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still ....given it takes about 10 wobblywarts to match the quality and intelligence of your average Dee....I think we're still in front...VBG !! lol

Dont worry too much about what people of little imagination say....after all...they couldnt even understand colours... they just have shades !! :-))

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As a supporter who turns up week in, week out, and is flying to sydney this weekend, I refuse to rise to the moronic taunts of toothless bogans.

Good of them to remember the queen's birthday game, I have fond memories of it last year as well.

And didnt they give up a 30 point lead three years ago for us to roll them....ahh good times.

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bit of a laugh about our crowd numbers:


Heard it all before so I couldn't even be bothered looking but the lack of numbers at our games is cause for concern, our long term viabilty and ability to compete.

Having said that if we had the support and income streams of Collingwood and we were only as successful??? as they are I would be mightly pi**ed off.

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I'm sorry, but you guys are a bunch of ignorant fools. They are so right (about the crowd be pathetic). That was an absolutely pathetic crowd. What a joke. I'm not saying any of you are the culprits, but come on, not even the Kangaroos are capable of pulling off a crowd that low. It really is a clear indication of what a lot of our supporters think like.

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one comment in particular angered me. the comment about it being more their home ground than ours? how stupid can you be. not only are we the melbourne football club who has played there since the beginning, but we have our social clubs based their and have ties with the mcc. collingwood are but a tennent. a wealthy tennent perhaps, but just a tennent. their home is that slum, victoria park.

the other point was the ignorance in them saying they have just as many injuries as us. they obviously havnt had a good look at the injury lists have they?

you could actually feel the ignorance as you read their posts couldnt you?

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I'm sorry, but you guys are a bunch of ignorant fools. They are so right (about the crowd be pathetic). That was an absolutely pathetic crowd. What a joke. I'm not saying any of you are the culprits, but come on, not even the Kangaroos are capable of pulling off a crowd that low. It really is a clear indication of what a lot of our supporters think like.

mate...whilst I appreciate your sentiments and intention...we all suport as and how we can.

I follow the Dees as passionately as any.. but i cant and wont go to all games..( there are other things in life )I did once, dont now... I dont answer to anyone in this regard...nor should anyone. Its all choice !!

Heard it all before so I couldn't even be bothered looking but the lack of numbers at our games is cause for concern, our long term viabilty and ability to compete.

Well its a bit like the cart and the horse.. I would suggest we need to get our game right, thats players, coaches etc....before we start hassling the fans.

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I'm sorry, but you guys are a bunch of ignorant fools. They are so right (about the crowd be pathetic). That was an absolutely pathetic crowd. What a joke. I'm not saying any of you are the culprits, but come on, not even the Kangaroos are capable of pulling off a crowd that low. It really is a clear indication of what a lot of our supporters think like.

The Kangaroos drew 25000 to a FINAL 18 months ago.

We're fickle but we're hardly unique.

Carlton's last two home crowds against Freo - 17518 and 16076

Richmond drew 18000 against Freo a couple of years ago

Hawthorn drew 11000 against Port 2 years back

We're winless, our supporter base is tiny compared to the above 3 clubs, what do you expect?

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I'm sorry, but you guys are a bunch of ignorant fools. They are so right (about the crowd be pathetic). That was an absolutely pathetic crowd. What a joke. I'm not saying any of you are the culprits, but come on, not even the Kangaroos are capable of pulling off a crowd that low. It really is a clear indication of what a lot of our supporters think like.

Agree 100% CB

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Well its a bit like the cart and the horse.. I would suggest we need to get our game right, thats players, coaches etc....before we start hassling the fans.

Agree 100% with that comment. Should have included it in my post.

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we'll still win on queens birthday, so their banner will be a waste of a dole cheque :D

but, the crowd on the weekend was pathetic, but there is the core group of melbourneFC supporters, and then there is the bandwagoners

if we string a few wins together before QB, im sure they'll all be back on us again...

