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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/23 in all areas

  1. My sources are telling me that he’s going to remain a very ordinary footballer
    22 points
  2. Any good alternatives we might be looking at?
    16 points
  3. A bit of bright-side output from our media folks today: https://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/1446925/building-continuity-smith-on-2023?videoId=1446925&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1696477952001 I enjoyed Joel's story this year. Bit disappointed he's only looking forward to 24 games next year, though. Perhaps, with his record, he's expecting 3 games' worth of niggles through the H&A?
    11 points
  4. So, the obvious speculation is, do we try for both? Would Yasmin be willing to move back to Melbourne for our AFLW team, so we can get the full XYZ Duursma?
    10 points
  5. Smith doesn’t get enough credit for his semi final performance. Kicked 3.0 whenever everyone else was kicking behinds for fun. Will be interesting to see if he’s a part of our forward line in round 1.
    9 points
  6. Will be good to see the entire team under one roof. All 12 of them.
    9 points
  7. I’ve only heard about McKay as a specific target. The leadership group was consulted and were a part of a pitch I believe. Other than that, a KF was a priority but no names.
    7 points
  8. A little background to the game... Melbourne's win-loss record against Adelaide: 5-4 (After 3 straight losses between the 2021 PF and the 2022A GF, Melbourne beat Adelaide twice in 2022B) Adelaide's 2023 formline: Adelaide come into Round 6 undefeated, having beaten the currently 5th, 7th, 9th, 14th and 18th-ranked teams (this compares to Melbourne's wins against 6th, 11th, 15th, 17th and 18th) Average games experience for the selected teams: Melbourne 42.3, Adelaide 35.8. Players with 61+ games Melb: 5 Adel: 3 41-60 Melb: 8 Adel: 3 21-40 Melb: 6 Adel: 10 1-20 Melb 2 Adel: 5 At season mid-point, having a look at the individual stats leaderboards, Melbourne players aren't prominent but do dominate the avg. score involvements, with 6 of the top 10 being Demons: Hore (9.4), Hanks (7.2), Paxman (6.5), Purcell (6.0), Zanker (5.6) and Harris (5.5). Two Adelaide players feature, Hatchard in second place (7.2) and Marinoff (5.4) rounding out the top 10.
    7 points
  9. I don't think we would EVER contemplate trading Clarry for any player, unless the situation becomes untenable. I hope we are not there yet, and I have no doubt that the club still believes that a happy, healthy and focused Clarry is still the best possible outcome for us. Reid or no Reid.
    7 points
  10. Oh shut up Peter Maynard has been a pivotal, if not one of the best person in turning the Casey/Melbourne into one of the the best AFL/VFL alignment in the country. It's his work behind the scenes which has seen us upgrade our facilities out there into a first class sporting centre for both womens and men's footy. Not only thay he's been a huge contributor in growing the VFL women's footy from scratch to a pretty competitive team in the VFLW league. Take it out on Brayden sure, but don't drag the rest of his family into it.
    6 points
  11. You reposting and responding to yourself is very unhinged.
    6 points
  12. I just left banner making and geez, how refreshing it was to spend a few hours with other Dees fans without a single word uttered by anyone about the last 48 hours. We talked about this Saturday’s match and future W matches and pretty much all things AFLW. It was so good.
    6 points
  13. Perhaps we are not interested in spending money and picks on good ordinary footballers and have better targets in mind. Be it this year or next.
    6 points
  14. Now that Oliver looks like he is staying i can concentrate on hating Maynard again
    6 points
  15. Thx @Timothy Reddan-A'Blew Kudos to the club for sticking with him. If he can stay injury free and do a full pre-season reasonable to hope for an even better 2024!
    5 points
  16. If he runs out in a Melbourne jumper I will Boo him.
    5 points
  17. We are still trying for big forwards and I understand we are still sniffing around McKay.
    5 points
  18. The biggest mistake..imho.. has been trying to get them to be kpf.. dumb as doggy doo if you ask me. Both...esp Max capable of floating across half back or esp half forward as the link from the rebounds. I really dont get why we do this ..either can then pass ( not hail mary lob ) to a REAL forward on lead etc. Its footy 101... baffles me. Anyway...he's off... so be it.
    5 points
  19. you do realise that the trade period hasn't even STARTED yet? and that there's a whole draft - or two! - to come before the calendar year is out?
    5 points
  20. Really glad for Joel that he got the oppertunity and produced this season. Was a really bright spark up forward to look to for the future. Thought he had some great games down back pinch hitting as the sub - that Brisbane game in particular. Provided really strong contest, marking, defensive tackling, but then some good run off half back as well. A bit hit and miss as a forward, but more often than not, provided a really good aerial contest that others failed to give. His marking on a lead and goal kicking look pretty rock so solid too. Love seeing him in the 29. Would be great to see him pull down some massive hangers like his old man - I reckon he's got it in him.
