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Sachin Tendulkar, Brian Lara?

I meant Australia but forgot to include it when I mentioned with Clarke.

No argument with Sachin and the Prince. Outstanding from 18 and 20 years old when they debuted at Test level. In my mind arguable two of the best batsman produced since Bradman. Sachin for technique, Lara for the flow. When on song I cant think of a better batsman that I have seen than Lara in full throttle. It would be demoralising for a bowler.

Remarkably neither were successful or capable team captains during their careers.

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You think with his latest brain explosion on radio (what the hell was he on when he did this interview - definitely under the influence of something) that it's career over for Roy. I won't be sorry to see him go - 18 months ago maybe, now he's a liability in terms of his batting (doesn't value his wicket) and a walking headline off it.

I still think the best option for South Africa is to bat Haddin at six and Johnson at 7 in the tests. Hauritz if he plays is a more than capable no 8. that still leaves space for three other bowlers. McDonald may tour, but his batting is suspect and Watson is unlikely to play a regular part in the future such is the nature of his fragile body.

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However, is JP Duminy the find of the summer? At 24yo (still very young by modern cricket standards) his performance with the bat and in the field have been astonishing in their maturity and poise. I am scratching the think of a better debut under tough competitive conditions from a player under 25? Michael Clark in India in 2005(?)???

I would think that Duminy's start would rival most, though I have little to no recollection of Lara or Tendulkar when they started out. Everything Duminy does seems to be done perfectly, whether it be batting, fielding, or even bowling. He could really become an absolute star.

You think with his latest brain explosion on radio (what the hell was he on when he did this interview - definitely under the influence of something) that it's career over for Roy. I won't be sorry to see him go - 18 months ago maybe, now he's a liability in terms of his batting (doesn't value his wicket) and a walking headline off it.

I still think the best option for South Africa is to bat Haddin at six and Johnson at 7 in the tests. Hauritz if he plays is a more than capable no 8. that still leaves space for three other bowlers. McDonald may tour, but his batting is suspect and Watson is unlikely to play a regular part in the future such is the nature of his fragile body.

I never want to see Symonds selected for Australia's Test team again. He's not good enough. He would be taking up a spot that could be given to McDonald or even David Hussey. I think Johnson, Siddle, Hilfenhaus/Bollinger and Hauritz/Krejza/another spin bowler should be the bowling line up, with Haddin at 7 and either David Hussey or McDonald at 6. McDonald would strengthen the bowling (I rate his bowling quite highly) whereas Hussey strengthens the batting. Katich to open with Jaques if he does enough when he returns. Otherwise Hughes.

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You think with his latest brain explosion on radio (what the hell was he on when he did this interview - definitely under the influence of something) that it's career over for Roy. I won't be sorry to see him go - 18 months ago maybe, now he's a liability in terms of his batting (doesn't value his wicket) and a walking headline off it.

I still think the best option for South Africa is to bat Haddin at six and Johnson at 7 in the tests. Hauritz if he plays is a more than capable no 8. that still leaves space for three other bowlers. McDonald may tour, but his batting is suspect and Watson is unlikely to play a regular part in the future such is the nature of his fragile body.

Completely agree about Roy. Not so much as brain explosion, more the fizz from a half flat can of Solo. I now understand in the ad why the guy in the disused industrial site traded Roy in a towel for an eski full of sugar drinks. Good thinking.

I think any hope of redemption for the Ashes one day would seem way off. Its ridiculous given that Australia is crying out for a Number six that can take a game by the scruff of the neck, but Symonds seems to be necking something else.

I would think that Duminy's start would rival most, though I have little to no recollection of Lara or Tendulkar when they started out. Everything Duminy does seems to be done perfectly, whether it be batting, fielding, or even bowling. He could really become an absolute star.

Its no slur on Duminy to suggest that his start is inferior to Lara and Tendulkar. His first Test was better than Bradman's!!!!

I never want to see Symonds selected for Australia's Test team again. He's not good enough. He would be taking up a spot that could be given to McDonald or even David Hussey.

Jury is still out on Hussey and McDonald IMO. Yeah I know they are Victorian players!!!

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Jury is still out on Hussey and McDonald IMO. Yeah I know they are Victorian players!!!

Of course the jury's still out on them at Test level. For mine, it would be unfair not to take McDonald to South Africa given that he did his (bowling) job well in Sydney. As for Hussey, well, I guess he's past his prime now. He's certainly not doing anything in the current ODI series to warrant selection.

I'm also a bit sick of Ponting continually standing by Symonds. I think now it's time for Ponting to take a harder stance, and allow it to be expressed in the media. Maybe that would have more of an effect on Symonds. With Punter continually saying he wants Symonds back, then there's less motivation for Symonds to fix himself.

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I'm also a bit sick of Ponting continually standing by Symonds. I think now it's time for Ponting to take a harder stance, and allow it to be expressed in the media. Maybe that would have more of an effect on Symonds. With Punter continually saying he wants Symonds back, then there's less motivation for Symonds to fix himself.

