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What should a team expect from its highest paid player?


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Handballing blindly because he doesnt want to take a tackle..... Has been wearing a skirt since been tackled by guerra in 05...

Your are new mate and clueless! Look at the FACTS. Last season and this year, leading TACKLER! Last year and this year leading CONTESTED POSSESSIONS. Surely these two areas are not for the faint hearted as you cruelly imply. Think for yourself and don't be led by the disloyal Bruce bashers on this forum. Have a look at his track record over the last decade. Not bad stats for a bloke drafted at # 65! Our #3 a couple of years back has got a bit of catching to do. Also, it seems you would rather have him pinged for holding the ball and give away a free kick instead of handballing under pressure.

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Your are new mate and clueless! Look at the FACTS. Last season and this year, leading TACKLER! Last year and this year leading CONTESTED POSSESSIONS. Surely these two areas are not for the faint hearted as you cruelly imply. Think for yourself and don't be led by the disloyal Bruce bashers on this forum. Have a look at his track record over the last decade. Not bad stats for a bloke drafted at # 65! Our #3 a couple of years back has got a bit of catching to do.

Why is it that whenever someone besides me criticizes Bruce, you accuse them of copying me and not being able to make up their own minds?

I am flattered you think I have that much influence. Fact is, I don't.

If you think I am the only one out there that believes he is an ordinary footballer who should be playing at Casey, think again.

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The highest paid player in a team should be the best football player over the course of the season or close to it.

They should be expected to poll a lot of votes in the club Best and Fairest and they should regularly feature in the best on ground for the club.

I don't really buy this stuff about the highest paid player having to be a hard nut or a media spokesperson, although these qualities are useful in a Captain.

Age, list managment and salary caps can all distort the highest paid player equation.

edit: P.S. I am deliberately not buying into the thinly veiled jab at Bruce and trying to play a straight bat. As such, this post should not be read as a comment on Bruce either positively or negatively.

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1. Turn up more than 1 quarter in 20.

2. Hit some targets

3. Make some tackles

4. Hurt when we loose.

5. Not kick up-and-under-who-cares back line kicks

6. Show some passion for the club

7. Get to training on time

8. Not break team curfew

9. Anything else I have missed

If, purchance, you are targetting Bruce :wub: , he meets 5/6 of your criteria (and all of mine); that's 4/5 more than Sylvia. :lol:



i personally think he is our best leader and speaks very well and has obvious intelligence.


SYLVIA WAS A FAR CRY FROM HIS SECOND QUARTER FORM LAST WEEK But I like him played in the middle more. Adds some grunt. Put a crunching tackle on someone today which was nice.

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Why is it that whenever someone besides me criticizes Bruce, you accuse them of copying me and not being able to make up their own minds?

I am flattered you think I have that much influence. Fact is, I don't.

If you think I am the only one out there that believes he is an ordinary footballer who should be playing at Casey, think again.

Where did I accuse Peter James of copying just YOU YM? You do have an EGO don't you? Have a look for yourself at Bruces' record over a DECADE or CAN"T you READ? As I've said before, it's wonderful that you are not a SELECTOR with your huge BIAS. 100 point thrashings would be the order of the day.

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Bruce works very hard each and every game, he is just not a very good footballer.

That's reality, and it's time to accept it and move on. He isn't the best, he isn't the worst. He is average, but he'll continue to play for us as long as he is putting in the required effort because put simply, we need experience and players who can run all day.

BINGO. Got it in one.

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Where did I accuse Peter James of copying just YOU YM? You do have an EGO don't you? Have a look for yourself at Bruces' record over a DECADE or CAN"T you READ? As I've said before, it's wonderful that you are not a SELECTOR with your huge BIAS. 100 point thrashings would be the order of the day.

100 point thrashings?

heres a change I would do without even blinking -

Out - Bruce

In - Maric

Swap the worst user of the ball at the club, with the best user of the ball.

We instantly become a 5 goal better team.

