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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Lewis Jetta: the umpires can't even buy you the win if you won't kick straight.
  2. Shannon is an asset but a liability. Likewise Terlich, he pressures well but his turnovers are killing us.
  3. Buddy should get a week for staging. What a joke. It was half a slap to his neck, from the back of Georgiou's hand. Anyway, great to see us having a red hot crack... tackling pressure is insane.
  4. The Carlton game umpires got a quick cab over to do our game, it seems!
  5. Why, WHY, was there a 50 metre penalty paid to Carlton at that crucial moment? What happened to putting the whistle away? It seems to only come out when the umps see an opportunity to gift the losing team an easy goal. Admittedly the Eagles had 3 great chances in the dying minutes and butchered all 3, but Carlton were nowhere near victory halfway through the final quarter, until the umps intervened.
  6. I'm absolutely staggered by that, vented my frustration in the other thread. There should be an investigation into the umps in that match and their personal connections. That's some of the most blatant rigging I've seen, absolutely pathetic.
  7. Some of the most corrupt umpiring I've ever seen in my life, just gifted Carlton victory. Absolutely disgraceful. I'm just about over the AFL, it's corrupt beyond belief.
  8. Anyone just see Bernie Vince on the SNF lie detector test? Failed miserably Obviously it's just a bit of a laugh (I hope) because they aren't an exact science, but here's a few of the nuggets: - He said he wasn't the best looking guy at the club (lie) - He said he thinks Melbourne can make the finals (lie) - He said Melbourne blokes were better than the blokes at his old club (lie) - He said he'd rather be here in Melbourne than back in Adelaide (lie) - He said if he could have any pick of any club to come to, he would have picked Melbourne (lie) He did say he loved Taylor Walker though, and that was unsurprisingly true. Go figure
  9. Always remember every single decision Eddie makes is either to further Colonwood at the expense of all other clubs, or increase the numbers in his bank account. He cozied up with Fox as soon as they got the rights so he could get his face on their coverage, and now his own weekly TV show. He even used it as a platform to get Colonwood their own weekly TV show. He doesn't even pretend to be impartial, constantly making commentary on players who defected to other clubs, while talking up his own. He will use every opportunity he can to keep us in the pits and his club affluent in all respects. The push for equalization will amount to nothing with his (and the rest of his ilk) feigning support for proposals. And, most important of all, he uses his media presence to push his own agenda.
  10. What's done is done. Let's just look forward to the rest of the season. Still have 3 or 4 wins we should get (Bulldogs, Lions, GWS again), and maybe 2 or 3 upsets.
  11. Guessing Howey, JKH, Frawley, Dawes, Byrnes & Bail forward. Dunn, Georgiou, MacDonald down back? Wonder if Salem will be the sub, and was he training with the forwards on Thursday? He seems to be a handy kick on goal, so Roos could put him forward. He wouldn't have the tank to go near the midfield just yet (especially against Sydney's).
  12. Rumours say the playing group were furious that signing Buddy cost them Mumford; he was a beloved member of the team. And in the next few years when nobody decides to re-sign with the Swans due to necessarily low-ball contracts, he'll be the first of many.
  13. The assistant coaches and leadership group better be rallying everyone together to do this one for Roos. It'd be a huge statement from the playing group not only as a 'thank you' to Paul, but a statement for the future of the club in general. Hate when players get injured on the field, but secretly hoping Buddy might have post-crash symptoms from his little bingle a few days ago.
  14. At least it isn't BT. On radio earlier the idiot was laughing off the idea of the Anzac Eve Dees vs Tiges match, on the basis that the Dees are playing rubbish footy and "nobody would turn up".
  15. GWS are rubbish without Mummy. How I wish he'd been injured when we played them. We were much more competitive against the Cuns than they are, yet we lost to both teams.
  16. Feel bad for the commentators having to call this rubbish match.
  17. I do think we can win this with 4 quarters of hard effort, and if we get the Swans on one of their off days. Been plenty of them this year, and their win against Freo last week clearly wasn't saying much (if their gutless performance last night is any indication).
  18. Crowd of 1000 at Metricon? What an insult to the integrity of the game Vlad has created. Conversely, nearly 10,000 went along to watch Taylor Walker play Glenelg last night. And to think these two teams are holding all the talent from the last 5 years hostage, while teams like us, Carlton and the Bulldogs struggle to win anything.
  19. Sounds like Taylor Walker could be back to his best if his two's appearance is an indication. 3 goals, 3 behinds. Not bad after a year in the sidelines. Get Bernie in his ear ASAP. A night out on the town should do the trick for the pair of 'em!
  20. If this keeps up for Freo, Fyfe is good as gone.
  21. Curious why he isn't being placed on the LTI if his setback has been drastic? A good sign or simply nobody worth elevating?
  22. Well he's had a setback so I'm guessing we won't see him in the 4 to 6 week window. I just want to see him debut, but the club would be idiotic to take ANY risks with him. If there's a shred of doubt, I want him coated in bubble wrap and ready to fire for the preseason 2015. Remember Hawkins spent much of last year with serious back injuries and wound his way back. Hogan's younger and more virile; he will too.
  23. Our focus will definitely be on interstate players who can't get regular games, and originate from Victoria. The money alone won't bring talent to our club because we're so far away from a respectable club at this stage. More Michies, more Tysons, more seasoned veterans in the outs of their current clubs (due to youth playing policies).
  24. Can the club not just hunt down and bring in a world leader on back injuries like this and get a more scientific diagnosis? If the club doctors can't work out what's going on, spend any money we have spare to bring in an expert, internationally if necessary.
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