What do you think the media do if Ponting gave Symonds a public broadside and said he did not support certain players in or pushing for a Test? It would media salad days and Ponting would be hung for being ungratious, unprofessional and divisive. Ponting would be finished and Australian Cricket would be deeply embarrassed and shamed.

Despite the whims of sports followers, the media is not the place to deal with this issue. In fact its the last place it should be. The last time I saw something handled through the media was the fallout after Australia lost to NZ in the RL World Cup. And didn't RL come up smelling roses after that! :rolleyes: It was a PR disaster which showed much of the sport in its true colours.

At the moment I suspect there is more going wrong in Symonds life than just his front foot position when batting. There is a real risk that Symonds with his career shot becomes more of a media bunny than he has been thus far. Admonishing Symonds in public is the last thing he needs. Roy is still smarting from a perceived lack of support from above over the Harbarjan monkey incident in Australia. He needs to grow up. We all agree on that. But public condemnation would be judt dumb on a number of fronts

If Ponting is going to speak with him privately and offer some helpful words of advice then its a feather in Punter's and Australian cricket cap for showing maturity and some compassion.

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I would think that Duminy's start would rival most, though I have little to no recollection of Lara or Tendulkar when they started out. Everything Duminy does seems to be done perfectly, whether it be batting, fielding, or even bowling. He could really become an absolute star.

I think he already is a star. A freak in the field too. Commentators on 774, NINE spoke in just as much awe as when Lara and Tendulkar were first on these shores and were strutting their stuff in the middle. It's no secret that the test wins of Sth Africa were no thanks to Duminy's patience, skill and occupying the crease in the middle at critical stages of the test matches. In addition the 20/20 matches for some consolation - regardless of the outcome of those matches which could have resulted in absolute disasters for the Sth Africans and the fans who paid their hard earned money to see some entertainment. They were not disappointed.

I never want to see Symonds selected for Australia's Test team again. He's not good enough. He would be taking up a spot that could be given to McDonald or even David Hussey. I think Johnson, Siddle, Hilfenhaus/Bollinger and Hauritz/Krejza/another spin bowler should be the bowling line up, with Haddin at 7 and either David Hussey or McDonald at 6. McDonald would strengthen the bowling (I rate his bowling quite highly) whereas Hussey strengthens the batting. Katich to open with Jaques if he does enough when he returns. Otherwise Hughes.

I said after the fishing episode that Symonds was on the brink and well and truly out of form. That he should not have been picked so early as murmurs came out of the Bulls camp with respect to his attitude and off-field shenanigans. I agree Titan. I think its time for CA to cut ties with Symonds, especially the Test team.

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Ronnie bags six for, and the Vics still in with a show to get another 4 points and really stretch the gap. - Mc Donald Should be included soon in the one day squad - though I'm not sure why he wasn't to start with. With the wheels really falling off the cart for us, I think it's a chance to go back to the drawing board and start afresh.

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Ronnie bags six for, and the Vics still in with a show to get another 4 points and really stretch the gap. - Mc Donald Should be included soon in the one day squad - though I'm not sure why he wasn't to start with. With the wheels really falling off the cart for us, I think it's a chance to go back to the drawing board and start afresh.

The issue is who goes to make room. It would have to be one of the 2 husseys in the middle order and ATM they both would be ahead of Mcdonald. Maybe DH could be the unluckey one. The issue is at the top of the order. Warner if left to the sharks could well become a one or two hit wonder. I think he needs to go back to state level and refine his craft a little further. I'm not convinced with marsh opening either. Maybe premote MH to open and bring in Ronnie that would work.

I have to say yesterday I witnessed one of the best bowling performances I have seen in a while (From NZ). The pressure they put us under was incredable, resulting in 2 unfortunate run outs.

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Ronnie bags six for, and the Vics still in with a show to get another 4 points and really stretch the gap. - Mc Donald Should be included soon in the one day squad - though I'm not sure why he wasn't to start with. With the wheels really falling off the cart for us, I think it's a chance to go back to the drawing board and start afresh.


The issue is who goes to make room. It would have to be one of the 2 husseys in the middle order and ATM they both would be ahead of Mcdonald. Maybe DH could be the unluckey one. The issue is at the top of the order. Warner if left to the sharks could well become a one or two hit wonder. I think he needs to go back to state level and refine his craft a little further. I'm not convinced with marsh opening either. Maybe premote MH to open and bring in Ronnie that would work.

The issue is from No1 to No6 in the batting order.

Even when we have a start, the inability of the middle order to drive home the advantage is stark. There is a couple of players in the squad playing on reputation and not form.

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The issue is from No1 to No6 in the batting order.

Even when we have a start, the inability of the middle order to drive home the advantage is stark. There is a couple of players in the squad playing on reputation and not form.

