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Membership Attack


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As we all know membership is not only money for the club but an indicator of our strength in the AFL. I have posted something similar in the past but it is obviously worth repeating at this time. The club can only get so many members through its advertising, the real impact will be if the members act to get more people involved themselves. To that end here are a few ideas.

If every current member got another we would have 60000 members and be the number 1 membership club in the AFL. That won't happen of course but it shouldn't stop us trying.

Sign up a friend as a birthday present and get a few demon mates of the friend to chip in for the present now. Give the membership as an early birthday present.

Sign up a relative: grandparent, child, parent etc and then get them to chip in or pay the whole fee.

Sign up a girlfriend/boyfriend even if they follow another club or don't watch footy and sacrifice a couple of nights out and a few drinks to pay for it. A romantic night at home with your friend admiring the new membership card could be beneficial.

Sign up newly born babies for families that aren't already committed to a club.

Sign up workmates who aren't committed to a team even if it means a group of them share one membership and get to go to a few games each. Two memberships would allow a workmate and his/her partner to go a few times.

Sign up friends interstate/country and tell them if they come to melbourne for a game they can stay overnight at your place and go to the game with you. These memberships are cheaper.

Buy two memberships and raffle them off at work with enough for a ticket to cover the cost.

There are probably a million more ideas but the secret is not to leave it to the club but to do it ourselves. That is the only way it will happen.

A large membership will mean more attraction for sponsors, more income for the club and a better chance of a good fixture and some much needed respect in the football world.

Come on every demon get off your arse and secure at least one more membership for the club we love.

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I agree with you in part but it wont happen that we get that many members. Each one helps however membership isnt the most important thing. Raffeling is a great idea and also giving $ for each game melbourne win, perhaps not so much this year. Last year i gave all my tax $ to melbourne which was around $1700 which is another idea. I have some other ideas that may prove useful

1. MFC could talk to a number of restaurants, cafes, pubs or bars about donating a portion of their sales to the club. MFC will promote the event and drive customers into the restaurant during what is normally a slow period for them. Perhaps players could get down there which would give possibly more of a support base.

2. Provide a sausage sizzle and fair including raffels at Casey with the players. An emphisys should be made on high margen profit like sausage sizzles, handburger stands, coffee, post mix soft drink etc.

3. Have the MFC raffle off the oportunity for some supporters to go to an event with players or staff. Perhaps the possibility of a guest having lunch with a couple of players and the coach will get huge $. I know i would pay a lot to have a private event 1 on 1 talking with them.

4. Raffle off chances for supporters to run onto the ground at matches with the players. I dont know if the afl, mcg etc would allow this but a thought.

5. Its not just down to supporters and the MFC are aware of this, especially since DB and CC. Things like footballs signed, clothing etc attract large amounts of $. Using ebay or equivilent and having the assistance of Garry Lyon on footy show and other media we can make people more aware. Players reading out a short script isnt enough when they get on. Garry needs to help us and make several reminders of actions throughout the broadcast. Now im sure the MFC are aware of things like this with the christmas carol but i do believe it needs to occur more and bids going or a couple of weeks. Trivia nights, fun sports events etc etc

6. Have supporter put the MFC in their will. I dont know if this is possible but im overseas at the moment. the time that i return i will be investigating this and adding the club if it is.

7. Attempt to sell more advertising space.

8. The MFC could set up a magaseen which is made up of pronominatly players information written by the players throughout the year on stuff on field and off. I for one love reading what players write themselves and the club could write it up once a month for x dollars per supporter. Calanders could also be sold at the start of the year with pictures and quotes from mfc persons.

9. What about melbourne designing a really funky hat or t-shirt thats bold. It could be sold for a cheap amount and supporters would be encoraged to buy it so that theres a unity, a bold standing, a message. Imagain behind the goals being filled with one item of clothing thats identical. Some would say we already have a gernsey but these are expensive and not everyone can afford them.

