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Don't throw the baby out with the bath water, Jim.


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Like most members , I'm a JImmy Stynes fan and I'm delighted that he's prepared to put his hand up to carry the club forward.

But change is one thing - business savvy is something else.

Why is JImmy so determined to remove every member of the existing board who has actually been in the role long enough to understand the pitfalls? Leoncell and Spargo have been directors for less than a year - and Hayes hasn't been there much longer.

John Phillips wants to stay on. He was the bloke who sat in as CEO at the end of the Szondy/Ellis rein and confronted the crisis represented by unpaid tax bills. It wasd his plan that persuaded the AFL to fund our operations over the last 3 years. I have a mate at the AFL who tells me Demetriou was disappointed that Phillips did not become full-time CEO.

Phillips was elected by the members until October 2009. According to the press he made the initial contact with Casey Fields. Surely we need his knowledge. I've heard it said that he's a good down to earth bloke. Clearly he is passionate about the MFC.

It is not easy to manage an AFL club. Many well intentioned people have failed. We have a rookie coach and a rookie CEO. WE are about to get a rookie Chairman who wants to bring in rookie directors.

He should welcome Phillips with open arms. Phillips may have made mistakes - but his knowledge might prevent the new Board from making the same ones!!

Come on JIm - you are going to need a lot of experienced help. Put Phillips on your ticket


i read today that jim intended on running with a ticket of 8, compared the the existing board of 11. that could leave room for a few directors to stay on for 12 months to help with the transition...


you make a compelling argument...however, i dont think jim stynes is an idiot...i dont know about you, but the majority of us dont actually know what people are like at board level...jim stynes doesnt want to have a huge board and there are a couple of people that he wants to bring in and a couple of people that he wants to stay

i cant comment on phillips because i know nothing about him but i think that jim basically wants the broom to keep sweeping and for us to have a fresh start.

there are some heavy businessmans names that i have heard floating around of late that might be joining the board...most of watch you have all already read about


He has never said he is getting rid of the board.

I actually heard at the game that he is planning on keeping Leoncelli on the board. Ticket of 8 doesn't mean 8 new people might mean 5, and keeping 8.

He has never said he is getting rid of the board.

I actually heard at the game that he is planning on keeping Leoncelli on the board. Ticket of 8 doesn't mean 8 new people might mean 5, and keeping 8.

It's been reported that he'd keep ~3 and bring in 8, but wanted to reduce the total numbers on the Board to 8 eventually.

It's been reported that he'd keep ~3 and bring in 8, but wanted to reduce the total numbers on the Board to 8 eventually.

lol.. I love that bit.. it makes no sense. So whos going then ..in the end.. is he only adding to his numbers initally so as to get his motions passed ?? of course he is. Smacks of cronyism doesnt it.

you make a compelling argument...however, i dont think jim stynes is an idiot...i dont know about you, but the majority of us dont actually know what people are like at board level...jim stynes doesnt want to have a huge board and there are a couple of people that he wants to bring in and a couple of people that he wants to stay

i cant comment on phillips because i know nothing about him but i think that jim basically wants the broom to keep sweeping and for us to have a fresh start.

there are some heavy businessmans names that i have heard floating around of late that might be joining the board...most of watch you have all already read about

Both the Sun and the Age indicated that JIm wants all directors to resign this week except Leoncelli, Spargo and Hayes ( who are only recent appointees)

I don't think JIm is an idiot - but any bloke you who could dig us out of the mess Szondy and Ellis left behind , like Phillips did - is no fool either. Gardner's Board was stymied by govt delays on the rectangular stadium and by on-field problems they tried to correct. Led by Phillips the Casey initiative appears promising. They have generated some goodwill and cut the debt.

Jim liked to ruck all day , without help. He'll need help as Chairman


I hope everything can be sorted out with a few phone calls or meetings between John Phillips and Jim Stynes.

I really don't know why the MFC board needs to be reduced to 8? Having 11 board members or even more shouldn't really matter as long as they can all contribute to the Club in an effective manner. They all have to be UNITED as well and want to achieve the same goals.

People like John Phillips and Jim Stynes all need to work together for the greater good of the MFC.

Let me ask you all this question.

Who would you prefer, John Phillips, or........Don Argus?

Shhhhh ;)

if thats the choice...why suppose we cant vote on it. ..Why need it be a choice...why not have both on board??

if thats the choice...why suppose we cant vote on it. ..Why need it be a choice...why not have both on board??

