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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. I have answered all those questions. Pickett has seriously breached his commitment to MFC. He has let the playing group down badly. He has cheated him. No one doubts his ability but I have seen more interest in a bankrupt's bank account. Pickett's only here for the dollars. Dont fool yourself. I am at loss why we want to contract a player who has fundamentally failed all the basic requirements of a professional AFL footballer re fitness and team commitment. Some of dreamers on this site think his behaviour this year has been a strange out of character aberration. For someone on $350,000 a year its pathetic.
  2. Until Davey can show that he can perform in September and in high pressure games against phyisical sides I cant see that he is Top 10. For that those that have anymore than one of Davey, Yze and Robbo in their Top 10 best players is conceding any opportunity to seriously challenge when it comes to September football. We may not challenge this year we should in 2008 (barring injuries???). We cant take more than one of the three into a finals match and be serious about progressing. FWIW, Yze will struggle for a game by end of 2008. Robbo may struggle to repeat his contributions of 2005 as well. Davey is an unknown. Here's my Top 10 based on importance to the team. 1. McLean 2. Rivers 3. Neitz 4. Bruce 5. TJ 6. White 7. Carroll 8. Jones 9. Green 10. Moloney ------- 11. JMac 12. Bate 13. Davey 14 Sylvia 15. Bell 16. Whelan 17. Bartram 18. Robbo 19. Dunn 20. Pettard 21. PJ 22. Brown ---- 23. Yze I would expect thast Frawlwy will challenge for the top 22 spot very quickly. I had Wheels and Junior there at the start of the year. However I reckon their fortunes have waned from their peaks and would expect them to fall away somewhat in the coming years. Pickett is about 40. Gone
  3. And he is a wonderful trainer and just superb for the culture that is already challenged at the moment. Yes, he has given us every reason to sign him up on a long term contract. Who cares if he is committed or trains or even plays? Just sign him.
  4. Completely agree Maurie. I would think it is extremely doubtful that Byron will play on with anyone after this year. He has show himself at MFC to be totally uncommitted, unfocussed and undisciplined. He has stung us for 40 pieces of silver and has not met his commitments at all. For all his achievements in football what more does he have to achieve at MFC? His body language speaks volumes for his atttitude. Its now his 3rd club where he has had significant off field issues. He's 30 in August and he is finished. Its a joke that some people even think of Byron as a "mentor".
  5. QC, I admire Miller's work ethic and his application. Its clear to me he busts a gut which is more than many other more skilled and favoured players on this site do. While I dont agree with the abuse of public figures on this site, there have been many labelled bashers by posters who simple cannot accept that Miller has any limitations and he WILL be CHF. When Miller played last year in the backline there were many who detested that role because their mindset was tunnelled that "he WILL be a CHF". They argued that he should be left at CHF for a considerable period. Well,...........he has been at CHF for a considerable period and he is not the CHF people want. I find it odd that he should be given more opportunities than are given to other players. He is now in his sixth year at the Club and I am not sure we are likely to see much more than what we see to date.
  6. Sheedy and Harvey would never be offered the jobs at MFC .....period.
  7. It could but I would not bank on it. There have been iinstances inthe past 10 years of teams finishing ninth with twelve wins. To be sure you would need 12 wins and good percentage or 13 wins to be sure.
  8. What wine? women? drugs? what else is there that you are alluding to? We know he is an indifferent trainer, his attitude and fitness is questionable and he has failed to front a match as a selected emergency. His future is uncertain and its in his hands to turn it around. What else could there be?
  9. He's not a leadership bootlace and he wont be around after the end of this year. Hey Bub, whats beyond this public sanitised version? What else is there? OMR, Pickett was a very good player who played in 2 flags and won a NSM but he is not now anywhere near a star. The ball is in Byron's court. The issues with Byron are his issues and he has had them all his career and he needs to solve them not the Club.
  10. I cant see the sense of taking Rivers out of an undermanned backline to play forward. Your attempt to create a strenght just creates a critical hole. D Disciple, Ferg has been on the list for five years...what dont we know about Ferg?? He is a good VFL player... period who comes up short in the AFL and his courage does not cover for these shortfalls. Neitz is 32 and still carrying his knee injury. If we want to keep Neitz going for another two years then its a pipedream having him at CHF. Why would you start Newton in a KPP? Why wouldn't he start on the HFF or FP until he shows he can go with the AFL pace and pressure. While I am ambivalent of Holland, who do you replace him with? Ferg..no thanks. Buckley, Newton, Weetra or Neville...no match up.
