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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Davey has been a big disappointment all year. Overrated.
  2. No Yze was a wrong selection period. The guy is a borderline footballer at best these days. How he could replace Neitz with the Yze he soft shoes a contest is beyond me. IMO Newton should come in when he shows he can consistently apply his talent at Sandy.
  3. Yze replaced Neitz in the final side so those supporting Newton have a case. Yze just served up one of his typical spineless front running performances. When the pressures hot, Yze is not. He should not have been selected period.
  4. I thought they should have started with him there. I was in the third tier of the MCC stand and it look wrong before they started. Fit or not, I would not have selected Yze period. I cant believe we went in with Yze (not 100%) and Pickett (not 100% but great skinfolds!!) Dunn...I'm not sure of...Flaky and spasmodic at TBO. "But what does it matter anyways? Neither a fit Yze, nor Dunn, nor Miller nor Newton could make up for the passionless crap that was served up tonight" Touche Touche! Your Highness, Your thoughts should go to all the red & blue supporters that had to watch that insult and affront to AFL football at the MCG.
  5. An idea backed by some hard cold facts not innuendo and rumour goes a long way.
  6. Out of Yze, Miller and Dunn......its a bum choice. Yze - Enough said about him. Aaargghh! Neither Miller nor Dunn showed anything last week at TBO in the damp and FWIW its worth I did not think Newton handle the wet greasy conditions well. Its a fair point about Miller down back but I have been push that for some time and he would have had the ticker to go with him. I would have thought they might have thrown Holland up forward to at least make an undersized Richmond side become accountable.
  7. He was very good on debut but has struggled in the past few weeks. Mind you I would have played him instead of Yze from the first bounce.
  8. I dont see how sacking one coach who has done alot for the Club over 10 years (albeit not a flag) does anything bar making the Club a media circus and unstable place for a new respective coach. I dont think MFC would reappoint ND for 2008 and I have thought that since Rd 3. I am sure of it now. I do not see the benefit of a public blood letting. Rather I would prefer the MFC Board direct its energies toward the sensible recruitment of a new coach for 2008.
  9. You wont get a cracker for either Miller or Yze.
  10. He rarely touches the ball when the heat is on and has been a big disappointment this year. If he was part of a good trade deal I would not hesitate.
  11. He is not even fit enough to do that!
  12. DS06, while the timing of the post might not be right and you will be howled down by others, I agree. Too often Robbo spends too much time focus on MOTD and GOTD and not maximising the opportunity that comes forward for the side.
  13. I totally agree Jaded but why leave it at a week... they should shut it until at least the end of the season.
  14. Great post Jaded and I share your fury. I'll puke if I hear one of senior list players trot those banal comments of showing leadership and working hard as a team. No of them should utter another word. Its only actions on the field that count. And most of them have a low low score when the heat is on.
  15. It will never be known what Newton would have done. The more he does not play the better he seems to become. However given how bad our midfield and backline were in the first half its largely a what if and I dont think Newton could cover 2 ends of the ground. But I just cant believe we went in so short on the forward line with that front runner Yze. We already had Sylvia down there and were playing rather short up forward with Bate and Robbo. Why didn't we play either one of White, PJ or Holland permanently up forward in the first quarter?
  16. Amazing that the players seem to have got off scott free. When we play well its the players when we play badly its the coach. This sort of debacle runs right through the Club. Its interesting that the coach takes all the dive.
  17. Why did you ask if you had the quotes? You also have a full set there. My answer advised..."If I recall correctly....." I didnt. Ho Hum. I saw him in the that Sandy game in round 5 and he turned it on for two quarters. I think BR raised a valid point about Newton which I have observed in games since then. He commits himself in patches and not consistently throughout games. When he makes a mistake for instance he wallows and gets distract from moving onto the next contest. AFL demands greater consistency of effort throughout a game. He has shown he has the ability but the application is sometimes wanting. Is it a self belief issue? Correct Old. Like your passion Dappa. But at times you are too hot and cold!
  18. Doesnt LT4 have to approve that first? He normally posts on Ology!
  19. Agree. Just love the kid's work on Didak as well. Go Beelllllyyyyy!
  20. Just another case of your extreme biest comments on Bell Jaded! :angry: :angry: .......
  21. You should get that seen too professionally
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