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MagpieFan3 wrote "I also agree as well. Im so happy atm to see Melbourne right at the bottom. I could not agree more. I would like to know when we play them as i reckon it will be 50,000 all collingwood supporters. Also ive got two words for Melbourne "Season Over"

HaHa! Not only is he bagging us for our attendance, but he has never even heard of the Queen's Birthday game!! Collingwood fans are not only filthy, but ridiculously retarded!!

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Well its a bit like the cart and the horse.. I would suggest we need to get our game right, thats players, coaches etc....before we start hassling the fans.

I am afraid I will not let you pin this one on the coach, BB59... It is time to hassle the fans.

A pathetic turnout.

Really disappointing that the supporters of our fantastic club cannot get off their lazy arses to cheer the boys on through the good times AND the bad.

YOUR club needs you there win or lose.

The thing that pisses me off in the magpie thread is that if we are not careful they will be right.

pull your fingers out demon fans.

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I am afraid I will not let you pin this one on the coach, BB59... It is time to hassle the fans.

I dont know about you...but foot bal lis not ALL my life.. I have family, kids who like dad to spend time with them, have hobbies and other sporting interests.

Im guessing there are thousands like me. I OWE nothing to the club after their essentially weak and pathetic attempts at fielding a football team over the last 43 years since success. There have been 'lapses' whereby some modicum of false dawn was allowed to take to the field. there have been some fantastic and great players, just no great team !!..evidence....No premierships. Simple isnt it.

So who do I blame, or hold accountable ? The fans ? because ???? do they run the club ? do they run onto the grass ?..do we coach ? do we select ? do we draft, train, condition , mentor etc etc etc.

And now... when the despair is at its normal pitch.. its OUR fault again is it. Just how exactly is that ? please...explain to the 10's of thousands of Melbourne supporters. And note..we still are Melbourne supporters, god knows why !! we still would dare at times to dream of success.

Years back football was purely a passion, nearly every one did it on both sides of the fence mainly for the love of the game. Now its BIG business. many people glean more than a pretty penny from this gig. Players get paid for returns that would have them fired in any other job. Coaches give glib and lame reasons why they are failures... and in football they can spin their reprieve.

But according to some ...the simple act of attendance will make all well.. !! thats amazing.. Ive attended enough games in my life to not have to answer to anyone. Whether I choose to is my concern. If some filth at another club thinks that [email protected] he /it is pefectly entitled to that opinion.

Will i ever NOT follow Melbourne.. cant even contemplate how one does that :-) But should I and countless others consider there might be on occasions something better to do with our time.. thats for us. with membership doesnt really matter.. the money's paid anyway.

Its up to MFC to provide the product, not consumers to front hard earned money for a crappy product.

If you build it...they will come... build what ?? respect.. maybe some respect for the legions of fans and sponsors who have put theirs in.

why would anyone bother to turn up to watch rubbish ?

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How true BB59- I agree entirely with your post.

Since i live in Sydney, i try to watch or listen to the games if possible. Problem with watching is that it is on at a late hour, eg our game aganist Geelong was replayed at midnight <_<

And also i have commitments

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I dont know about you...but foot bal lis not ALL my life.. I have family, kids who like dad to spend time with them, have hobbies and other sporting interests.

Im guessing there are thousands like me. I OWE nothing to the club after their essentially weak and pathetic attempts at fielding a football team over the last 43 years since success. There have been 'lapses' whereby some modicum of false dawn was allowed to take to the field. there have been some fantastic and great players, just no great team !!..evidence....No premierships. Simple isnt it.

So who do I blame, or hold accountable ? The fans ? because ???? do they run the club ? do they run onto the grass ?..do we coach ? do we select ? do we draft, train, condition , mentor etc etc etc.

And now... when the despair is at its normal pitch.. its OUR fault again is it. Just how exactly is that ? please...explain to the 10's of thousands of Melbourne supporters. And note..we still are Melbourne supporters, god knows why !! we still would dare at times to dream of success.

Years back football was purely a passion, nearly every one did it on both sides of the fence mainly for the love of the game. Now its BIG business. many people glean more than a pretty penny from this gig. Players get paid for returns that would have them fired in any other job. Coaches give glib and lame reasons why they are failures... and in football they can spin their reprieve.

