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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. You dont get it. You dont have to confirm it. Just because Robbo has been better than the paucity of options we have had in recent year (and Robbo has not been that great since early 2006) does not justify him being a show pony and not doing the best thing by the team. Too often Robbo confuses whats best for him with what's best for team. Too often its been to the detriment of the team. After 13 seasons he does not have the mind or maturity to work that out. It seems he is not alone. You are right your comment was daft.
  2. Robbo is a talented but selfish footballer. He has not had a sustained impact on AFL since early 2006. As for Fevola who can and has won games in recent times, I am not so sure Carlton are that rapt with Fev either for other issues. Robbo had the chance to put the team in closer to the Hawks. He wanted to be a show pony hero. There can be no other excuse for doing something so undisciplined and against his teammates. I know he was thinking of Robbo. He certainly needed to be dragged and cop an earful. Problem is Robbo wont work it out that it was stupid because he has never been able to work out what committing to the team is all about. And a few supporters have not worked it out either. Unbelievable the acceptance of what is blatant show pony. And the efforts to explain it away is more putrid than Robbo's selfish act. Agree. But to treat the act in isolation is naive. "Rushed, Lapse of judgment or panicked" is not the term you would use for a player in his 13th season of football with a chance to do the right thing for his side and go back and kick a goal from 1 metre out. It was damn selfish. If it had been Newton or Sylvia they would have been hung on this site. No other footballer could be as self serving dumb. No other footballer woud do such a brain dead act. You can do better than be a lame apologist Rusty. It was a crap act and a show pony cheat on the hard work of his teammates. TimD is right about it.
  3. Why would he not just get up, go back and kick the goal from 3 metres? Its simple its the team thing. He cant do that. Its selfish. He has cheated the hard work of younger players getting the ball forward against a superior opposition. For an apparent senior player and someone who thinks he is a leader its disgraceful. Its a pity he also stuffed two other opportunities for goal on the day No other succcessful Club would tolerate selfish play. But its clear many MFC supporters do. It ironic that his personal tally of goals becomes some kind of justification for a player who plays for himself
  4. No. Goal or not it just a show pony act that puts the team effort at the very risk that actually happened especially when we were battling to get back in the game. Any responsible coach would have dragged him anyway regardless. The biggest issue is that Robbo wont learn now. He has not learned in the past. Its too late now for him. Its a very bad example of what he does too often. It may well be his last year. BTW, its hardly a storm in a teacup if you want him dropped???
  5. The fact is he hasn't. Not by a long stretch. And how is try to kick goals flat on your back supportive of Robbo's efforts to stop the AFL kicking us out of the league? It isn't
  6. Sorry. He does indulge and often to the detriment of the team. BRFE's examples are from one game I can give you others. His "mercurial" snaps from the boundary line are done while ignore a team mate on their centred in front of goal. Too often Robbo goes for glory. You are the ulitimate apologist for a player who has sucked you in over the years. None of your explanations exonerates Robbo's decisions. It makes them worse. It only highlights the imperative of the team things first. Oh dear. I am not sure Robbo has done that much over the last couple of year either. Cashed in a couple of games against a lowly Blues and was playing on a 1st year player against the Pies on QBW in 2007. Otherwise he has struggled. The highlighted sentence sums up your problem. Now go deal with it. B) No. He is not in the leadership for other reasons and it is got nothing to do with Miller
  7. His efforts on Sunday are the same as other days. Just that this was one of the most embarrasing ones. Too late for that. He wont change. He can wax all he likes in the media and on the Footy Show but he just does not understand or get the playing for the best interests of the team thing with AFL. This could be his final year.
  8. It was downright stupid and selfish. He was one yard out from goal directly in front who the f**k is he going to pass to or kick to in a better position???? You are right. It was unnecessary, he was showing off and it cost the team big time and cheats his teammates who worked hard to get the ball down there. Damn selfish. Even worse from an apparent senior player. If a player tries to kick a goal from 1 metre out lying on his back with opponents around him after taking a mark and fails you dont need to see it. BTW, I assume you have seen it. Its amazing how someone who didnt can have a far better grasp of the bleedin obvious than someone who claims to have seen it. BTW, I have seen it live and on replay and its just another selfish act from a player who sacrifices the basic team things to be the show off.
