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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I tried that last night on my home laptop but run out of time. I do have a touch screen PC there as well. But I will try it out on my computers here and see what it is like.
  2. Sorry to hear that you know Nick as this is a terrible illness that causes a loss of dignity and independence in the final stages. Normally I would be very critical of anyone using their children in a campaign like this, but knowing how he is likely to end up, I can understand why they have done it that way. It was very sad for my family to loss a cousin to cancer on her birthday when she had two children under the age of four. Unfortunately even if he gets in the trail who to say he would not be in the test sample group and still not actually get the drug. But defiantly worth a shot as at this stage he has nothing to lose. Where there is life there is always hope.
  3. God I hope so. But I expect little so I should not be so disappointed if that is all that is achieved.
  4. Not sure he could afford your farm
  5. Lets recruit them as I only rated our 2013 2/10
  6. 1999, my first year as a MFC Supporter and the year West Perth kicked some South Fremantle butt in the Grand Final. So like 2013 its been a great football season as West Perth flogged the tossers from the East. But back on topic, it was a fantastic 2000 Preliminary Final for the MFC. One of my favourite MFC games since becoming a supporter. 3rd best team all season who managed to get into the Grand Final. Where has that team gone?
  7. HAHA This Avatar represents take no prisoners in the AFL Trade period also its from the Mad Max series which I like. I been downloading tons of possible new Avatars to you never know what will be next. Although I get the impression a number of Demonlanders support a single Avatar, but where is the fun in that?
  8. OD did you have any other medical advice as I would love you to have a thread like a Doctor Phil but called something like OD's Special Advice for Troubled Demonlanders
  9. LOL I am a MFC Member this is me being excited! I just can not help thinking what wrong with these players as the deals seems too good to be true.
  10. No Moon we are all going to wait until the team who won the 2014 Premiership have all drunk too much then go a steal their Flag.
  11. I hope so But too many recent dud recruits So I will reserve my decision if this is a good day until I seem the consistently perform
  12. His Mummy and Daddy I think not sure about anyone else though.
  13. Finally we recruited three new players. I hope they are all able to play more then a hand full of games.
  14. True we have coaches that finally can turn this sinking ship around but it will not happen over night. If you are a player looking to join a Premiership contender Club well you would not consider coming to the MFC at this stage. Success breeds success and failure simple breeds more failure, seven years of woeful results are not easily forgotten. It would be very naive to suggest that simple chanding coaches will change everyones opinion on the MFC brand. It will help but in the end it will be the Clubs on field performance that truely matters.
  15. Could they get worse, wait don't answer that.
  16. BBO I put yourr application in for the Senior Assistant Coach at the MFC as your are the best I have ever seen with a comeback
  17. Would you want to join his team?
  18. Bassett coaching career is now
  19. These guys could have done better
  20. I am starting to think the successor thing is all fantasy
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