca was seen as the main vaccine for the Australian population. Gradually or should I say rapidly the experts recommend more and more people should not take it. In some countries (Canada for example) they do not recommend it for anyone including those who have already had one dose. So where is the flawed logic? You may continue to believe whatever you like, I look at what other countries are doing too, AZ is on the way out in advanced economies and not because everyone is vaccinated. Edit: Bing, Australia has over 60million doses of mRNA's on order. Why?
  21. I wish. I'm too old. No Pfizer for me.
  22. You guys have a fantastic knowledge of bands, amazing!
  23. I think sixty compared to two warrants many more. Would you prefer 3000% more. I am not anti Astra Zeneca, if there was no alternative I would say it was fantastic I would recommend everyone take it. Personally at the moment I prefer mRNA's and I recognise they are not perfect. I suppose I am attempting to justify my position of waiting for a better vaccine. I accept that any of the approved vaccines is better than none, however I am fortunate that my isolation affords me time. (at the moment) Edit- It would appear that the Australian government agrees, Astra Zeneca being phased out by October.
  24. Kobe Cockshell? Who I believe is related to Kyle Condom.
  25. Half forward line President Johnson Back line Mixed marshal arts
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