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While agree with you YM about your view on Bruce as a footballer these days, the truth is we need him in the side for experience/mentorship to the young guys.

That stuff is invaluable to teams, especially ours as we are full of spring chickens.

Unfortunately for everyone here, we will never know how valuable the guy is to our club. We can only really see or judge how valuable he is through the way he plays.

For me, I agree with the last poster that stated since that Guerra tackle, he has never been the same player. Bruce was never an in and under type player (ie Jones/Maloney). He was all class. Our roles royce. I remember playing Essendon in round one a few years back. Could have been that Broady tribute match.

Anyway, Bruce played on Hird that day and gave him an absolute trouncing. Smashed him on every stat sheet. Was amazing to watch. He had an air of confidence about him up until the collarbone injury. Since then. He has been ordinary and I believe it all comes down to confidence. Such a small thing but it can completely destroy a person. If you watch Bruce now. Whether it's his kicking, handballing, decision making, taking a tackle etc. It's all down to confidence.

I for one hope that he can make a bit of a turn around before his time ends. He has a number of years left in him.

If he is still with us when we slowly make our rise back up and if he finds that little air of arrogance and confidence he once had....

Holy S*@#T is all I can say.

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100 point thrashings?

heres a change I would do without even blinking -

Out - Bruce

In - Maric

Swap the worst user of the ball at the club, with the best user of the ball.

We instantly become a 5 goal better team.

Nail. Head. Bruce's disposal disgusts me. No matter how many times he gets it he isn't damaging at all. Even if over 70% of his disposals are effective, they aren't damaging, they are often to a player in a worse position then he is. He's got to go, if not in the near future at the very least the end of 2009. Blooding a youngster is much more valuable to the Melbourne FC then Cameron Bruce and his aimless use of the ball is at present. What type of leader is he? He panics under pressure, he is afraid to put his body on the line. I've had enough Cameron, your statistics flatter your output.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

There are a few players that would be on my hit list long before I even think about Bruce's problems (real or imagined).

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How much is he paid? He's not Chris Judd and is not paid as such. He's our highest paid, at a club that can't afford to pay the full cap. Want to start looking at all the facts little boy?

I am flattered you think I have that much influence. Fact is, I don't.

If you think I am the only one out there that believes he is an ordinary footballer who should be playing at Casey, think again.

Fact is, you do. At 'land you post more than most, and apply more than your fair share of sensationalist garbage. I can say that without doubt 99% of what you post is completely, utterly, and absolutely incorrect... If at times, mildly entertaining. You bleat on and on, and EVENTUALLY the small percentage of under-educated nuff-nuff supporters buy into some trivial piece of crap that you wrote and decide to jump on your bandwagon. Why? Not because you write sensibly, but because you make the most noise. People confuse confidence and comedic timing for intelligence.

And for the record, Y_M... I want you to listen carefully now little boy. You ARE the only person who thinks he should be playing at Casey. If he were at Geelong, he would do his fair share of time in the seconds, the same way a Robbo or Wonna does right now. But at MFC, we need older heads, and educators. It's that simple. Cue ignorant rant from you...

Out - Bruce

In - Maric

Swap the worst user of the ball at the club, with the best user of the ball.

We instantly become a 5 goal better team.

We would become a 5 goal WORSE side. You want to put in a teenager against men and expect results? I notice you've been quiet on Sylvia's game? Bruce did more in his first year than Col has done in five. And again, you see fit to ignore the FACTS!!!!

You are the worst commentator/critic of any sort I've seen on any football board, program, or media source. You make Robert Walls look like Leigh Matthews. Stop hurting MFC and go support someone else you miserable little [censored].

You are flat out wrong. Bruce is an important player for MFC, and is desperately needed now, more than ever.

Do us ALL a favour and go support Richmond. You'll find more players worthy of your masturbatory rantings there.

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I will put my bias out front: Bruce is my equal-favourite Melbourne player of all-time.

