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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. I dont think age has got anything to do with it. I think it is a good developemental step for him.
  2. If the intention is to delist him, he should not be selected again...period After the way he has cheated on his obligations to MFC and his teammates he can rot on 199 games. He does not deserve the good grace of getting a gift game to get to 200 games on our account. He has done stuff all to be selected the last time.
  3. In reality its quite common for a Club to have a long term injured top player in the coaches box as part of their development. i dont see it as any prominent vote of confidence just a continuation of the Club's development of a player. Yze....planning for the afterlife?
  4. FWIW, I dont think Lloyd should have got a week. Its no worse than Goodes. Good heavens if Hall got off hitting Maquire in the 2005 finals then Lloyds was nothing. The AFL tribunal is continually confusing in its deliberations. However what I do find puzzling is the condemnation and snide retorts delivered to Lloyd on this site. Lloyd is a champion and IMO the premier full forward in the AFL over the last 10 years. My thoughts are with your Ash on your personal experiences and I agree with your assessment of the Lloyd incident.
  5. Fit or otherwise, he wont be considered for the rest of the year. http://news.realfooty.com.au/demons-set-to...074904-m0f.html He's a shot duck that should consider whether he will enjoy playing Sundays at TBO. He should do a Nicho.
  6. No it does not. However I agree with your second sentence. The refusal of the Lloyd mark in the goal square in the last quarter was a shocker and I have not seen any comments from the bias meter monkeys on that!
  7. Our season is shot with little to play for. Its time to rest those players who are injured and necessary for our future and bring them back ready for 2008. I would bring up Miller, Warnock, Chris Johnson, Whelan and Ferguson and lets see what they can do. Play Miller back, play Ferguson forward. I'd even bring Jamar back to get a clear perspective of whether we keep he or PJ. IMO atm, PJ is in front Bring Frawley back and give him game time. Buckley needs to be brought in. Lets see if they offer us anything before we cut them. FWIW if Ward, Bizzell and Brown are to be cut at year end then start phasing them out over the next couple of weeks subject to injuries.
  8. Barrasi our best then Flower then a good distance behind Neitz. I feel for David's sense of loyalty. However, it was best he said what he said in private. I agree with Olds take on the Tim Lane article. Its about right. As bad as the Richmond game was, it did us a big favour and brought this simmering issue to a head. Lets move on.
  9. Agree entirely. For all the mindless whinging about umpires and how biased they are against MFC, it living proof that those people see what they want to see and that is not much. Of all the decisions that was costly there could be none more penalising than the goal umpire who deprived Lloyd with a two grab mark on the goal line in the last quarter. The goal umpire called the second grab across the line when he was clearly blindsided by it and the replay showed it was in the play. Funny how there was no comment on that. Ash 30, FWIW, I like many others think the James Hird is an out and out champion no matter how many times he has towelled Melbourne.
  10. Quite correct. Collingwood and crime go hand in hand. Perfectly natural normal behaviour for a Pies player. Just surprised Brodie Holland, Dane Swan were not there are as well.
  11. 1) 3 players from the past ten years who you hate/hated seeing in other team colours. Thompson only. 2) 3 current players you would like to see in other team colours. Yze, Ward, Jamar 3) 3 current players you would cry if you saw in other team colour. Brocky, Neita, Bate (or Sylvia)
  12. I have never understood the hype nor the sense of getting Gary Lyon to coach Melbourne. Hopefully this article puts this issue to bed. Gary Lyon correctly sums up the situation. http://www.theage.com.au/news/Sport/Lyons-...2624111510.html
  13. What has been speculated in the media is not unreasonable and a plausible outcome from the events that have occurred recently. Some of the journalism especially from Caro Wilson has been good.
  14. Just another typical flaccid article from the Herald Sun. Hardly a problem from the article. Neitz has been known about for some time. Bizzell and Holland have been fringe players for years and will be finished by year end. Yze is outside best 22 and his contributions have been infrequent and overall he is lacklustre.
  15. Completely agree Old. I remember an interview with Peter Schwab after he resigned before season's end at Hawthorn where he said there was nothing to be achieved by him coaching out the season. He is right. I think the issue of David Neitz's 300 is irrelevant. Neitz 300 and where he plays it is neither here nor there. Harvey played his 350 in Perth. If he is fit Neitz plays. The important thing is how Neitz teammates perform as a mark of respect for Neitz. I am not expecting much based on track record.
  16. At half time on Friday night, this situation became a more than likely outcome.
  17. I think the Board might be a good start. With that list of extras we would be a good chance to get a free plug on radio 693, the footy show and Herald Sun.
  18. We put a realistically competitive team that should have won on Friday with a number of experienced senior players and we got absolutely spanked by the bottom side. We do not have a competitive side out there and our season at 2 and 10 is shot. Replacing those players who wont be around next year while trialling young players who more than likely will is not tanking. However (while not you Jaded), there were those who were calling play the kids from approx round 2 this year many of whom were not match fit nor had shown any form at Sandy up to then. Our season was young with opportunity. To me that was tanking.
  19. One of them is an Essendon supporter and he does not count. But I am sure Brock McLean will give his consent!
  20. Do they have to have played at MFC and for what benefit?
  21. Leigh Newton and Bohdan the fitness man. Ahem! all the football department might be looking for new jobs as well!!!
  22. Great player. Why has he been overlooked for every major coaching job he has gone for? And he has gone for a few! <_<
  23. In 2004..... We had Scott Thompson fit then. We had Jeff White who was an AA ruckman as well. I struggle to see how there can be an informed insightful assessment of any assistant coaches from the position of a member/supporter.
  24. Like who? The players or some of the office staff? Steve Harris? The coaching panel now will be gone at year end.
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