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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Careful of your keyboard. At what price would Pavlich be? Finks is right it is starting earlier each year. For all you gullible ones out there you should believe every rumour that comes up on trades. They have got to be true!
  2. Graz is right DD. You dont know wat you are going to get at Pick 3 versus pick 6 and it is not necessarily a better player. You are punting at this point what sort of player you get from the barrel. Kreuser may or may not be the great white hope and we might not even get access to him. Richmond should come last this year and need good big players. We have alot to gain this year by continuing to develop our U23 players within a competitive positive playing environment. There is little certainty to gain by tanking the season. If you are not out to win a game...you are tanking whatever spin you put on it. And I think that has a negative and unprodctive impact on your existing younger players. I just dont see the sense in compromising your existing list of young players to get a player who you dont know who it is but you think because of the order of the queue that he is better than if you have a chioce a little later in the queue. If you look at the AFL draft over the past 10 years there have been a number of 1 to 4 picks that have not delivered relative to picks 5 to 10 and there is no given that we would be better off given how little we know about who is available.
  3. Where did I or anyone suggest resting Neitz or the others. They play based on their form...period. MFC are actually adopting that position now. They are giving young players that deserve the opportunity the chance to play on fair terms and broadening their opportuninties. Brown for all his shortcomings was nearly BOG against Port. Why cant he be selected? I would have thought CJ would play based on the same criteria as other players...form. He has not shown any at AFL level to the disappointment of his supporters who can only limply blame the coach despite CJ playing a number of games where he has been looking all at sea. He has a confidence issue that wont be address until CJ believes he can make and throwing him back against the wolves when he does not believe he can is counter productive. And you can spare the coaching conspiracy issues. Given Rivers was injured who was the young player to play on Darcy? Ferg????? No thanks. Holland was the right selection on a power forward player. Once again I know why Richmond have got in their position. Its the message they sent about this year when as you rightly point out they sack an experienced player when he should have gone with some professionalism at the end of last year. There were a lot of negative and non competitive messages Wallet sent the playing group by this action which was already struggling with confidence and belief. Its a small distance from focussing on winning to compromising that focus and once compromised any such team will be belted. Its not surprising Richmond have had some many 100 + point losses in a such a short time. The list is not good but the severe floods that Wallet has played has flown the white flag so often I am surprised that has not happened more often
  4. I had been to Western Oval many times when AFL/VFL was played there. GOTO is right. It was a total sh1thole of a ground as was Windy Hill,Arden Street and Victoria Park. Poor facilities, poor visibility and poor conditions. It made Princes Park seem reasonable and that is also sub standard. Telstra Dome might be lifeless but it is a damn site better than the standing in the outer at some suburban ground that was a bog on both sides of the fence. I was also there in 1987 where I loved the game but hated the stadium
  5. Chook I was only conceding on your original point that he might be instructed to play that way. Hell what other way can he play? At the stage I think MFC are giving Miller every opportunity to prove himself. He has not done it my opinion despite his work rate being very high. I think Scoop nailed it by saying he is really a 6 foot 4 four flanker and his spot could be played by Dunn, Sylvia and Bate. He is not a power forward with the attributes that go with that no matter how much Miller's supporters wish it to be. As one of those develop I cant see Miller holding his spot as it will be done more competently and skilfully by one of the other players. That's why I have argued that his limitations leave him as a potential negating backman and not a KP forward he will never be.
  6. Clearly you havent played CHF because the prime objective of the CHF is to win the ball and use it to the benefit of your side. Miller just does not get the ball and when he does not hurt the opposition. That's the player not the FD. He may well be directed to lead up on the centre because he struggles to win possessions elsewhere and has little presence inside 50. FWIW, I would happily grant top forwards easy possessions in no man's land because it means they are not getting in the F50.
  7. And so it should but it is also realistic to ensure that the season now is focussed on the development of other players. It is important that if the probability of finals disappears that performances dont dissolve and the season finishes as a rabble.
  8. The Richmond analogy is not what got them there, its the way they have sort to get out of it. Clearly the Tigers formed a view early in the season. However they publicly "iced" a senior KPP player when they decided just to "play the kids". They sent a very strong message to people inside and outside the Club that where prepared to compromise our season to play for the future. They were wrong. Wallet flew the white flag in what he did and whatever resolve that was in the playing unit is dissolved. Richmond is no place for a young player at the moment. No leadership, no on field guidance or basic support in play. Players dont develop in those surroundings when your team is perpetually flogged. Your last sentence is where we agree and I believe the way to do it is to be as competitive as possible given our injuries and judiciously introduce your young players through a stable environment where they actually have a chance to perform on their own terms not receive a baptism of fire as your team gets flogged. And to the credit of ND, he is doing that.