What im trying to get at is that membership isnt the only solution. $ can come in all forms. Every dollar counts and yes the more the better but not everyone can afford to but a membership net alone 2. $5 here and $20 there doesent sound like much but its $5 or $20 closer than we would be if we didnt do anything. It also sends a clear message to everyone else. We are melbourne. We wont sit still and do nothing while the club burns. Media gets attached to this too. Channel 7 would have bought the fottage of the chrissy carol. Thats 1 of many innitatives we should be doing. And i appreciate that not all the above would work. The club also needs to concintrate on winning and cant always be supporter focused however players these days have a lot of spare time on there hands and this time of year is the best time to do things like this. BBQ's wont work during the season. lets do it now. a BBQ and trivia night with actioning would raise in my opinion possibly $8000. Sheez thats 50 memberships more.

lets keep this great club alive or we wont get to see the exciting future unravel. It wont take long if we work toghether

Edited by Rogue
No need to quote huge slabs
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A romantic night at home with your friend admiring the new membership card could be beneficial.

No could about it, she/he wants romance, this sort of thing makes Roses and Chocolate and Roaring Fires seem very ordinary. And the evening will probably end with nudity and the potential of producing another Demon!

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It is important to Email the MFC any idea and suggestions that you may have. It is all well and good to put up your ideas here on Demonland but they need to go DIRECTLY to the Club so they can actually have a look at what you have to say. I have provided the link below for you guys.

Ideas and suggestions - [email protected]

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It is important to Email the MFC any idea and suggestions that you may have. It is all well and good to put up your ideas here on Demonland but they need to go DIRECTLY to the Club so they can actually have a look at what you have to say. I have provided the link below for you guys.

Ideas and suggestions - [email protected]

yeh. i graduated with a sport management degree majoring in marketing so you'd hope that i'd be able to think up some ideas. emphasis on 'hope' :P

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Come on every demon get off your arse and secure at least one more membership for the club we love.

Redleg, what do you do for a living?

Do you realise that the majority of the world are currently in a recession or close to it? Industries like car manufacturing, finance, housing etc are on the brink of collapse, many people are either losing their jobs or there is a bloody strong chance of it happening. Companies are pulling back from all types of sponsorships and they're slashing costs all all levels of their businesses to brace themselves for what's coming.

With all of this on peoples minds how do you expect a family of four who have just scrapped enough togethor to pay for their own family membership suddenly pull an extra $1,000 out of their arses to afford an extra four memberships?

Sure, it's a decent idea but you sound like an overpaid lawyer who has no idea of the real world, the average aussie is doing it bloody tough right now.

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Redleg I feel and share your passion but Jarka has a point. I understand your view but the last line in your post is probably unnecessary.

Your ideas are great for those who have the means. Not everyone does and many people are not at a stage in life where there is a lot of spare money lying around ie students, young families, pensioners etc. I purchased my first membership this year. In previous years it would have been out of the question.

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Redleg, what do you do for a living?

Do you realise that the majority of the world are currently in a recession or close to it? Industries like car manufacturing, finance, housing etc are on the brink of collapse, many people are either losing their jobs or there is a bloody strong chance of it happening. Companies are pulling back from all types of sponsorships and they're slashing costs all all levels of their businesses to brace themselves for what's coming.

With all of this on peoples minds how do you expect a family of four who have just scrapped enough togethor to pay for their own family membership suddenly pull an extra $1,000 out of their arses to afford an extra four memberships?

Sure, it's a decent idea but you sound like an overpaid lawyer who has no idea of the real world, the average aussie is doing it bloody tough right now.

First I was trying to come up with some ideas to help the club.

Yes I do realize that many people are doing it tough, I live in the same world as you. Lay off the condescending attitude, you are not the only one who knows what is going on.

I didn't say that a family of four, who by the way would have a family ticket which is $355 and is for 2 adults and up to 4 kids, had to buy four more tickets. I suggested ways of getting others to buy them.

Feel free to ignore everything I said, I was only trying to help.

We can of course just say the world is shithouse now and do nothing.