Absolutely. I'd also suggest that our bowling is suspect. Apart from Bracken we have no-one we can rely on to keep it tight. Clark is actually a better bowling option than any regular spinner which is a huge worry. I'm bitterly disappointed with Ponting's captaincy. He's been shown up to be a fair weather skipper. He's devoid of any real ideas when the momentum needs to be turned. Bowling blokes like Tait and Johnson in batting power plays is just dumb. The pace works in favour of the batsmen who don't have to do anything except put their bat in the way to clear the infield. The selections are also baffling. The whole process seems so formulaic. Why has it taken so long for Ben Hilfenhaus to play, why isn't Katich (whose bowling adds more flexibility) playing while he's firing? You can afford to stick thick with blokes when you're winning, but this aint working.

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The issue is from No1 to No6 in the batting order.

Even when we have a start, the inability of the middle order to drive home the advantage is stark. There is a couple of players in the squad playing on reputation and not form.

Agreed. First step is to drop Warner. Incredibly selected based on one Twenty 20 innings. Has 1 decent score from 5 matches. The experiment has been tried and has failed. But I think Marsh is injured, which probably means Warner will be spared.

Absolutely. I'd also suggest that our bowling is suspect. Apart from Bracken we have no-one we can rely on to keep it tight. Clark is actually a better bowling option than any regular spinner which is a huge worry. I'm bitterly disappointed with Ponting's captaincy. He's been shown up to be a fair weather skipper. He's devoid of any real ideas when the momentum needs to be turned. Bowling blokes like Tait and Johnson in batting power plays is just dumb. The pace works in favour of the batsmen who don't have to do anything except put their bat in the way to clear the infield. The selections are also baffling. The whole process seems so formulaic. Why has it taken so long for Ben Hilfenhaus to play, why isn't Katich (whose bowling adds more flexibility) playing while he's firing? You can afford to stick thick with blokes when you're winning, but this aint working.

I agree. Tait and Johnson shouldn't be in the same team together, and especially shouldn't be bowling together in a powerplay. But the batting is a bigger concern IMO. 6 ODIs this summer, highest score of 269. We've been batting first almost every innings and the simple reason why we're losing is that we're not setting high enough totals. Those first few matches we had some great starts which we didn't capitalise on. David Hussey might be the first casualty. Isn't firing when we need him to. And yes, I'd be playing Katich too. He can open, or he can come in at 5 or 6. And his bowling is just as good, if not better, than Clarke or DJ.

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Geeves stranded on 99, very unlucky.

Katich bowled 4 overs in the first innings, though I don't know the circumstances or how it felt...

Postscript, Katich bowled a further 6 today for 11 runs

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Have Australia shelved that Spirit of Cricket that they seem to preach all the time?

It is embarrassing. Telling opposition to trust them with catches but never trusting the opposition when they claim it. Clarke spanking the ball to the slips and standing his ground. Haddin taking a wicket (from behind).

I don't mind Australia playing hard and tough and pushing the boundaries but it drives me bonkers when they preach about the spirit of Cricket. Don't act holier-than-thou.

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Have Australia shelved that Spirit of Cricket that they seem to preach all the time?

It is embarrassing. Telling opposition to trust them with catches but never trusting the opposition when they claim it. Clarke spanking the ball to the slips and standing his ground. Haddin taking a wicket (from behind).

I don't mind Australia playing hard and tough and pushing the boundaries but it drives me bonkers when they preach about the spirit of Cricket. Don't act holier-than-thou.

Or is it the spirit when we are floggin everybody but when it gets hard we will do anything to try and get a win?

Who does the buck stop with here: Captain? Coach? Selectors? Players? I suspect one or both of the 1st 2.

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Geeves stranded on 99, very unlucky.

Second time he's been stranded on 99 not out this season! That number 11 of theirs...

In regards to the Haddin incident, the ball was a no ball because Haddin's gloves were clearly in front of the stumps. Whether or not the ball hit the bail shouldn't matter because it should have been called a no ball. I wasn't watching, but I wonder why the umpires didn't refer it to the third umpire, and if they did, why he didn't recognise the no ball.

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About time CA moved on Symonds.


Dean Jones has a better chance of selection now. While people respect the X factor Roy can bring with bat ball and in the field, he is long long way off that now. Its a pity because with the collapse of Lee, Hussey and Hayden, the backbone of last years team, we really needed Roy to step up. He didn't

Roy has burnt too many bridges now. That said I hope he gets his act together off the field. Its not surprising he is in rehabilation.

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Allan Border Medal results: -

One Day Cricket winner: N.Bracken

Test Cricketer: M.Clarke

AB Medal: A tie, RickyPonting / Michael Clarke.

Think I saw when the results went up: Ponting and Clarke on 41 votes , M.Hussey on 38.

Hussey only racked up 3 votes in the Test category, whereas Ponting & Clarke racked up something like 19 and 20 respectively. Clearly Hussey let himself down with his poor form over Summer in the Test Series, as it cost him the AB Medal in my opinion.

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