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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. So what about Troy Chaplin..you happy with that?
  2. So here is our forward line coach on Saturday clad in a tigers scarf, announcing it's tiger time. I've been shot down by a few ppl this week on here saying I was making too much of Goodwin suggesting he would celebrate with the Crows if they win. Surely you look at this and shake your head in disbelief
  3. So plenty of critics this week, telling me I was making too much of an AFL W player of the mfc supporting the Tigers...how do we all feel about this pic...yes that's a Foraged COACH....Troy Chaplin in a Tigers scarf. Get ya heads out of the sand...there is a culture disconnect at Melbourne and it needs to be fixed. Roos spent a long time creating, Goodwin and his team have the potential to wither it away.
  4. Or we could talk about the passionate Richmond supporter who runs runs The demon shop...or our coach who wanted to have beers with the adelaide football club had they won yesterday
  5. I've read this about ten times over and still cannot decipher it. You must have had a few nose beers before you wrote this.
  6. Clarkson is a hawthorn person now tho isn't he? 100 per cent. Culture builder. He wouldn't be coming to Melbourne football club premiership parties, because he is committed to the club that employs him. Same with Dimma. He has bought into the culture. As far as I am concerned, if you work or play for a club, you are 100 per cent committed to that club. End of story
  7. Geeez you are daft. It's not about women''s league vs men's league ..I am pointing out that we seem to have a number of people working for the club that are not die hard demons. This does not happen at other clubs.
  8. Last I checked, Swanny was no longer a player. Mithen barracks for the Tigers. It's all over her instagram. Is this sinking in yet ? Plays for the MFC,.barracks for another club. That sit well with you does it?
  9. Sorry ..have you missed the point. It's not liking a tweet. It is a photo of our player, clad in a Richmond scarf partying after the game in the Richmond rooms. What part of that did u miss..all of it by the sounds
  10. You happy with this too.. ? Current listed AFLW player wearing tigers gear and getting down the rooms to celebrate. I am staggered that so many don't see that as a club our staff and personal are not as passionate about the MFC the ways us fans are. You don't get that at other clubs. It's unique to ours and it is why we are a fragile, mediocre accepting football club
  11. Goodwin admitting on Ch7 that if crows win he will be joining the celebrations and has been invited by Adelaide president and CEO to join the party. Honestly, get stuffed .... if that is his attitude, we are buggered. I've said for a long time that having zero Melbourne ppl at the club is a terrible culture building strategy and his comments affirm my belief. You are either invested as a Melbourne person or not...don't care what ya past history is..that stinks
  12. What would freo give up for him? They don't have anything that we'd want. If Hogan wants to return to WA, what can we do about it. I am not just making it up, there are numerous journos putting it out the and the silence from the club and the man himself is worrying
  13. So potentially, we could lose two contracted players in watts and hogan for a bag of peanuts and a can of coke. Terrific. What is going on.with Goodwin and the FD
  14. I am currently sit ting here watching Fox Footy and they have a docco on Richmond on. They are talking about how sacking players and going out and spending big money on one player tore the tigers apart. Players from that era talking about how much it hurt the club. I feel that Goodwin may be out of touch with the players and how they feel about Jack. This could be very divisive. He sure as hell better know what he is doing.
  15. Jack is immensely popular amongst the other players. If he is being kicked out, this could ruffle more than just Jacks feathers. It's a horrible move and we will get peanuts for him. This will bite us on the arse.
  16. What are we realistically getting for him..that's of what is of interest to me. If we get a draft pick, I'd be dissapointed. I'd prefer a player
  17. Bruce and Daisy reading the club by club votes. Channel 7 displaying the club vote boards. Gets to hawthorn and then goes straight to North Melbourne. They bumble and then come back to tell Dees board. Pretty obvious that we are considered irrelevant hahha. I mean seriously, no vision all nighy..the lowest votes of any club but Carlton. No vision in the highlights package.
  18. Seriously, Howe took one of the best marks of all time.
  19. Damo on FC reporting that Hogan is gettable and that despite the contract, the Perth clubs are circling. This bloke is a [censored] stirrer. After all Hogan has been through, they just can't leave him alone. He signed his contract, now move on and leave the isue alone. In other news, Watts to Collingwood is being touted. Oh the irony of that. He will sink in that environment
  20. Spot on. We have to push harder for an all red clash, OR I believe we should look at a light Blue and Red alternate. In EPL Football it is mandatory for each club to produce 3 kits. We have done this in previous seasons. We need to come up with 3 replicas of the traditional home jumper. One in White, one in either red (inverted) or light blue. It is that simple. Do away with the cheap training looking logo clash strip. They are putrid and it makes me barf seeing kids wearing them.
  21. This means you also live near Tommy Bugg...in case you wanted to stalk him too
  22. Spoke to an ex Dee last Friday night who informed me on this. He said that Robbo has a lot of other gigs outside of the MFC and he was adjusting his focus. He is happy with this arrangement
  23. every kick was a metre short of its intended target. Sorry Dom, it's a no from me.
  24. The 'veil of negativity' is the product of many years of being let down. We are as loyal as they come and we support the club always, but we are negative about the insipid amateur nature of our club at times and its soft underbelly. If we don't demand more and show the frustration, then the club will continue to believe that the mediocrity is acceptable. Its pessimism ...nothing more and we have every right to be pessimistic. Just when we were showing optimism, the players go and get comfortable and shatter the supporters. How else should we feel?
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