    4 points
  21. Good call, great call, excellent call.
    4 points
  22. I think it’s to be expected from a kid in his first full year of senior footy. It’s a very demanding role even for mature bodies.
    4 points
  23. I had the same issue but found a workaround that I've already forgotten! I probably do need to clear out my attachments as WCW suggested. And then a player gets injured (thankfully in a minor way) playing with their dog! Classic mystery injury of the week stuff! Some good ins. Campbell will be back as match-ups requite, I'd imagine. Fitzy gets a good opportunity. Hopefully Harris is fresh and ready.
    4 points
  24. Paxy sustained an injury while at home playing with her dog. They’re saying it was an innocuous action and that it’s not too serious.
    4 points
  25. Harris and Fitzsimon in. GC omitted 😒 and Paxy out injured See club website for details. Wouldn't let me copy the link
    4 points
  26. I am hopeful Clayton Oliver will attend. Although I am sure he will look to avoid the media jackals. We as Melbourne supporters need to show him plenty of love. For anybody attending, and who gets a chance to do so, please let Clayton Oliver know that we love him and hope he stays a Demon for his entire football career! WE LOVE YOU CLARRIE!!! GO DEMONS!!! 🔴🔵👹
    4 points
  27. And just let it slide? We’ll all just forget it never happened then, is that what you think should happen? If that’s how you feel, good on you, I wish I could say the same but I can’t. And this is the only place I can go to express my abject anger with that thug and Collingwood and their little b!ttch aka the AFL. Please DON’T delete this thread, Andy.
    4 points
  28. I would give it one more season, no good back up rucks out there atm, give both boys a full preseason working in the forward half... dunno why we would quit after 15 games or so
    4 points
  29. I think Duursma has lot of talent. Fast, tall, long kicking wingman. He is only 22 and has suffered a lot of injuries.
    4 points
  30. Or any pick #1. Clubs dream of recruiting a player like Clarry via draft or trade. If we got pick #1 we'd be looking for the next Clayton Oliver, may as well keep the original.
    4 points
  31. It's entirely possible the Club is letting this nonsense carry on as it might give Clayton a kick up the bum. 'no one is off limits for a trade' Not saying its true but its possible. Almost what we did this with Watts a few years back before actually trading him. He was told to lose weight, commit to training etc etc In the end they ran out of patience.
    4 points
  32. We all agree. We hate Maynard. Case closed.
    4 points
  33. If you don’t report back every single thing you are dead to all us povs who can’t afford the price of admission.
    4 points
  34. My mail is that Angus is going well. Would not have been right for a prelim, possibly not even a granny but tests have all gone well and he is definitely keen to play on. Playing lots of golf. Good news.
    4 points
  35. So after all of this news, are we trading for anyone other than McAdam?
    3 points
  36. Would love to see him give it one more season, I think we'd be able to make something work. This year has been a bit strange, not a fair test for Grundy/Gawn in my opinion. Give it one more year fellas!
    3 points
  37. Don't forget that McQualter could do things a little bit differently including Grundy. I would be interested in his ideas.
    3 points
  38. Yeh i agree, Lever and May both took a season (called failures by a lot of Demonlanders) or two before they settled in. The biggest issue with the combo has been that they both can't play forward or have had litle effect going forward. Would we play only one at a time and can one (for example Max) be played exclusively as a forward in throughout the seaon? Would another offseason help the duo or have the cards already been stamped?
    3 points
  39. Previous couple of B&F's there has been a live stream. Hope it'll be the same this year.
    3 points
  40. Sounding more positive for the club and Clarry to work through this. https://www.sen.com.au/news/2023/10/04/shape-up-or-ship-off-melbournes-ultimatum-for-clayton-oliver
    3 points
  41. No! Not case closed! Closing the case is what Maynard and Collingwood and the AFL want. They want it to go away. In essence, closing the case means giving the culprits exactly what they want and that just compounds the injustice of it all.
    3 points
  42. Did you see our very own @Bitter but optimistic Perhaps you didn't recognise him if he was still wearing his 'KISS After Party' make up!! And, KISS would have fitted in well looking 'ghostly' white!!
    3 points
  43. 3 points
  44. And we also hate Collingwood and the AFL and Eddy Mc Guire - probably more than even before if that was possible. For the next umpteen times we play them, we should really be expecting our side to serve their own version of justice on those a-holes. Makes duck dinners look like kiddies talk.
    3 points
  45. Nah, the media will be at the Pies, fawning over everyone.
    3 points
  46. You can’t stuff up team selection if you trade away all your good players.
    3 points
  47. McQualter rocking up on his first day ... Seriously though. Great appointment and welcome to Demonland.
    3 points
  48. The Podcast team will be there....
    3 points
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