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chook fowler

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Everything posted by chook fowler

  1. God you're a pain in the fundamental orifice!
  2. Agree esp Petterd always thought it was a mistake to let him go. Played a cracker last night. It still doesn't discount the fact that I trust the selectors to give Nev another chance.
  3. Because he was elevated it doesn't mean he had to be picked. They could have gone with Clisby, Toumpas or others. He must have earned his spot.
  4. And I suppose Roos et al haven't got a clue.
  5. Can't believe the direction these threads take sometimes! Sheesh!
  6. I think his perceived lack of pace has been due to injury and lack of preseason fitness - hopefully we may be surprised on Sunday. Good luck to him, he's obviously worked his butt off. May become a handy and regular player for us
  7. He's very light and physically immature and they'll want to manage his exposure
  8. It seems to becoming much more competitive for places which is healthy. Reckon JKH may be rested for Jetta.
  9. Hope it doesn't work the other way and Viney goes to join his mate at Port. He south australian after all and hasn't extended his contract.
  10. Think you are under-estimating Bomber. Maybe Geelong are still enjoying the foundations put in place during his reign. Also Essendon seem much more lively than under Hird which plces him in a vulnerable position when he returns. It seems to me Bomber has a personality that builds good relationships with players - Hird seems more aloof.
  11. As a Medico I know the diagnostic process is very inexact and that it takes time for many conditions to declare themselves. If a stress fracture was forming the outcome may well have been the same. A delay in diagnosis may make very little difference. Sometimes you just have to see what develops and only act when the picture is clear.
  12. You've got to be joking. Great viewing, good exposure and keeps Roos involved with the media. We are not in a position to dictate to Roos - if we did he'd be off like a rocket and rightfully so.
  13. I remember hearing that players under Alan Jeans were always scared to tell them they were injured because they thought he felt it was the sign of a character flaw. I think you are from the same school Old Dee.
  14. Classy response by Trengove to his injury on the website. I'm sure he will reinvent himself. Has great character that kid.
  15. Think Healy is only now interested in us because of the strong Swans connections.
  16. All the best Jack - hope it explains the mobility problems and it responds well to treatment
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