Redleg I feel and share your passion but Jarka has a point. I understand your view but the last line in your post is probably unnecessary.

Your ideas are great for those who have the means. Not everyone does and many people are not at a stage in life where there is a lot of spare money lying around ie students, young families, pensioners etc. I purchased my first membership this year. In previous years it would have been out of the question.

Well done on getting your first membership.

As for my last line, I wasn't trying to offend but rather inspire. As I said in my previous response to Jarka I wasn't saying that we all had to spend more but rather find ways of getting others to. I know its bloody difficult in these times but we still have to try and help in whatever way we can. It doesn't always have to be money. Support at games is great as well. You know what I mean, I don't want to sound as if I am preaching I was only trying to come up with some ideas to generate membership numbers.

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My spy tells me that some players will be at a sausage sizzle on Aust day at Cranbourne Lombards store.

More community involvement at grass roots level.

Also you might see a new Demon mascot.

For people who are doing it tough remember you can give $10 a month direct debit, I have said it before and I

will say it again _ many people, small amounts, often equals big ONGOING monies.

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I dont think for a minute Redleg is suggesting that those doing it tough should go beyond their means for the cause and im pretty sure the 'average Aussie' hasnt asked you to be their mouth piece.

Everyones individual situation is different and whilst the economy has recently slowed (in some areas dramatically) many have prospered greatly over the last few years and are experiencing some of the highest living standards in the world.

Dandeeman for example has been in a position to buy first membership THIS YEAR. This is despite your doomsday paradigm.

Clearly, not everyone can do all of those things Redleg has suggested, many probably cant do any, all I think Redleg is saying is for those that have the means to help to do so, nothing more.

If times are as tough as you are suggesting then the club will need its supporters now more than ever and I know that when times are tough for me personally, nothing lifts my spirits more than a stirring demons victory. Perhaps our need for eachother will be at its greatest.

Keep up the passion Redleg!!!

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First I was trying to come up with some ideas to help the club.

I acknowledged this by stating it was a decent idea, or did you miss that part?

Yes I do realize that many people are doing it tough, I live in the same world as you. Lay off the condescending attitude, you are not the only one who knows what is going on.

So, what do you do for a living? Something tells me you're going to continue to avoid that particular question.

I didn't say that a family of four, who by the way would have a family ticket which is $355 and is for 2 adults and up to 4 kids, had to buy four more tickets. I suggested ways of getting others to buy them.

Your whole post is about existing members 'signing up' other people, it's exactly what your post is referring to.

Feel free to ignore everything I said, I was only trying to help.

Now you're playing the victim. If you honestly think that your suggestions shouldn't be questioned then an internet forum is not for you.

We can of course just say the world is shithouse now and do nothing.

Where did I suggest that we do nothing? Once again playing the victim does not win arguments.

Increasing our income via encouraging the existing members to buy extra memberships like this does not build a sustainable future. Sure it may be a one off success but would you expect/demand everyone to do the same the following year, and the year after that? Where would it end? We need to grow the membership base, not get more money out of the existing.

What we're doing at Casey is far more valuable to our long term sustainability than a membership drive like this one could ever be.

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I am led to believe that it is a refurbirishment not a new design, but I could be wrong.[ has been known]

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Heres another idea, I'm not sure it is possible but....

Have a 1st year 3 game membership specifically designed to be sold as christmas/birthday presents.

But theres a catch..... the 5 games are the games that we struggle for crowds. Don't just give them general admission but allocate a bay somewhere (left or right of the cheer squad would be a good start so there's a bit of atmospher. Then agressively market these members to see if they want to upgrade etc. I'd Spend $50 on a couple of these every year in an effort to get new members each year. Make sure that these games have a kick on the ground after the game as well!

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Heres another idea, I'm not sure it is possible but....

Have a 1st year 3 game membership specifically designed to be sold as christmas/birthday presents.