As mentioned, pre-collarbone Bruce was a gun. He had the potential to become a Brownlow medallist, multiple All-Australian. He has never been the same. When he played on the champions (Buckley, Hird, Goodes) I had all confidence in him to match them and perhaps even beat them. He's not the same now and that is something we have to accept. His kicking has slowly deteriorated during the last three years. He occassionally hits a great kick but more often than not his kicks are poor/nothing kicks. Despite this, he works hard, he gets more of the ball than most, he has near-on 200 games of experience, and we need him in our side. He has flashes of brilliance and is most certainly in our best 22. The fact that he is our highest-paid player is missing the point. We have to realise that we have two elite players on our list of 44. Two. [Davey and Green.] If he was playing at most other clubs he would be on significantly less, as he wouldn't be one of their premier players. At Melbourne, he is one of our premier players. (Take from the term 'premier' what you will. He is one of our most high-profile and experienced players, that's fact.)

What does he earn, out of interest? Jeff White was on $450 to 475k for his final three years.

I think the point is that we have to realise that the level of the lists of the top sides is so far beyond ours, and that only a handful of our players would make the top sides. And using the term handful is even generous. Someone has to be our highest-paid player.

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the problem is that none of the players on the team deserve to be highest payed player, but one of them has to be

Exactly. The FACT Y_M is that while Green and Davey are easily our best players at the moment, neither has the runs on the board that Bruce has. Neither has smashed big-name opponents, and neither have won as many games off their own boot as Bruce has. Not by a lot mind you. Davey I'm sure will come to the end of his career highly decorated, and Green if he continues will carve out a very nice place for himself in MFC's history... the point remains, Bruce DESERVES more respect from you than you give. Not that anyone expects you to change your all-too monotonal tune.

Let's say Green takes a year or two to regain the confidence he had, now that his face is concave?... Maybe Davey does his annual hammy this year and it comes off the bone? What then? Do we stick a knife in both players' backs while they CONTINUE to do all they can muster for the red and blue? Certainly a shitload more than keyboard hero pip-squeaks like you can even imagine. Will you turn your back on players who suffer bad luck like the above? Or will you continue to serve your own perposes and bleat on and on about how you feel, no matter HOW many people plead with you to shut the hell up?

Given all the scenarios above... take away Green's courage, and Davey's speed and I'd STILL want them to line up if they were doing a good enough job and steering our young list in the right direction. When it's time for the young leaders to take over, a la Hodge et al over at Hawthorn, then let these guys wander into the sunset. What's wrong with that? Worked for Vandenberg...

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Fact is, you do. At 'land you post more than most, and apply more than your fair share of sensationalist garbage. I can say that without doubt 99% of what you post is completely, utterly, and absolutely incorrect... If at times, mildly entertaining. You bleat on and on, and EVENTUALLY the small percentage of under-educated nuff-nuff supporters buy into some trivial piece of crap that you wrote and decide to jump on your bandwagon. Why? Not because you write sensibly, but because you make the most noise. People confuse confidence and comedic timing for intelligence.

And for the record, Y_M... I want you to listen carefully now little boy. You ARE the only person who thinks he should be playing at Casey. If he were at Geelong, he would do his fair share of time in the seconds, the same way a Robbo or Wonna does right now. But at MFC, we need older heads, and educators. It's that simple. Cue ignorant rant from you...

We would become a 5 goal WORSE side. You want to put in a teenager against men and expect results? I notice you've been quiet on Sylvia's game? Bruce did more in his first year than Col has done in five. And again, you see fit to ignore the FACTS!!!!

You are the worst commentator/critic of any sort I've seen on any football board, program, or media source. You make Robert Walls look like Leigh Matthews. Stop hurting MFC and go support someone else you miserable little [censored].

You are flat out wrong. Bruce is an important player for MFC, and is desperately needed now, more than ever.

Do us ALL a favour and go support Richmond. You'll find more players worthy of your masturbatory rantings there.

Sadly, YM is an empty vessel who wins the admiration of other empty vessels! It is human nature.

