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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Can't have any threat to the consistent branding and marketability problem in NSW. It's what happens when expansion is determined by a marketing department. I note that Essendon have been given permission to ditch their red/grey clash geurnsey next season as well. Yet another rich team given special treatment by the AFL.
  2. We always get out to good starts then inexplicably fall apart in the second half. Hope we can put the foot down.
  3. I reckon Sunday's match will determine the Rising Star winner. Hogan kicks 5 and it's all over.
  4. Definitely not far off the mark. The thing that constantly surprises me is how many Dees stickers I see on the back of car windows and number plates on a simple drive to work every day (and no small drive either, we're talking all the way up the Monash for half an hour and through Toorak/South Yarra). I couldn't tell you the last time I saw another car brandishing a sticker for another club other than Collingwood.
  5. I totez called it! We're wearing the red clash strip versus Carlton AND Fremantle.
  6. Melbourne could learn a thing or two from Port. After enduring similar circumstances (with far less concessions) they've found a way to exceed all expectations. We've treaded water.
  7. Oh boy, if the Hawks drop either of the next 2 matches... holy crap. That would be hilarious.
  8. Wowsers, Frawley has gone from average to genuine A-Grade spud. Is it just because he's surrounded by people who actually know what the hell they're doing? I noticed how a few Hawks players got around him for setting up a basic, common-sense Rioli goal in the first half. Found that a bit telling.
  9. Puopolo's hands are like glue. Rioli is just staggeringly good. Everything these players touch turns to gold. Certainly makes Frawley stand out like a stale bottle of...
  10. Holy crap, who in the hell is running the ship at Brisbane?? No wonder players want to get the [censored] out, what a total basketcase.
  11. I'd say our odds have shortened for Saturday. Not saying Carlton are tanking but they'll happily make their team weaker if the presents itself.
  12. Shocking attitude. Wouldn't touch a player that gives up so laughably before the season even ends. Very similar to some of the players we've had over the years who throw in the towel after 5 rounds.
  13. I reckon Malceski only had one focus when he moved to the Gold Coast and that was enjoying retirement.
  14. That was the line where I bolted for the toilet lest I spill vomit on the carpet.
  15. That's the first Robbo article I've read in its entirety for years. Holy hell, primary school children have a stronger grasp of prose. There's no cohesion nor structure to anything he writes, just an inexhaustible mess of thought bubbles pervaded by his subservient bias. His wailing and woe is more reminiscent of a petulant child demanding ice-cream than a professional journalist demanding respect. This makes him a perfect fit for the glorified toilet paper known as the Herald Sun.
  16. So the Lions are trying to get Matt Suckling via the PSD, because picking him as a free agent will ruin their free agency compensation (which indicates to me the AFL have cut a deal with them for over-compensation). Would we have any interest in him? Seems rather foolish for a team as hopeless as the Lions to start getting cute with their recruitment, could easily lead to uncertainty and unease from the player and his manager, opening up the potential for another club to swoop.
  17. He's already been using a ghostwriter for them for the last 3 years.
  18. What kind of coach has a parting sledge like that to one of their best midfielders?! And one of the few players with enough integrity to refuse involvement in Tird's drugs program in the first place? What a piece of work.
  19. Holy hell what a braindead idea. Is it too much to ask to have ONE competent government in this country?
  20. Ultimately though, the AFL have just banked $2B. Does the success or proliferation of smaller clubs even matter now? Seven will only want matches with the "blockbuster" teams now. Just look at the way they've manipulated Friday night games into the repetitive Richmond, Collingwood, Carlton, Hawthorn mess it is now.
  21. As for Telstra, as if you can expect a quality service from them when they have their fingers in Foxtel's pie? It's a rort, right down to the abysmal quality and restriction on connecting it to external devices from your phone / tablet. They'll do anything to lessen the increasing threat to Foxtel's stranglehold over Australian sport. One need only look at how Abbott couldn't wait to dismantle the NBN to see who's pulling the strings here.
  22. Ten are crazy for not going hard at this with Fox. Missing out on both major codes put them in the wilderness 4 years ago. Now they're stuck with the dregs of Australian sport for the next 7 years. I sincerely doubt three FTA stations will be viable in the year 2022. The supporters are all the poorer too. Only 3 games on FTA means only 6 clubs getting exposure every week. What hope does our club ever have of getting in on the action when Seven will be demanding the 3 premium games for their prime time slots (and, when they have Thursday night games, being forced to feature 2 of the 4 teams from the previous week's Thurs and Fri games). The commentators are heralding the cash injection the AFL will be able to give the struggling clubs now, but what's the point if there's so little exposure on free-to-air?
  23. The delusion is strong with Essendon supporters.
  24. LOL How transparent is this entire charade? Sure Little, James "offered to stand down." because that's entirely in line with everything we've seen so far. Quite amazing to see someone get a full payout of their contract after quitting, too. The entire club is full of delusional sycophants. Oh look, Little AGAIN reiterating the laughably rehearsed company line of Hird triumphantly, courageously and heroically offering to leave the club to "help save the players of the club he loves." Bucket please!
  25. Maybe I'm just vindictive, but I quite enjoyed hurling abuse at Hird through my telly this year. Who will I vent my MFCSS angst at now?!
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