  11. Nathan Brown is correct in what he says and that impacts on how umpires vote. BTW, Brown's comments only undermine those that say Miller has no defensive skills but should play CHF. FWIW, I think the voting in the B'low should be taken with a grain of salt as to accolades. A good side knows it needs good defenders especially if and when its wins ths biggest accolade of all.
  12. He clearly is not match fit and has not been all year. He is not play up to AFL standard. He is not fit and committed and is a negative impact on the culture. Suspending him was the sensible thing to do in due respect of the playing group that are busting their guts in a difficult season. It should be remembered that the players leadership group and the FD determined the punishment. What does that tell about what the other players think about a bludging free loader Allegedly he rung ND to say he would not attend the game as an emergency player because he was hung over? The imposed sentence allows him the opportunity to redeem himself without the Club being heavy handed and knee jerk in its reaction. Its placed the ball in his court. Had we sacked him now? We would look as sweet smelling as Richmond and would be pillared in the media. I doubt whether his contract will be renewed and he will "retire" at year end.
  13. Its another of your fantasies. Be careful of your keyboard again. Freemantle and Adelaide would be stupid to do those deals. Its a bigger sell off than a garage sale. Yesterday you said Freo would asked for "Freo would ask for McLean, Bate and a 1st rounder". They do the deal on "Cameron Bruce, Chris Johnson and priority pick #19 to the Fremantle Dockers". What a crock! Were you handling Freo's negotiations? Why would Adelaide given up a capable AFL footballer and a 4th round pick for a footballer who is not and a3rd round pick? What value is Miller to them when they have McGregor and Perrie who are better than Miller?
  14. Pickett is too hung over to play emergency. He is gone after his pathetic showing on the weekend. He was already in doubt prior to that. Jones not in the 22! He should be. How many hard nuts do we have in the midfield? Yze is playing for his supper and is a proven no show when the heat is on especially in August September, he is interchange at best. I am concerned about MFC's ability to perform in September if it has any more than one of Robbo, Davey and Yze. IMO, the following players will be delisted at year end (or retire if they fall on their swords): Pickett, Holland, Ferguson, Bizzell, Ward/Brown, Jamar. Neaves you may bring up from rookies and I am unsure of Hughes at this point. Bode goes.
  15. He is an unknown to you. He was very good in the pre season until injured for a young player. FCS, any best of side that has Holland in the 22 has got to be kidding. The kid wont have to do much to be above that.
  16. Gouga , Pickett's career is littered with off field lack of discipline. That has nothing to do with his mum. Demonland and Graz are spot on as usual about the situation. Who cares what he wants to do next year? It wont be in the AFL and certainly nothing to do with MFC.
  17. Ahh. A Miller basher! Get him! :D
  18. I think Holland is a goner once Frawley gets going. Holland is surviving on Frawley's injury. I see alot of Zac Dawson in Holland. I dont think you can take Godfrey into a final series. I think Bartram's upside is greater than Godfrey's. I dont get carried away with three weeks of football. Godfrey goes.
  19. Godfrey is Godfrey. How does 3 weeks erase the obvious in the past six years. People forget Bartrams capabilities. Gofrey only got a gig this year because Bartram was know to be going in for a post season ankle op with a long recviery. If Bartram is fit, Godfrey goes. So it should include Yze. Petterd should be back in once fit. Holland will be gone at year end. Frawley will take his spot as soon as he is fit. You have picked Holland by default.
  20. Bartram for Godfrey...no doubt about it. Petterd for Yze.... who is playing for his life and if he can only make it in the back pocket then Yze is gone. The kid is definitely special. Also Frawley for Holland. Pickett wont be emergency because he will be breaching team rules in some fashion. He is gone.
  21. They can ask all they like. What price would he go for?
  22. Spot on. He should be gone by year end.
  23. As a forward especially a CHF, I would have thought those weakness condemn as useless up forward. It easier to play defense and stop your opponent than create the play particularly under pressure. So if he has no defensive ability then he is a cooked goose up forward. And by suggesting that he plays a "crash and bash" midfielder are you conceding he cant make it up forward. Miller is flaky below his knees and does not win contested situations so I cant see him in the midfield mix. BTW, what good is a crash and bash midifielder that does not get the ball? The only thing he gets is reported. The last one we had Phil Read was a disaster.
  24. With due respect does Godfrey have sign on his solar plexus and head saying hit me. Godfrey is doing what he has to do to nullify a more talented player. He is being a serial pest to these players. Whether he is always being a fair player is a moot point and an assumption at best.
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