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Nail. Head. Bruce's disposal disgusts me. No matter how many times he gets it he isn't damaging at all. Even if over 70% of his disposals are effective, they aren't damaging, they are often to a player in a worse position then he is. He's got to go, if not in the near future at the very least the end of 2009. Blooding a youngster is much more valuable to the Melbourne FC then Cameron Bruce and his aimless use of the ball is at present. What type of leader is he? He panics under pressure, he is afraid to put his body on the line. I've had enough Cameron, your statistics flatter your output.

Beautifully said.

Good to see another Demon supporter with a clue about footy, and who can make up their own mind without fear of retribution from the sheep of Demonland.

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This is just a general question.

What should a Melbourne supporter be capable of, and/or expected to do in relation to one of our best players?

For me, a supporter should:

  • Not bag the player, who plays for our team, at every opportunity
  • While criticism may be warranted at times, generally support the player and put the club and team ethic first.
  • Be able to understand the game and not pick out every small mistake and magnify it
  • Be the face of the club and not a constant detractor
  • Put their opinions on the line, but be prepared to admit they were wrong when the player plays well.

Would be interesting to go through all our supporters on this site and see where they stand.

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This is just a general question.

What should a Melbourne supporter be capable of, and/or expected to do in relation to one of our best players?

For me, a supporter should:

  • Not bag the player, who plays for our team, at every opportunity
  • While criticism may be warranted at times, generally support the player and put the club and team ethic first.
  • Be able to understand the game and not pick out every small mistake and magnify it
  • Be the face of the club and not a constant detractor
  • Put their opinions on the line, but be prepared to admit they were wrong when the player plays well.

Would be interesting to go through all our supporters on this site and see where they stand.

- As a paid up member, have the right to praise/criticize any player on the list as he/she are paying a portion of their salary

- Expect each player to earn that salary

- Expect any player put in to a leadership role that they play like a leader

- Have the balls to have an opinion on any players or issues, even if it goes against the majority

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This is just a general question.

What should a Melbourne supporter be capable of, and/or expected to do in relation to one of our best players?

For me, a supporter should:

  • Not bag the player, who plays for our team, at every opportunity
  • While criticism may be warranted at times, generally support the player and put the club and team ethic first.
  • Be able to understand the game and not pick out every small mistake and magnify it
  • Be the face of the club and not a constant detractor
  • Put their opinions on the line, but be prepared to admit they were wrong when the player plays well.

Would be interesting to go through all our supporters on this site and see where they stand.

Beautifully put Maurie! A REAL, LOYAL DEMON SUPPORTER. Unfortunately, in our time of need, we have too many morons who spend all their waking hours criticising our players and rubbishing the club they are SUPPOSED to be barracking for! Do they really believe that the powers to be at MFC will read or even listen to their pitiful bleatings.

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Good to see another Demon supporter with a clue about footy, and who can make up their own mind without fear of retribution from the sheep of Demonland.

Sheep? Where? Who?!!!! Who on 'land is following like a sheep? As far as I can see it's literally dozens of individuals who have read Bruce's footy differently, all with different perspectives, and a whole host of different ways to make you look like a prize goose, AND prove the point that Bruce is well worth having in the side over, and over, and over again...

This is just a general question.

What should a Melbourne supporter be capable of, and/or expected to do in relation to one of our best players?

For me, a supporter should:

  • Not bag the player, who plays for our team, at every opportunity
  • While criticism may be warranted at times, generally support the player and put the club and team ethic first.
  • Be able to understand the game and not pick out every small mistake and magnify it
  • Be the face of the club and not a constant detractor
  • Put their opinions on the line, but be prepared to admit they were wrong when the player plays well.

Would be interesting to go through all our supporters on this site and see where they stand.

Nice post. Will be completely ignored or misinterpreted by our resident egotistical maniac...

Start reading other peoples' posts Y_M. In fact, start reading your own -

There is some sort of porn-site virus currently infecting 'land that is responsible for less garbage on here than you are...

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