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Why didn't anyone see this coming March 2013


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After Neelds second pre season there appeared to be no obvious signs that we would be so rotten at the seasons start.

Neelds words were bullish at the start of the season and yet not one MFC insider announced any negativity about 2013. All expectations were we would win between 5 and 8 games and further improve in 2014. So why didn't anyone at the club including board level see any warning signs?

We almost had a injury free list at the start yet no one including Neeld expected we would fall over so easily. Now we have to totally restructure and I have heard nobody take actual responsibility.

Don resigns but does not apologise for such a mess. Everyone who will go will just walk away without anyone knowing exactly why we ended up in such a pathetic position. Who the hell is responsible and what did they do wrong. Does anyone know the actual reasons why the players are not improving under Neeld? Lots of questions but not many answers.

I'll tell you why. Most supporters are blue sky junkies and most wanted to give the coach and his players the benefit of the doubt.

But when the writing on the wall has been carved by a diamond one tends to lose faith in those previous held views and the grace afforded the coach.

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Comments re King are spot on. They recently replayed his comments regarding Neeld last year. He couldn't have looked more smug if he tried. His comments were still premature. The fact they now appear to be correct doesn't alter the fact that at the time, there was not enough evidence to make such a call.

Every time he is introduced as one of "the sharpest minds in footy" I vomit just a little bit. He's lucky Maclure is there on 360 to make him look like slightly less of a toolbag.

I remember clearly when he was on that 'hiring Neeld was a mistake' trip.His great line was 'something has to be done'. It was code for 'sack Neeld now' but he wanted to hedge his bets. Dunstall asked him 3 or 4 times what needed to be done but King refused to elaborate. The gutsy thing to say would have been to advocate that Neeld get sacked. It wouldn't have been considered or intelligent but it would have been brave. The considered and intelligent thing to have said would have been 'The process was rushed, I think better candidates were out there but we are 3 months into a 3 year contract. Melbourne should try to do the best with what they have.'


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You are both right and wrong.

Thor was the god of war, thunder and strength.


Ah well played! But he is originally the god of thunder - his insatiable appetite/role for killing giants is why people later called him the god of war.

But you're right - definately someone forgot to pray. I blame the ususal suspects: Schwab, Morton and Watts.

Too many people have been praying to Dionysus during the games...

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After Neelds second pre season there appeared to be no obvious signs that we would be so rotten at the seasons start.

Neelds words were bullish at the start of the season and yet not one MFC insider announced any negativity about 2013. All expectations were we would win between 5 and 8 games and further improve in 2014. So why didn't anyone at the club including board level see any warning signs?

We almost had a injury free list at the start yet no one including Neeld expected we would fall over so easily. Now we have to totally restructure and I have heard nobody take actual responsibility.

Don resigns but does not apologise for such a mess. Everyone who will go will just walk away without anyone knowing exactly why we ended up in such a pathetic position. Who the hell is responsible and what did they do wrong. Does anyone know the actual reasons why the players are not improving under Neeld? Lots of questions but not many answers.

I am not suprised by our performances, you will note that I voiced my concerns preseason. I expected us to have only won 1 - 2 games by this stage of the season, however, the pure intensity of our inept performances has even been worse than what I expected.

As I have said over and over, there is no excuse for pathetic on field perfromances. Ultimate responsibility falls on our coach. How Neeld still has a job beyond a joke and highlights the other problems inside the club. He is a terrible coach, he has done untold damage. He is the wrong coach for the wrong club at the wrong time. He should have been shown the door at the end of last season. Simply all but 3 of our players have gone backwards despite being young, low draft picks and up and coming. No other club would still have him employed. We are showing all how weak we are.

For the sake of our football club get rid of this dud Neeld, then we can start healing, then we can start to improve.

There will be no improvment while he remains coach.

Edited by Grand New Flag
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Ah well played! But he is originally the god of thunder - his insatiable appetite/role for killing giants is why people later called him the god of war.

But you're right - definately someone forgot to pray. I blame the ususal suspects: Schwab, Morton and Watts.

Too many people have been praying to Dionysus during the games...

Dionysus would have rejoiced in Jurrah, told Wonna to let loose with more, would have told em all to go for it, and ditch the statistics and KPI's and all that rational rational drivel. Dionysus would save us, upend the naysayers and rebuilders and corporate beckscratchers, tip over the whole reasoned approach - and a very vengeful character if you insist on sober and serious denial of all that he stands for. Barassi's handball Grand Final was close to the Dionysus brand of mayhem. So was Liam Jurrah on the field, every time.

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Ah well played! But he is originally the god of thunder - his insatiable appetite/role for killing giants is why people later called him the god of war.

But you're right - definately someone forgot to pray. I blame the ususal suspects: Schwab, Morton and Watts.

Too many people have been praying to Dionysus during the games...

Dionysus would have rejoiced in Jurrah, told Wonna to let loose with more, would have told em all to go for it, and ditch the statistics and KPI's and all that rational rational drivel. Dionysus would save us, upend the naysayers and rebuilders and corporate beckscratchers, tip over the whole reasoned approach - and a very vengeful character if you insist on sober and serious denial of all that he stands for. Barassi's handball Grand Final was close to the Dionysus brand of mayhem. So was Liam Jurrah on the field, every time.

At least we can maintain our sense of humour

Well Done Guys!

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When everyone around says "maybe your game plan doesn't suit the type of players you have at your disposable". But you say "we are sticking to the game plan because it had need proven it can stand strong in finals".

When you say this when your a new coach and have only won half a dozen games in 1 and a half seasons Its quite obvious your a stubben [censored] and can't see that your sinking with you ship.

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Did the MFC pay homage to Thor the god of war at the start of the season?

