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Stefan Martin

Guest DemonSG

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Guest DemonSG

Amid all the other coaching blunders...what are they trying to do with Martin. They play him in the backline, potential star.

Move him into the forward line..disaster. Drop him because he can't play that role yet... bring him back as a bloody forward and ruckman. If they want another Lamb.. he is set for the slaughter .

I am not happy, have tried to stay positive but this showing is highlighting some fundemental flaws in the coaching team,

Bailey needs to get results soon or he will loose the players and I suspect club members.

Any showing of a contest would satisfy me, what about you guys out there?

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Amid all the other coaching blunders...what are they trying to do with Martin. They play him in the backline, potential star.

Move him into the forward line..disaster. Drop him because he can't play that role yet... bring him back as a bloody forward and ruckman. If they want another Lamb.. he is set for the slaughter .

I am not happy, have tried to stay positive but this showing is highlighting some fundemental flaws in the coaching team,

Bailey needs to get results soon or he will loose the players and I suspect club members.

Any showing of a contest would satisfy me, what about you guys out there?

Martin is heaps better than Lamb ever was

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I thought Martin did very well tonight. Looked dangerous up forward...

Sorry Don, I don't want to shoot you down but to me he looked terrible up forward, especially when he was kicking for goal. His passing and general field kicking is really poor but ffs can't we have a forward who can kick goals?

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At this stage Martin is more athlete than he is footballer. His kicking is his major concern. He has all the athletic ability, but his skills need time to develop. I still say he is more suited to defence than he will ever be up forward. Just a matter of whether there is a roll for him down there from week to week. He's absolutely worth persisting with. But I'm not sure that playing him all over the place will help his development.

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If such a room exists, get the whole team minus Davey in there and double padlock it!

As a positive note, how bloody good are Daveys skills! He would be a shoe in at any side in the league and his foot skills, speed and evasiveness are all exceptional. Demonstrating that even in a crap side, elite players are still elite.

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At this stage Martin is more athlete than he is footballer. His kicking is his major concern. He has all the athletic ability, but his skills need time to develop. I still say he is more suited to defence than he will ever be up forward. Just a matter of whether there is a roll for him down there from week to week. He's absolutely worth persisting with. But I'm not sure that playing him all over the place will help his development.

Agreed, think he's got all the ingredients to be a stellar full back. The fact that he's still learning the game it would make more sense to just let him learn one position first before you start fiddling or else he'll end up being a jack of all trades but a master of none.

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Amid all the other coaching blunders...what are they trying to do with Martin. They play him in the backline, potential star.

Move him into the forward line..disaster. Drop him because he can't play that role yet... bring him back as a bloody forward and ruckman. If they want another Lamb.. he is set for the slaughter .

ok, I do not even know where to begin on this topic

MELBOURNE IS BUILDING, the coaches are learning, and so are the players. Martin is a new footy player, who has no idea what suits him best, and i dont think the coaches have worked that out yet thats why they are letting him try out numerous positions.

MARTIN:was doing well in the backline as you say = HOWEVER....

he has the ability to be a key tall forward something MELBOURNE DO NOT HAVE

that is potentially why he has been moved:

he has also been rucking: because incase u havent realised, we are down a ruckman: jamars been injured and if he wasnt = i doubt he would play there

i dont think the coaches are trying to sacrifice him- in playing him in different places


that is completely UNTRUE

i can think of so many examples where he has shown so much

he has shown some SERIOUS POTENTIAL TO BE A FORWARD - something which melbourne is severely lacking. if you had any idea where melbournes future was, you would be looking forward and realise MARTIN has shown enormous potential to be a star

YES his kicking is hideous at times

Yes he sometimes has been lost


................. LOOK at how far he has come

THE major point you have missed here is that he is a DEVELOPING athlete:

who with the right training and nurture will develop into something far greater than what this club has seen : WHAt IS THE POINT IN PLAYING PLAYERS like robertson in the forward who have passed their use by date over guys like stef who are still developing, learning and improving

YOU should stop being so critical of him in the forward when he has been given very few games actually in there,and in those games he has done things which HIGHLIGHT his progress and POTENTIAL

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If such a room exists, get the whole team minus Davey in there and double padlock it!

