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chook fowler

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Everything posted by chook fowler

  1. Dunn is having a great season and Jamar has made a difference
  2. Everybody is guessing including that microbe Barrett.
  3. First his liver with a nice glass o chianti
  4. There was absolutely nothing new in the Trengove interview. Typical Footy Show filler. Barrett should be ashamed of himself for talking crap about Hogans injury. He would have no idea and has made it up. Not fair to the kid or the club. Lower form of life than algae.
  5. Was referring to Clisby who i gather is very close to Tex. N to sure of his connection to Vince.
  6. Dunn gives hope that other plodders may develop in the right environment. I feel we are seeing some progress with the likes of pederson and Bail - while they will not set the world on fire maybe could become much more handy depth players
  7. I think Spencer being unable to mark is a real issue around the ground and at kick ins. Doubt he's taken 1 contested mark this year - certainly not in the past 2 weeks. Unbelievable for some one of his size.
  8. Hard to see him lasting 10 months let alone 10 years. What were they thinking?
  9. I remember that Roos said when he was in the media that he would not give a game to someone he new was leaving.
  10. Really pleased for Dunn _ an amazing transformation from a wasted talent to a core player and now a leader. Well done Lynden. Has also earned himself a solid new contract.
  11. UNfortunately I have the feeling Robbos mate is correct about Chip. The times they are a'changing.
  12. It is good to hear but at this stage the operation going well is a mere platitude. All it means there were no unforeseen complications - nothing can be said about the end result.
  13. My main concern is how they are managing Jesses frustration and mental state around not playing. We already have seen what can happen. Sometimes it can be harder to handle an ill-defined problem than a more serious injury where there is a more predictable time course. Hopefully they are keeping him busy and engaged and making him feel a part of it all. It would be easy for him to get homesick in this situation.
  14. Does anybody see a similarity with Watts' approach to the game a Travis Johnstone? Travis was one of the biggest disappointments in my time following the Dees. A sublime talent but laconic to the point of laziness and i doubt if he every laid an effective tackle.
  15. Stability, commitment, hope - simple really. Well done JKH
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