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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. If Watts had an injury, don't you reckon thy would just say he was injured? There has been no reason offered as to why he didn't play? Believe what you want. I don't really care. I know what was said to me today and I know the person is close enough to the club to have reliable info.
  2. Saw that too. I think he just tweaked it, if anything. Last quarter, was probably just getting tight. May have even cramped.
  3. Did you see him play the intra club? It was Watts of three years ago. Dropping easy uncontested marks. Totally unfit in the tackling drill against AVB. No physicality. I think he has had plenty of 'distractions' over the preseason. Not it saying I am right, but there is something amiss
  4. Reliable source told me that the club and Goodie were unimpressed with Watts' preseason attitude and application and hence he was not selected. One too many social events for Jack in the offseason seems to be the feedback I was getting. Pretty disappointing after te breakout year last year
  5. Very familiar with it. I play football there myself. Same amount of room that Collingwood have at Olympic park. Been to both. The stand is beg and if demolished and rebuilt would easily accommodate our needs. There is also ample room on both wings, especially the orrong road side.
  6. If te AFL want us to have a white jumper too, then why don't we just do the same as we did with the red. Just make and all white back with white shorts . Front of the jumper stays the same. The whole issue is solved
  7. Totally agree with this. However, there was one reason that they looked good.... The blue shorts. We must tell the AFL that we are wearing blue shorts. It makes white bearable
  8. This bloke isn't the answer to any of our needs next year. Dunno what we are going to do if Max goes down..We will be funked.still think we could have rookied a mature Ruckman. Not another bean pole who can't kick
  9. The issue is not the white, myself and others here have mooted very suitable and well designed white clash jumpers. The issue is the lazy, putrid design effort the club has made in respect of the 2017 jumper. It's lazy and looks like a training singlet or one of those cheap knock offs you see on the streets in Bali. It is pathetic. Hawthorn had a putrid jumper and consulted their members. Port did the same. I cannot understand why the club decided to design a jumper without consultation with the fans. These are the issues I would like to see addressed.
  10. Best of a bad lot for sure. All I will say about this is that the blue outline around the 'V' is too thin. We should have had more blue outlining the V. Then it would have been a perfect clash. It looked like a Sydney jumper
  11. I reckon you could ask why Sydney (red) played GWS (orange) and that too was OK. Two colours that couldn't be closer
  12. I have spent years emailing the club in this issue and countless hours emailing them my designs, like the one I put up earlier. Cam Schwabb took one of the jumpers I designed ando posted here and made it a reality but didn't add the right width of blue outline around the red V. I really dunno why they don't get people to submit designs, make a shortlist and then vote. I have suggested this too.
  13. I did..the degenerate behind the counter was useless.
  14. The one thing i will say in its favour is that at least there is more blue on the whitespace on the 2017 jumper. The monogram meant there was predominantly white. I hope we wear navy shorts or red and blue striped socks with this.
  15. it's nasty looking. As someone else said, looks like we spotted a fake jumper in Bali and copied it. The last one wasn't my favourite, but it was better than this.
  16. We give them heaps of exposure. We have a whole section dedicated to NB gear on the Demon Shop page
  17. I get annoyed when I visit the two large NB shops in Melbourne, Chadstone and DFO South WHarf, and find that there is not one piece of MFC apparel on display or being sold anywhere in the shop. They have to do better than that. There is Liverpool stuff everywhere and it sells. The fact is, the should be contributing to our marketing, they're not
  18. I know my namesake is still a passionate Dee.
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