As a positive note, how bloody good are Daveys skills! He would be a shoe in at any side in the league and his foot skills, speed and evasiveness are all exceptional. Demonstrating that even in a crap side, elite players are still elite.

I struggle to think of a better kick in the league. He is our Rolls Royce. I just love watching him play. Really pisses me off when people consistently under-rate him. Think it was fkwit Brian Taylor or someone on one of the Fox shows who said he wasn't an "A-Grader" but a "High B-Grader". Get fkd moron, have you seen him play, he's a fkn superstar!

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Guest Digga
I struggle to think of a better kick in the league. He is our Rolls Royce. I just love watching him play. Really pisses me off when people consistently under-rate him. Think it was fkwit Brian Taylor or someone on one of the Fox shows who said he wasn't an "A-Grader" but a "High B-Grader". Get fkd moron, have you seen him play, he's a fkn superstar!

Cant you think of another word besides 'F'

You sure your from Noth Adelaide and not Elizabeth.

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Amid all the other coaching blunders...what are they trying to do with Martin. They play him in the backline, potential star.

Move him into the forward line..disaster. Drop him because he can't play that role yet... bring him back as a bloody forward and ruckman. If they want another Lamb.. he is set for the slaughter .

I am not happy, have tried to stay positive but this showing is highlighting some fundemental flaws in the coaching team,

Bailey needs to get results soon or he will loose the players and I suspect club members.

Any showing of a contest would satisfy me, what about you guys out there?

totally agree as coaching staff are the culprits not players

they play like a ship without a rudder and are lacking inspiration and intensity due to the lack of guidance.

the players are not totally to blame; for the game plan as quoted by "mathew lloyd " is unprofessional and lacking structure ie; amateurish at best.

they play the same old,same old of the seventies ..take a mark go back look for a free teamate or kick in hope.

u can get little league playing with more aplomb.


THEY HAVE DONE EVERYTING POSSIBLE TO PUT INTO PLACE WHAT THEIR PREDECESSORS HAVE FAILED DISMALLY TO DO. SETTING guidlines of Infrustucture and modern facilities as the most important building blocks to achieve success on field.

they deserve,as well as long suffering supporters, better on field efforts condusive to the off field blood sweat and money being put in.

unfortunately as instructors of young athletes minds.(and bodies) the mfc coaching division seems to be lacking.the very thing they demand of their playing group.

instead of having a pack of angry intense wolves working as a group of run and carry, backing up,blocking, shepherding the ball carryer, kicking to a lead,.leading to space, gang tackling when there opp. have ball-.contesting at every opportunity in "PACKS OF 6 OR SO"

taking the game on & not afraid of making a cockup while gaining confidence as they get more adept at every exchange.

THEY PLAY LIKE PUPPIES scared to make a mistake, work forward slowly; inching their way only to be attacked and eaten alive.

the u18's play with more gusto. with "straughnie" coaching

the players HAVE ability !! not being used to effect, these kids seem lost or at the very least confused or lacking passion.

WHERE DO THEY GET THAT KNOWLEDGE FROM ? their bloomin teachers ! the "COACHES"!!

THE BUCK HAS TO STOP WITH THE HEAD COACH whoever it may be.( he gets paid enough !!)


supporters are always ignored ,par for the course !! just told to support and put in money.!1

well u have to throw a dog a bone occassionally.

successful players of opp.teams can pin point obvious flaws

not to mention ex brownlow medalists( healy) .noting uninspiring media conferances.

great coaches are obvious as in any successful leader, they command by example .

they get rid of the weakest links and extract the best from their warriors when they go to battle.

the great coaches stand alone as beacons !!

our own

frank"checker" hughes, norman smith and ronald dale are, testament,,

alan jeans, john kennedy.stand the test of time.

modern day "paul roos" "neil craig " mark thompson?

and now most surprisingly of all mathew knights;brilliant drafting by the way!( without bottoming out)

(who i take my hat off to) are all class acts the way they command attention& get the job done with no

bottoming out & no ambiguity of what they expect to achieve.

its just so obvious what they do.


but know wxactly what to do and when to do it with intensity and passion.

dont look for easy targets by blaming the players " john northey and neil daniher both got to grand finals with very average playing lists..

if i hear the word "competitive" effort again i' ll throw up.

sounds too supercilious for his own good.

lf u dont learn from the past you are condemned to repeat it.