Thats right...why not BOTH?

The more good people involved with helping the MFC the better.

if thats the choice...why suppose we cant vote on it. ..Why need it be a choice...why not have both on board??

Its all about the new broom vs the old broom.

If this bloke is going to put up a fight, whos interest does he have at heart? His own ego, or the greater good of the Melbourne Football Club?

Its been extremely public that this is wanted to be a bloodless changeover, and Paul has taken the first step in making it so.

We dont need his offsider causing an EGM which will be costly to the club.

If he is that good, wouldnt he get the backing of existing board to take over from PG? Instead of the rest of the board backing away for Jimmy, except the 3 mentioned, why wouldnt they say no, we are backing big Johnny P?

Its all about the new broom vs the old broom.

If this bloke is going to put up a fight, whos interest does he have at heart? His own ego, or the greater good of the Melbourne Football Club?

Its been extremely public that this is wanted to be a bloodless changeover, and Paul has taken the first step in making it so.

We dont need his offsider causing an EGM which will be costly to the club.

If he is that good, wouldnt he get the backing of existing board to take over from PG? Instead of the rest of the board backing away for Jimmy, except the 3 mentioned, why wouldnt they say no, we are backing big Johnny P?

I completely agree about the need to avoid bloodshed and an EGM.

What is Jimmy articulating as being the "greater good of the Melbourne Football Club"?

And given that you are in habit of name dropping Don Argus, I am truly excited that he is coming onto the Board. However, in what capacity is he planning to do so and why is John Phillips mutually exclusive to his appointment? Given Argus has said he is too busy to be Chairman, how much time can he actually commit to being a director of MFC?


Phillips isnt putting up a fight..he's just asking the questions everyone else has abdicated !! Thats dilligence ffs


John Phillips is a member of the Board that is reporting a $1 million loss plus this year, so how can one support them to run our club.

And most of the current Board members were co-opted on to the board, without being elected by the members.

We need to wait and see who is on Jim's ticket, but I am sure that they with business experience and passionate for the Demons.

At the Red and blue breakfast/walk to the MCG yesterday how many of the current Board memebrs joined in.

Why is Mr Gardner getting off the board mid season, and serving out is full term till the AGM.

It is time for a change, with new passionate and business experience members for the board.

Jim thank you for putting your hand up to help our beloved demons

John Phillips is a member of the Board that is reporting a $1 million loss plus this year, so how can one support them to run our club.

And most of the current Board members were co-opted on to the board, without being elected by the members.

We need to wait and see who is on Jim's ticket, but I am sure that they with business experience and passionate for the Demons.

At the Red and blue breakfast/walk to the MCG yesterday how many of the current Board memebrs joined in.

Why is Mr Gardner getting off the board mid season, and serving out is full term till the AGM.

It is time for a change, with new passionate and business experience members for the board.

Jim thank you for putting your hand up to help our beloved demons


John Phillips isn't trying to run the club. He's just offering his knowledge to assist the new Board.

If bit wasn't for the wotrk he did when we couldn't pay our tax bill , Jim would be staring at at a more serious financial position than he is. JIm has not yet nominated people with proven business experience and football management knowledge.

Phillips has gone before the members at election twice - and has been comfortably voted on twice. Why should he stand down?


You may as well count all of the former players years as actual players. You'll discover that their time at the club probably surpasses the people who are currently on the board.

John Phillips is a member of the Board that is reporting a $1 million loss plus this year, so how can one support them to run our club.

Is the loss a result of specific decisions they have made or is more consequential of systemic issues that are not readily within the control of the Board?

And most of the current Board members were co-opted on to the board, without being elected by the members.

Rubbish, all Board appointed directors must retire and stand for election at the next AGM. This was done in accoradance with the Constitution

We need to wait and see who is on Jim's ticket, but I am sure that they with business experience and passionate for the Demons.

If you are so sure, how is that since you dont know who they are and what there commitment is?

At the Red and blue breakfast/walk to the MCG yesterday how many of the current Board memebrs joined in.

A more relevant question might have been were Board members otherwise involved in Club duties at that time.

Why is Mr Gardner getting off the board mid season, and serving out is full term till the AGM.

Gardner has stated that this was his last season. His departure mid season is to provide a smooth change over.

It is time for a change, with new passionate and business experience members for the board.

Jim thank you for putting your hand up to help our beloved demons

Thank you Jim. Now what your agenda and who is behind you?

