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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. In 2001 ND we took 9 Molan 25 Armstrong 26 Rogers 55 Miller Was there more to the trade in so far as draft picks we got? Armas was poor solace for Farmer, all things considered.
  2. Your use of the word current.... tripped me!
  3. Like I said, lets all be happy little vegemites...... If we are talking food spreads...Yze is to MFC what chocolate sprinkles are to nutrition.....Seems to look good but has little substance of value. He typifies the marshmallow culture of this club. May began next year we can get him to laps of the ground before the game and we can all call out OOOZE and then get on with the real stuff.
  4. Sounds like Bizzell. He may be shorter but he is stronger overhead and in a contested situation than Bizzell. Given the way HBs play these days, it would be a good move for Sylvia in 18 months to ultimately build fitness and nous to play the midfield. And he is more accountable too.
  5. At this point of the year, I think Frawley is with the odd game for the gorilla player requiring Holland. No better. Better footskills, better overhead skills, better accountability and quicker....for starters.
  6. Its been our loss to carry and overpay a downhill skier like Yze. I guess your situation is lets not trade anyone even though they are fading as footballers and keep him til they fall over. Hell, we wont move forward but as long as we happy little vegemites.....
  7. Who would you pick and play instead of them given the availability of players over the past few weeks?
  8. I am not bothered either way at the moment as none of Bizzell, Ward, Brown excite me and its a good chance they will all be gone at year end. They have all come up short to often and I know we wont go forward with any of them. There is a lack of class there ATM and I can see an opportunity to rectify Barring injury for 2007, I would like to see it as follows: My preferred backline: B: Whelan, Carroll, Frawley HB: Bell, Rivers, Sylvia I'd like Sylvia to be able to launch attacks forward for us
  9. Looks like Yze ripped us off again. He should thank Woey in spades as Yze should only have been given 2 years and if around next year should be on no more than match payments. If there was a choice between Paul Williams and Woey I still know who I would take. I am not sure what value a self absorbed footballer like Woey would provide to MFC as he showed at 2 clubs he clearly had little judgement and a lack of maturity in where he stood as a footballer. He was the last one to realise it had passed him by. And it was sort of tragic in the end.
  10. QC, I have no doubt. There is the need for the judgement to act in particular circumstances and I dont think Bizzell has it and is exposed by good sides who exploit that and other shortcomings in his game.
  11. Jaded is right. The media are playing the sympathy card because its news (at the moment). They could not conjure another meaningless article about Collingwood at the time. It wont take them more than one bad loss to whip up "Another bad loss, Board must act, ND has lost the players" Actually they could obviously pick up some tips from the alot of feverish abuse ND has copped here to get them started!
  12. Damn them Pies they had him stuck way out on the wing out of the action when all this time he was a midfielder. What's your source about the ND/Woey meeting and the talk of him coming back. What role and why did it fall through? Where was Yze going? Whats your source (or sauce if you can taste it)?
  13. I agree with you on Woey. I thought Farmer walked out and we did not get a trade compensation for him. Is this right? BTW, the only thing I miss is his ability to ignite a team. Its a pity about the rest of the on and off field stuff.
  14. So a backman is not accountable for his opponent! Well glory be. Its a revolution Thanks for the information....I think
  15. Take your point. For mine it is a constant not just a once off with Bizzell that has compromised his value over a number of years. The best defenders do do it but usually no when to go and when to stay. Bizz does not have the judgement to do this. I have no doubt he will get selected.
  16. Archer has superior judgement to Bizz over the course of their careers and Archer brings far more to the table that Bizz. Archer was OK yesterday without being anything special. I did note he copped a Robbo knee in the head in the last and went down so I would be prepared to give him some latitude in the last. Robbo did little until the last qtr.
  17. I have alot of time for Jones capaibility but not his kicking at times! Rivers would not normally pick him up I think my assessment of Bizzell's performance was very much in perspective. Bizzell is an experienced footballer at this level and knows the drill. A defender's rule 101 is that you are accountable for your direct opponent The fact that he lets his opponent go punishes his good work done elsewhere. It did yesterday. If Jones had kicked the goal in the last we would not be rueing how that game got way from us. We would be asking how did Corey Jones get 20 metres of space in front of goal. From your back six who would have got Grant?
  18. I think the first three quarters should be taken into consideration. Also why wasnt there MFC players standing the defensive side of the throw in to prevent Swallow's clean break and goal? Thats what get me mad.
  19. Its not good when that happens. Has Godfrey done anything to provoke it? Many years ago the VFL tribunal members used to wonder why Terry "squirrel" Wheeler used to front the tribunal so often as a victim? <_<
  20. 2004. After he was injured he was appalling and the late Troy Broadbridge had taken his role on the HBF by season's end. Nothing to do with unlucky to be dropped in 2005. He had about 10 games on the run where he was continually exposed. Its amazing that we went into the 2005 EF with a crippled side and Bizzell's lamentable response to his poor form in the seniors was to repeat it at Sandy. He was injured in 2006 but was already a fringe player. 2007- Continued up and down performances with Sandy. I know what I get with Bizzell. He will from time to time look impressive against wasteful and undiscilined teams. Yesterday he was allowed to be loose and was not made to pay for it by his opponent. But when the pressure is on and he is required to be solid and accountable. He ain't.
  21. WW, clearly you are one of the one good game and he is a champ. WW, I'll keep it simple for you. The 3 to 4 years cover the period 2004 to 2007. By the time he was injured Bizz was already a fringe player struggling for a game. Where have I called Bizzell's efforts for the club mediocre? Or is this the quality of your analysis Wayne?
  22. Are they the same people that think Rivers and Bizzell interchange on roles? I thought his game satisfactory. He had 2 goals kick on him in the first and had his opponent made the most of some relatively easy shots at goals we might be pondering more why Bizzell does not play more accountable for his man. \
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