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A great deal has been made of Essendon and the fact that the Bombers have one ruckman left standing after injuries to Hille, Laycock and Bellchambers (actually they also have a young untried rookie but he's nowhere near ready for AFL).

Well, we just happen to be in the same boat except our last ruckman standing isn't really a ruckman. Hence, Stefan Martin has been called in to fill the breach. He had to play the role he was given because there was no alternative. Clark killed it in the ruck and according to the statistics available to me he fixed up both Johnson (7 hit outs) and Martin (9 hit outs) and gave the superior Brisbane midfield a great armchair ride against Melbourne's one paced and tired looking midfield.

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ok, I do not even know where to begin on this topic

MELBOURNE IS BUILDING, the coaches are learning, and so are the players. Martin is a new footy player, who has no idea what suits him best, and i dont think the coaches have worked that out yet thats why they are letting him try out numerous positions.

MARTIN:was doing well in the backline as you say = HOWEVER....

he has the ability to be a key tall forward something MELBOURNE DO NOT HAVE

that is potentially why he has been moved:

he has also been rucking: because incase u havent realised, we are down a ruckman: jamars been injured and if he wasnt = i doubt he would play there

i dont think the coaches are trying to sacrifice him- in playing him in different places


that is completely UNTRUE

i can think of so many examples where he has shown so much

he has shown some SERIOUS POTENTIAL TO BE A FORWARD - something which melbourne is severely lacking. if you had any idea where melbournes future was, you would be looking forward and realise MARTIN has shown enormous potential to be a star

YES his kicking is hideous at times

Yes he sometimes has been lost


................. LOOK at how far he has come

THE major point you have missed here is that he is a DEVELOPING athlete:

who with the right training and nurture will develop into something far greater than what this club has seen : WHAt IS THE POINT IN PLAYING PLAYERS like robertson in the forward who have passed their use by date over guys like stef who are still developing, learning and improving

YOU should stop being so critical of him in the forward when he has been given very few games actually in there,and in those games he has done things which HIGHLIGHT his progress and POTENTIAL

Drafting athletes and trying to make them footballers has shown to generally not work, sure there's going to be exceptions but modern footy requires excellent kicking skills. Hawthorn, Geelong and the Saints have already realised this.

My issue is that Martin is playing at the highest level, and has been for a couple of years (and he's been playing for more than 3 years, don't [censored] on my back and tell me it's raining), how could the club draft a player who is so obviously such a poor kick? Sadly our list is full of these 'project' type players who either have terrible skills or has no feel for the game. We're the dumbest football team going around and it goes along way to explaining why we're so crap.

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He'll never be a good footballer untill he learns how to kick, or more precisely, pass.

Major problem IMO. I've begun to notice his kicking woes. Can't keep this up I don't think. IIRC he kicked sideways across goal which was a bad option, missed the target and gave Brisbane a goal.

Gotta get Jamar back so that we can let Martin play forward or back, but not ruck.

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Drafting athletes and trying to make them footballers has shown to generally not work, sure there's going to be exceptions but modern footy requires excellent kicking skills. Hawthorn, Geelong and the Saints have already realised this.

My issue is that Martin is playing at the highest level, and has been for a couple of years (and he's been playing for more than 3 years, don't [censored] on my back and tell me it's raining), how could the club draft a player who is so obviously such a poor kick? Sadly our list is full of these 'project' type players who either have terrible skills or has no feel for the game. We're the dumbest football team going around and it goes along way to explaining why we're so crap.

He was taken as a rookie, therefore part experiment. He has worked his butt off and continues to show improvement. What more do you want from a rookie?