But theres a catch..... the 5 games are the games that we struggle for crowds. Don't just give them general admission but allocate a bay somewhere (left or right of the cheer squad would be a good start so there's a bit of atmospher. Then agressively market these members to see if they want to upgrade etc. I'd Spend $50 on a couple of these every year in an effort to get new members each year. Make sure that these games have a kick on the ground after the game as well!

Very good idea! I like your thinking. Need to be available outside both xmas and birthdays aswell. Maybe you can call it an introductory or supporters membership.

I would purchase a couple of those each year aswell.

Now just need to get the club to take action on your idea.

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I acknowledged this by stating it was a decent idea, or did you miss that part?

"You did say that".

So, what do you do for a living? Something tells me you're going to continue to avoid that particular question.

"Its been stated on Demonland by others a few times that I am a lawyer."

Your whole post is about existing members 'signing up' other people, it's exactly what your post is referring to.

"That means getting others to join not the same people spending more money."

Now you're playing the victim. If you honestly think that your suggestions shouldn't be questioned then an internet forum is not for you.

"Happy to be questioned and criticized."

Where did I suggest that we do nothing? Once again playing the victim does not win arguments.


Increasing our income via encouraging the existing members to buy extra memberships like this does not build a sustainable future. Sure it may be a one off success but would you expect/demand everyone to do the same the following year, and the year after that? Where would it end? We need to grow the membership base, not get more money out of the existing.

"See earlier answer about getting others to join and if they were happy then hopefully would rejoin and chase others."

What we're doing at Casey is far more valuable to our long term sustainability than a membership drive like this one could ever be.

"Agree on importance of Casey, see my earlier thread " Casey the Next Big Thing".

Sorry about the format I don't know how to break up the answers. Maybe a mod will fix it up.

Edited by Rogue
Hope that helps.
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"Redleg, what do you do for a living? - I don't think who or what people do have anything to do with any argument here. We are all apart of the MFC in one way or another so this is one of the most rediculas things I have ever seen posted!

Fact - Currently the club needs money, and will right now take it any way it can get it! End of story, so those who can afford to buy a second membership for yourself well done for doing so (maybe have a look at the heartland project to get kids to the game as well)

What we need to do is build a larger membership base, so those who can sign up melbourne supporters with their 2nd member ships - even better.

I've done my bit - Have you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just so happy I no longer go for the supporters whose only comments relating to the club are not "we'll lose on the weekend" or "yeah, it's pretty crap how bad our membership is."

There is a sense of pride returning to our club, and I for one couldn't be prouder that it is happening when we are at our lowest ebb on field.

This is becomming infectious and in the years to come could be the most crucial part of our membership figures.

People now desperately WANT to become part of the club, even those involved feel like they're being listened to more intently by the club. It will probably take a while for this feeling to seep through into the wider community, but it will happen.

Having just been in Munich, where they had an ice skating ring set up in the middle of the city perhaps the club could work with NOVA and the Melbourne city council and arrange to have a small ice skating ring put up in Fed square during the week of QB? Great for the kids, and just great fun in general. Could make for a good starting point for the game

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Having just been in Munich, where they had an ice skating ring set up in the middle of the city perhaps the club could work with NOVA and the Melbourne city council and arrange to have a small ice skating ring put up in Fed square during the week of QB? Great for the kids, and just great fun in general. Could make for a good starting point for the game

Personally, I am so sick of hearing the 'snow loving, range roving, tweed jacket' sterotype that melbourne supports are lumped with. i for one hate the snow. I can only assume this image would be perpetuated if this idea got off the ground. I'm sorry but i couldn't think of anything worse!

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"Redleg, what do you do for a living? - I don't think who or what people do have anything to do with any argument here. We are all apart of the MFC in one way or another so this is one of the most rediculas things I have ever seen posted!

Wrong, some people are in a position to be able to help the club alot more than others, and I can guarantee you that someone on a lawyer's salary is much more able to help than a factory hand with a family who's just been retrenched from a car manufacturing company.

But hey, don't let reality can get in the way of a good ol' circle jerk.

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