I feel that this important task was neglected so the Club has paid the price.

Gods can be vengeful you know.

It all went pear shaped when the club didn't choose this as our theme music at the start of the year....

In fact, why didn't we kit the bugler out in some Gene Simmons getup to blow this number out? Spitting blood out the end of a trumpet would be a charming visual as well.

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I remember clearly when he was on that 'hiring Neeld was a mistake' trip.His great line was 'something has to be done'. It was code for 'sack Neeld now' but he wanted to hedge his bets. Dunstall asked him 3 or 4 times what needed to be done but King refused to elaborate. The gutsy thing to say would have been to advocate that Neeld get sacked. It wouldn't have been considered or intelligent but it would have been brave. The considered and intelligent thing to have said would have been 'The process was rushed, I think better candidates were out there but we are 3 months into a 3 year contract. Melbourne should try to do the best with what they have.'


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In may 2012 he stated that neeld should be sacked and Melbourne just admit it made a mistake in appointing him... King was on the money it was obvious then that no one played for him and man management is vital as a coach neeld doesn't have it and its obvious from the end of 2011 to where we are now he has no idea..,

Neeld is very good at the media game (look how he got appointed) but he has blamed nothing but the previous football department... The fact everyone believes we were 70% fitness compared o other clubs shows he was used excuses to by himself time

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I was one of the handful of people on demonland calling for Neelds head at round 5, 2012.

Most of you shouted us down. We knew a lemon when we saw one.

An apology would be nice.

In fact there were people who were opposed to MN when it was first known he was a candidate!

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In may 2012 he stated that neeld should be sacked and Melbourne just admit it made a mistake in appointing him... King was on the money it was obvious then that no one played for him and man management is vital as a coach neeld doesn't have it and its obvious from the end of 2011 to where we are now he has no idea..,

Neeld is very good at the media game (look how he got appointed) but he has blamed nothing but the previous football department... The fact everyone believes we were 70% fitness compared o other clubs shows he was used excuses to by himself time

I clearly remember that he used the line 'something needs to be done', as opposed to 'Mark Neeld should be sacked now'. Dunstall kept pressing him and he kept parroting that line. It was one of the worst analyses of a coaching situation I had seen. The numbers weren't flattering. But King's solution was just a monumental dodge.

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I clearly remember that he used the line 'something needs to be done', as opposed to 'Mark Neeld should be sacked now'. Dunstall kept pressing him and he kept parroting that line. It was one of the worst analyses of a coaching situation I had seen. The numbers weren't flattering. But King's solution was just a monumental dodge.

Don't know how many times it was discussed but they showed the footage from may 2012 a fortnight ago on one of the fox shows and he said "sack" and "admit it made a mistake"

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The material from the club was all very positive.

the views in the media were scathjbg.

I kept my rose colored glasses on but in hindsight we started the season with three mids debuting.

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I was one of the handful of people on demonland calling for Neelds head at round 5, 2012.

Most of you shouted us down. We knew a lemon when we saw one.

An apology would be nice.


I waited until the Suns game this year to call for his removal.

As I wanted to give him some time to show what he can do, But now I had enough, the guys is an awful coach.

He came to the MFC thinking he was hot stuff as he came from a more successful Club. But the reality is he needed to prove himself as a coach before annoying most of the then Senor Players.

Some may say he needs to be given more time or at least to the end of his contract (end of next year), but what can be achieved in 18 months when currently the team is averaging about 13 goals losing scores a game. Even if this margin is reduced to 5 or 6 goals is that enough improvement? In my opinion he has lost the support of the majority of members and supporters and needs to go now.

If the team can not afford to sack him then do a restructure and take him away from the actual coaching position and give him something he would be more suited to i.e. Cleaning the change rooms after each games.

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I saw it coming when I looked into my fire...


She has my vote for the next President.

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Guilty as charged.

If I say something positive about the club, or a player think the opposite. I recognise my moronic tendencies.

Make that last sentence your sig, if you like.

I was once. Then I got sick of being disappointed and took a more sceptical approach.

I do think you've got Hogan right and you went very early on that. Dang, there I go again!

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Don't know how many times it was discussed but they showed the footage from may 2012 a fortnight ago on one of the fox shows and he said "sack" and "admit it made a mistake"

To be honest, some of the things he said in the following article were valid. It's the following quotes that shows me that he is a [censored]. And they seem to go against your assertion that he said that Melbourne should sack Mark Neeld (unless we are thinking of different stories or quotes).


“If they were fair dinkum and 100 per cent accurate about it they would have said ’no, look, it doesn’t. We think you are going to be a great coach, but you are not a perfect fit for us.

“It’s a square peg in a round hole at the moment and they are paying the price.’’

“They need to accept they have got a problem and start to work out what the next steps are because, at the moment, they are putting their head in the sand."

“Because nothing’s changed. How much time do we give it? Another 12 months, two years - the club could be in free fall by then.'

“I’m not saying sack the coach (Neeld), I’m saying have a look at the whole process - the board, the support staff. How has this all come about?'

As I said, it was a Clayton's call to action. So the club looks at the whole process again and admits that Neeld is a square peg in a round hole. Then what? Advise him to change his coaching style? Put more support staff in? King mentions none of that. The tone of his language is highly suggestive but he would never go as far as saying Mark Neeld needed to be sacked. The intelligent response would have been to say that we are four months into a three year contract. The club needs to provide Neeld with all the support he needs to be the best coach he can be under the circumstances (when I mean support I don't mean just a guarantee of not being fired. I mean providing experienced assistants and an experienced mentor, a modern football department, constructive feedback etc.) but if things become too dire, they may need to sack him before his contract is up if things continue the way they are.

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