  9. Having a ruckman resting FP takes a running type player off your starting 18. So its a neutral impact. For spectators, Robbo is a treat. He focusses on the mark of the day and the goal of the day antics. You love it. And you now he sometimes he actually gets it....once in a while. However, too often his indulgence in these antics are done at significant cost to the team. Too often he flies for marks he clearly cant get and in doing puts himself in a position where he has little or no second effort if the ball spills to a contested situation. In addition, he is prone to focus on the goal of the day the mecurial boundaryline or impossible position goal. And once in a while he gets one and in over 200 games he has had 3 or 4 days out. But FFS the number of times over the course of career he has gone for personal glory without looking for the better team option is absolutely galling. And for all that time Robbo has never quite worked the accountability and the running required in modern football as a forward and too often if does not take the heroic speccie he is out of the contest. He does have some strings to his bow which he could provide some benefit to the team. However he cruels alot of that benefit with selfish episodes like that one. Robbo does lairise and is selfish and always has been. And you are right it is too late to change the player. Its his last year on his contract and its a repeat of selfish acts like that which will see him out of contract very quickly. Its no wonder the other players dont have him in the leadership group and for good reasons.
  10. The AFL should investigate how many of those Richmond members still have their membership ticket in one piece and in their possession. I reckon its 50% no more.
  11. It amazing you pretentiously carp on about the importance of foot skills and the biomechanics associated with and you like Petterd who repeatedly butchers the ball by foot. He needs to put on more weight??? Is that to get the body shape of Gary Ablett?
  12. A good analysis Dappa. As many posters have pointed out he needs to back it up. I think you find that Dappa does support the players (sometimes too much IMO B) ). And analysing a players strengths and weaknesses has nothing to do with a posters level of support. Maybe they can see things that you clearly cant or dont want to see. Probably best if you got over yourself. I am sure others will.
  13. You are right he did not move from his mark. Neither did the Hawks footballer cross the mark. Robbo did not deserve another kick It was downright dumb and selfish football from an experienced player that should know better but clearly does not. His fixation to the detriment of the team with G.O.T.D and M.O.T.D. has cost MFC too often.
  14. The scoreboard flattered MFC. We were given a fair lesson today. Hopefully the players will be better for the experience learned.
  15. The issue was the way the pick was used not the decision to trade.
  16. If he is too slow, too slow, too slow then other Clubs wont be giving a top 15 pick. Its amazing how some posters think Clubs are going to be chumps for players that they think are inadequate for a bottom club
  17. Best game I have seen him play for MFC. I hope he takes alot from it today and progresses.
  18. Its "minority" or in your case youre in the moronity. Here are the results as at the time I post. Aaron Davey 7 15.56% Gary Ablett Jnr 10 22.22% Cyril Rioli 8 17.78% Daniel Motlop 9 20.00% Steve Johnson 6 13.33% Didak 1 2.22% Other 4 8.89% A total of 45 votes to make a survey from posters who would have as much clue as you do. And you use that as evidence. BTW, the issue was why you did not include Ablett in your top 3 as a skilful. You probably miss the biggest irony in that you have criticise others for juvenile arguments and you're...
  19. Loewe, Robertson and Tredrea were all terrific marks but terrible and in some cases embarrassingly sub standard kicks when they started and each have kicked over 400 goals each over there career. You would never have thought that possible when they commenced. There improvement in their kicking was substantial and they are just the obvious ones. Some players can and do improve their kicking some dont. For someone who flaps on a about kicking technique, you really do know so little about the game. An outspoken pillar of football ignorance.
  20. Its posts like the ones you have in this thread that really show you up for the cardboard critic you are. You have to be Yze Magic's dud brother but without the overt optimism and the sly wit.
  21. They were treated poorly during their playing days at MFC and if anything the Club owed them loyalty. They gave far more than they everr got back. I dont deny either Wells or Alves the success they deserve. FWIW, Stan Alves "bled for jumper" as much as any player and the Club did not respond in the same fashion.
  22. Agree with all that. Both look like being outstanding players. I dont think that argument has been expressed at all in this thread. Nothing to buy there.
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