  9. You cant change or turn arond anything unless you clearly understand and appreciate where you are exactly and where you have to go to change it. We have had a terrible start to the year for a number of reasons some of which are beginning to turn around postively and we need to appropriately recognise that. I find the flogging players continually after a loss is merely self serving of the deliverer and of little use to the recipients.
  10. I think ND and MFC will part company on good terms in a professional manner. However, I also think it is important that we focus not on the draft pick number but on improving the performance and delivery of talent from our existing list. We are only starting to do this. We should be focussed on developing a consistently competitive unit that provides the best basis for established players to show their talents and for young players to develop their skills. Otherwise you end like Richmond....they get the No 1 draft pick (Whoever he is an how good he is???) but at what cost.....How many of their young blokes are progressing and how many would being feeling crushed with the fear of not being good enough. There is alot to be achieved this year with our list before we work out the queue positions for the lucky dip
  11. Is there any connection with Garland's selection and Newton starting to deliver on his talent? Hmmmmm At the time of Garland's selection, Newton had not delivered much to that point. Might have been a wake up call he needed.
  12. I think the crucial thing at 0 and 7 is to ensure the side as a whole is competitive and continuing to improve. As appropriate over the course of the year players like Newton and should be and will be introduced. But they deserve to be introduced with a fair chance to succeed. Its a big ask for a first gamer to walk straight into a side that is struggle with success. I agree it will be some time soon, barring issues of form or fitness.
  13. Given the way marks and kicks are so cheap these days I dont put much credibility in the measurements provided. ALso, Miller has played up the ground as a CHF. By rights he should be getting a load more possessions that two players who play deeper to goal in the FF line like Neitz and Robbo. What is does tell me is that Miller's possessions are no so numerous for his role reliative to the others and inconsequential on their impact on opposition sides. When I look back on the last three years I can readily recall games where Neita and Robbo have had an impact. I struggle to find one with Miller.
  14. Its more than putting on the scoreboard. Miller does not get enough of the ball and does not win the contested ball, try as hard as he might. However, I dont see the natural replacement of Miller for Newton. The kid has had two good weeks (six quarters) at or around FF and you want to launch him at CHF. Miller is not the answer but there is no need to make a sacrificial lamb of another as a result.
  15. Truly, what would you get for Miller in the market? And unless you were going for a Judd and the deal was advantageous to MFC, why would you trade Bate?
  16. How is Warnock a case in poor list management? He is no great AFL footballer but hell there are bigger issues than him on our list. How was 426 poor list management? He was injured and ill for most of his early years and deserved a year to make it happen. He did not and got cut. There is more an issues in drafting him than retaining him? So whats the issue?
  17. No one has doubted Miller's effort and application. Its his ability that is in question. As an option, he is a limited one with a low % win of the contested ball. He was taken in the 50's in the draft as a fair recognition of where he is at. He has done well from that position but is not a CHF bootlace. IF Miller has a future it is as a negating backman. He does not cut it up forward. I cant believe anyone thinks his future is at FF? Good grief. So what your point about Rivers? 45 hotgod...good hands good kick....Does Miller have a brother?
  18. Are Darcy/Minchin in the Dogs line up??
  19. And that whats been happening while you have lampooning the Footy Dept..lol! "I wouldnt even really bother trying to win per se at the moment..." *Flies white flag*. Its a good tactic that is really serving Richmond well.
  20. I glad you have tagged onto to another posters good sense because that's not what you put forward. And its a great irony that its actually happening but you had not realised it. So much for the reality.
  21. Oh dear. A coach that made a commitment but did not deliver on his expensive promise. Its no wonder he has not been short listed for any further coaching jobs. And Blight knows well enough not to apply. He has not got the ticker anymore for the caper. His best efforts are now in 30 second Toyota ads.
  22. I totally agree and that is what is happening. Its not just about playing the kids or tossing the season but their have been statements made by posters who you should know better. We should be playing our best side possible and include the kids as and when they are ready to play not at the behest of furstrated poster who in most cases have not seen them play check the results in the paper and lampoon the footy dept because they apparently know more or better.
  23. Bizzell ate up those chances with some ordinary performances in 2004 and 2005. His use by date is up. He held the Club over a barrel three years on his contract. He has not delivered.
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