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He was taken as a rookie, therefore part experiment. He has worked his butt off and continues to show improvement. What more do you want from a rookie?

Whilst i agree with your point, just wanted to make note that Martin wasn't actually taken as a rookie. He was our #1 pick is the Pre Season Draft before the '08 season. Therefore, not a rookie, as, like Jurrah this year, he was on the senior list from the start of his career.

Pedantic i know. Sorry. :lol:

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Whilst i agree with your point, just wanted to make note that Martin wasn't actually taken as a rookie. He was our #1 pick is the Pre Season Draft before the '08 season. Therefore, not a rookie, as, like Jurrah this year, he was on the senior list from the start of his career.

Pedantic i know. Sorry. :lol:

Beat me to it.

A player like Martin isn't a problem if the rest of the team can kick properly, unfortunately we're not in that position.

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totally agree as coaching staff are the culprits not players

they play like a ship without a rudder and are lacking inspiration and intensity due to the lack of guidance.

the players are not totally to blame; for the game plan as quoted by "mathew lloyd " is unprofessional and lacking structure ie; amateurish at best.

they play the same old,same old of the seventies ..take a mark go back look for a free teamate or kick in hope.

u can get little league playing with more aplomb.


THEY HAVE DONE EVERYTING POSSIBLE TO PUT INTO PLACE WHAT THEIR PREDECESSORS HAVE FAILED DISMALLY TO DO. SETTING guidlines of Infrustucture and modern facilities as the most important building blocks to achieve success on field.

they deserve,as well as long suffering supporters, better on field efforts condusive to the off field blood sweat and money being put in.

unfortunately as instructors of young athletes minds.(and bodies) the mfc coaching division seems to be lacking.the very thing they demand of their playing group.

instead of having a pack of angry intense wolves working as a group of run and carry, backing up,blocking, shepherding the ball carryer, kicking to a lead,.leading to space, gang tackling when there opp. have ball-.contesting at every opportunity in "PACKS OF 6 OR SO"

taking the game on & not afraid of making a cockup while gaining confidence as they get more adept at every exchange.

THEY PLAY LIKE PUPPIES scared to make a mistake, work forward slowly; inching their way only to be attacked and eaten alive.

the u18's play with more gusto. with "straughnie" coaching

the players HAVE ability !! not being used to effect, these kids seem lost or at the very least confused or lacking passion.

WHERE DO THEY GET THAT KNOWLEDGE FROM ? their bloomin teachers ! the "COACHES"!!

THE BUCK HAS TO STOP WITH THE HEAD COACH whoever it may be.( he gets paid enough !!)


supporters are always ignored ,par for the course !! just told to support and put in money.!1

well u have to throw a dog a bone occassionally.

successful players of opp.teams can pin point obvious flaws

not to mention ex brownlow medalists( healy) .noting uninspiring media conferances.

great coaches are obvious as in any successful leader, they command by example .

they get rid of the weakest links and extract the best from their warriors when they go to battle.

the great coaches stand alone as beacons !!

our own

frank"checker" hughes, norman smith and ronald dale are, testament,,

alan jeans, john kennedy.stand the test of time.

modern day "paul roos" "neil craig " mark thompson?

and now most surprisingly of all mathew knights;brilliant drafting by the way!( without bottoming out)

(who i take my hat off to) are all class acts the way they command attention& get the job done with no

bottoming out & no ambiguity of what they expect to achieve.

its just so obvious what they do.


but know wxactly what to do and when to do it with intensity and passion.

dont look for easy targets by blaming the players " john northey and neil daniher both got to grand finals with very average playing lists..

if i hear the word "competitive" effort again i' ll throw up.

sounds too supercilious for his own good.

lf u dont learn from the past you are condemned to repeat it.


Have to agree with most of what you've said, we are breeding the next generation of of outside soft players that are no better than the ones they replace. We need to get some toughness in to the playing group and some directness in to the game plan. There is no point in shadowing the opposition up the ground we have to attack them and stop them from strolling inside the 50mtr line and scoring at will. As I said on Demonology, Brisbane would have faced more pressure in an intra club game than they did last night.

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