Is the loss a result of specific decisions they have made or is more consequential of systemic issues that are not readily within the control of the Board?

Rubbish, all Board appointed directors must retire and stand for election at the next AGM. This was done in accoradance with the Constitution

If you are so sure, how is that since you dont know who they are and what there commitment is?

A more relevant question might have been were Board members otherwise involved in Club duties at that time.

Gardner has stated that this was his last season. His departure mid season is to provide a smooth change over.

Thank you Jim. Now what your agenda and who is behind you?

How does anyone know Stynes is the right man for the job? What does he stand for? What are his plans?

Not sure I am comfortable with a new board with ahen I have idea who they are or what they stand for

Phillips was elected by the members until October 2009. According to the press he made the initial contact with Casey Fields...


Come on JIm - you are going to need a lot of experienced help. Put Phillips on your ticket

I know for a fact that John Phillips was the first MFC Board member to have any discussions with Casey Council, and it was back in March.

If this bloke is going to put up a fight, whos interest does he have at heart? His own ego, or the greater good of the Melbourne Football Club?

You may as well count all of the former players years as actual players. You'll discover that their time at the club probably surpasses the people who are currently on the board.

Perfect examples of my two biggest concerns about the whole thing.

Deestroyers, just how exactly would the current baord be looking after the best interests of the club by resigning without even knowing what Jim has in mind. The only possible explanation for such an action would be because...

...just like Calabreseboy, they have blinded by the awesome contributions that Jim made on the field.

We should all be very grateful that 3 of the members (John Phillips, Anthony Starkins and Michael Coglin) that Jim plans to oust (on the basis of what exactly?) have the commitment and the business sense to, at a very minimum, find out what Jim has in mind before they abandon their responsibilites to the members that elected them.

I just hope that Jim really does plan to bring "a team of business people with considerable expertise" and not a bunch of (glory seeking?) ex-players with good intentions but not much ability off the field. At least Jim himself has had some good experience running his Reach Foundation charity - surely a lot more encouraging than his brownlow medal is in this case. I don't doubt Jim's sincerity when he says that he hopes to help Melbourne "reclaim its place as a powerful and successful club once again", but that doesn't differentiate him from any other Melbounre supporter who has donated their time and expertise to adopt a Board position - we've had nothing but hot air so far. It would be good to know exactly what he plans to do differently and why he never made any of these suggestions to the existing board who, by the way, have been doing all they can themselves to help the club "reclaim its place as a powerful and successful club once again." Hopefully we will find out on Thursday if he eventually deigns to tell the board (and the members?) what he plans to do after he kicks them to the curb.

Aside from the big financial improvments that the current board have presided over, it would be a great disservice for people to ignore the other work that the board has been doing of late including:

Appointing Bailey, Connolly and McNamee. All excellent appointments in my view and, in the light of this, it makes it pretty hard to portray the current board as "stagnant" or "overly conservative." How much more change do we need?

The Casey Relocation. Hopefully a sustainable, long-term solution to our membership woes.

The 150 legends fund-raiser/walk to the 'G etc. Which, despite copping bad press, turned out very well indeed (especially for Jim).

I am very happy with the direction that the club is going at the moment and it makes me sick to find out exactly how thankless a task it is to be a board member at Melbourne.

Easliy excitable members would do well to compare the efforts of the current board with its predecessors before making a mess in their pants, especially given that Jim hasn't revealed anything yet.

In particular, members should remember that it was another ex-player, (Ian Ridley) who led the push for a club merger with Hawthorn...


I must confes one aspects that raises an eyebrow is teh hasty requirement it seems that so many board members vacate. Some obviously would need to for others to assume that role. But why the unceromonial speed to rid the board of sages such as Phillips and Coglin.

Mr Stynes..if you want to facilitate a smooth transition then do it s bit like a fish tank. Only so much change in one hit...otherwise the club may go into a similar "shock". Sound business continuity isnt arrived at by wholesale swapping of its workers.

I dont get another aspect. there is space on the board to cater to enough of the " New team " as well as some 'stayers'. Its not like they are paid. There's no cost to this. So why the hury???

edit :

I have no problem with them going per se. I just dont see why the manic hurry to oust them. They have said they are likely to go under their own steam as events unfurl.

Only thing that springs to mind is numbers at voting. This then brings a question to mind...are many of the 'new visioary ideas' unlikley to egtthrough a vote under current balance. Do they need stacking ? This irks me. Possibly unfounded.. but Im a cynic !! lol


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