But according to some ...the simple act of attendance will make all well.. !! thats amazing.. Ive attended enough games in my life to not have to answer to anyone. Whether I choose to is my concern. If some filth at another club thinks that [email protected] he /it is pefectly entitled to that opinion.

Will i ever NOT follow Melbourne.. cant even contemplate how one does that :-) But should I and countless others consider there might be on occasions something better to do with our time.. thats for us. with membership doesnt really matter.. the money's paid anyway.

Its up to MFC to provide the product, not consumers to front hard earned money for a crappy product.

If you build it...they will come... build what ?? respect.. maybe some respect for the legions of fans and sponsors who have put theirs in.

why would anyone bother to turn up to watch rubbish ?

BB59 ... great post, agree 100%, we give money , time etc etc

For 43 years this club has not delivered much to its faithfull.

I was there on Sunday but I did not feel bad for those who chose to stay away. They had better things to do.

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I dont know about you...but foot bal lis not ALL my life.. I have family, kids who like dad to spend time with them, have hobbies and other sporting interests.

why would anyone bother to turn up to watch rubbish ?

Firstly. If you don't want to go, don't go.... No one's forcing you to support your team, however judging by the frequency of your posts you do enjoy football or at least feel the passion enough to actually do something.... Sure you have other things in your life than football I am pretty sure everybody does (well almost everybody). But you can't even spare 3 hours or so on a sunday to go see your team run out in the red and blue.

OK where to begin.

Firstly I am not suggesting you showing up is going to help the onfield performance. It is also wrong to try and pin our endemic low crowd numbers back on to the coach and the team's current form. They are seperate issues.

We are losing, but the fairweather supporters of the Dees are happy to sit at home and blame everything that is wrong with the club (not just the team) on the coach.

Dees supporters are fickle. there i said it. They are happy to show up if there is a chance of a win but when the chips are down we get a lousy 16,000. It is sad to say but other teams supporters show up in the good season and the bad... look at poor old Richmond. (i know most ppl on this site would be there through thick and thin) We are the laughing stock of the AFL, I for one am not looking forward to the mt buller jokes this winter. They are so much harder to put up with when you look around the stands and see their stark emptiness.

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that showing up even though you have a membership still adds to the gate takings for our club. (If anyone can verify?)

We are in one of the best financial positions we have been in years and it will be jeopardised should we continue to lose money at each of our home games.

This will lead to less money for the football department, more games sold interstate and we will never be able to challenge the interstate clubs if this happens.

Whether or not the coach is to blame for the current slump is not what I am arguing. It is easy to get disappointed and the amount of negative posts you write shows how upset you must be. But mate, we are all there with you.

It's easy to blame but it's harder to take responsibility.

Go Dees!

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Our supporter base is the reason why we were allocated Optus Oval games in the past. The AFL views us as a club not worthy of such a large home stadium. Not even the Telstra Dome will wants us (not that we care).

How can our marketing people even try to attract any corporate sponsorship to our club when it cant even convince our supporters to turn up? I know a lot of posters here make the effort.

I’ve never attended interstate games, because I cant afford it, but I ALWAYS go to games in Melbourne, even if I know we’re going to have a bad day. I’ve been going for many, many years. I’m there in the bad times & I’m there in the good times – just like family.

I can spare 16 days a year.

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Our supporter base is the reason why we were allocated Optus Oval games in the past. The AFL views us as a club not worthy of such a large home stadium. Not even the Telstra Dome will wants us (not that we care).

How can our marketing people even try to attract any corporate sponsorship to our club when it cant even convince our supporters to turn up? I know a lot of posters here make the effort.

I’ve never attended interstate games, because I cant afford it, but I ALWAYS go to games in Melbourne, even if I know we’re going to have a bad day. I’ve been going for many, many years. I’m there in the bad times & I’m there in the good times – just like family.

I can spare 16 days a year.

Hear Hear!

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