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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Accidental doesn't matter with high contact, hence the outrage at the Fyfe ruling in round 1. It's a broken system.
  2. Can you imagine how good this kid will be after 50 games? Wow!
  3. Forgot the importance of next week for Crossy. I reckon we'll get over the line, especially after the disappointment of not going back to back wins against the Suns. Wow, to be 3-5 in round 8, that would be amazing.
  4. Thank God we got the win when we did. Hope Frawley is ok.
  5. And Scully v2? Please, the circumstances are nothing alike.
  6. Adelaide get 50 metres because Frawley runs into a contest. Dawes gets nothing when he gets tackled AFTER a mark. Love the consistency here.
  7. Oh god Dees, PLEASE get the next one. PLEASE. My heart can't take this!!!!!!!
  8. Yep, of course that ball isn't called out of bounds for a throw in.
  9. And CAPTAIN'S GOAL! I love that man, LOVE LOVE LOVE.
  10. Ahh, I know how the umpires are working. For every 5 [censored] soft frees they give to Adelaide, they'll give us 1 inside 50 that leads to a goal. That's fair!
  11. My eyes literally don't believe what they're watching. We are getting one of the most hard faught upsets of the year, and the umpires are doing everything in their power to hand the win to Adelaide. This is Carlton/WCE proportions of [censored].
  12. FIFTY FOR WHAT!? What else could Frawley have done there, he was running at the [censored] contest!!!!!!
  13. Even the best have bad turnovers. Cross hurt us with some stinkers, but he gives 110%.
  14. I almost can't watch. I'd be devastated if we lost this, even though there's so much to like about our performance.
  15. Commentators lamenting how soft that free to Dawes was. GIVE ME A BREAK. The last ten freaking frees have all been soft as marshmellow and all went in Adelaide's favour. Give me a break!
  16. Bail marks it. Not paid. Play on. [censored] THIS UMPIRING IS [censored] RIDICULOUS!
  17. Bail mate, I know you're trying, but if in doubt just go as long and deep as you can kick it! [censored]!
  18. Jones has been quiet but maybe it's because everyone else is lifting. JKH and Tyson have been so silky. Can't wait for Salem to come back on, should give us a lift as well.
  19. If JKH had kicked those two goals, he's the NAB Rising Star nominee. Let's hope he can grab a few in the next half, they usually go to winning teams, and this is quite the upset! What happened with Salem? Subbed on and then subbed off? How does that work?
  20. Because he won't be able to run out four quarters just yet. Roos' initiation with JKH was spot on, and he should continue with Salem. Don't be surprised if Salem's out of breath by 3QTR time.
  21. I just want those journos who criticized this trade to eat their words. I think it was Kingy who defended the trade on 360 a few weeks back, rightly stating we needed two great players more urgently than just one potential superstar player.
  22. If Clark signed up for any other club in the league in the next few years, he'd be spitting in the face of a lot of people who supported him through one of the lowest points of his life. Don't think he'd ever do it. Also don't think Ross Lyon would entertain doing that to Roos after we severed ties with Clark when he backed out of his contract.
  23. Agreed. All this rubbish from the commentators about Mick going into the rooms to spray them for finally showing up in the 4th quarter? Rubbish. Collingwood took their foot off the pedal.
  24. Love Jamie Elliott. How do Collingwood keep finding these gems without early draft picks??? Hate, hate, HATE THEM! And Grundy. That final goal was sensational. Grrrr.
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